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    Star Trek
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    Test Engineer
  1. It would be nice, maybe someone should make a post in the suggestion forums. PvP on lvl 10 non specialized toons is starting to seem like a great way to troll people.
  2. I've been wanting to do this for awhile now. Tried it last night on my fotm inquisitor. BRUTAL. I forgot that ranged classes don't really get "range" until they specialize. Specialization makes a world of difference. Having said that, sorry OP, but as soon as my toon hits lvl 10 I'm in the queue as I walk to fleet. Even if that means 1 game or 10...sorry =/ I didn't think 10-49 pvp was srs bsns.
  3. Leave ... ZING!! Leg shot someone after they "trinket" flashbang over the fire traps in Huttball is always fun. Also, you do your best if you can get ahead of the zerg/ball carrier and entrench/hunker down in their path. If nothing else, you should have enough tricks to take most healers out of a fight.
  4. It also seems Onyxia does her deep breath more in phase 2.
  5. I think there's a huge misalignment of expectations. Sorry for your loss. The pvp in this game is just as great/terrible as I thought it would be when I bought it. Impressed by some ideas, and discouraged by others. I still play though.
  6. I don't think there's much application/end-user/playability/class-mechanics testing done in the gaming industry. I think the primary concern is typically just functionality. Match starts, match ends, hey look the queue sort of worked, done.
  7. at least you got the queue to pop!
  8. No, but in lethality you can spec for a 30% speed increase for 4 seconds after using debilitate. Leg sweep isn't affected by resolve so you can use that to your hearts content. However, anything that you would want to leg sweep will probably just slow you, force-something you, then jump right back/pull you back unless you get back into cover asap...but then you're not escaping anymore.
  9. I don't think wowhead was released for awhile after wow had been out. There was a lot more information, just out there floating around that merely needed to be consolidated.
  10. I really liked the character and was rooting for him the whole time, even after I fought against him. When I first got on the ship and listened to the holo-recordings I thought, "he's alive, it's him!" I wanted to side with him until he gave his speech and I realized I think he just wants power and no so much a "better" empire.
  11. At lvl 33 he's really easy. I originally thought if I went around the back and fought him there that the problem wouldn't happen...not so much. It seems that you have to be in front of him in melee range to do damage, and so what I did was walk up to him until I could hit him, cover->cover pulse->leg shot to get him off the platform. As mentioned before, once he's off the platform, its normal. Granted again at lvl 33 it really didn't matter what I did...probably could have just rifle shot and let my companion kill him. Did anyone side with Jadas all the way through?
  12. I've been seeing this happen from time to time. I group for pvp so I've always thought it had something to do with the way it counted the groups, and I thought we were breaking it somehow. I'm really surprised this hasn't gotten as much attention. It ruins the game for both sides. Queues are bad enough as is on my server, and the last thing I need is for the other team (empire or rep) to quit because they are discouraged.
  13. Until we get damage meters, the jury is still out on PvE dps.
  14. Atleast he made a better post about it this time. Yes it sucks, and that's why there are timers on the games. What more do you suggest could be done?
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