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10 Good
  1. Now letting a class be over powered is unfair to everyone playing, so if we did need this nerf I want to thank the game makers (on the off chance they read this) for not wait too long to do it, but I'm not sure we needed it. My main is an lvl 47 Opp and now that I'm so close to 50 I do feel like someone just pulled the rug out from under me. The thing that really hurts in all this change was the Backstab 12 sec timer. It’s not just a nerf for the BS attack but the top tier power in the Conceal line (Acid Blade) as well, as side affect nerf they did not fess up too. Thinking about it though, as it was Acid Blade could be running all but 3 sec's in a 9 sec cycle (if I'm remembering correctly) with BS alone. I would like to point out they did incressed the attack by 5%. Back when I was first picking my spec the Concealment line was really the only way I could see going. Now they look a lot more even handed. Also I don't really see the problem with why they did the whole 7.5 sec timer on Hidden Strike. Yes we could pop our stealth even in combat power to get 2 HS off, but that gives up a big power on a (probably 2 min) 3-2 min timer, that seems like a fair trade to me. I really am looking for honest feedback on this, was our blade DPS too high? Also I'm bugged by the power regeneration nerf they also didn’t fess up too, taking the power regeneration from +1.5 a sec to +1. Something else I was hoping to get some feedback on is I don't spec for Collateral Strike or Tactical Opportunity. 50% chance it goes’s off and only can fire once every 10 sec's and if and only if your target is DoTed can you get your tactical advantage back. This just does not seem like its worth 4 spec points to me.
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