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Everything posted by Nellyneil

  1. Ranks will bring renown to servers, I.E. right now on my server, Jung Ma, we think of The Fatman's PvPers as the pvp elite.
  2. This threat title was for what anybody thinks will end up happening to TOR. My idea differs from yours in that I think it will end up living a miserable and soulless existence as a shell of what it could have been, it will become f2p and put out terrible content, and yet still maintain some degree if income. A slap in the face to Star Wars and Bioware.
  3. As do I. But the thing is, to keep people on the path of the journey, the journey must be enjoyable, not a difficult walk through the sweltering desert sun. Also, there's only so long a journey can be, before it inevitably ends.
  4. I've still yet to get past level 36. :/
  5. What's missing in that article, ( i'm pretty sure ) is that most of the value that TOR contributed was simply due to hype. The massive amount of money expected for this game to make made the stock values rise, and so once the game made that first chunk of money, also it was the holiday season, it fell, since most MMOs make a good chunk of money at launch, and then the rest of the income comes from subscriptions, which in time becomes more than game purchases, but, again, that takes time and a steady or growing subscriber base, not declining, like TOR's. EA's stock value was destined to shrink at least a little bit from TOR, although not 40%.
  6. Kind of what lotro has, loads of deeds to complete that give you titles or slight permanent buffs to your character, not a bad idea at all. There's also a game titled 12 sky I believe that allows you to traverse the map all the way to the enemy faction's starter town and raid it. When this happens, all the higher levels have to gather together to fend it off. The problem with tor here is mainly the story. It's set in a cold war type of conflict, and attacks on cities wouldn't fit. :/ It's set up to be boring.
  7. I agree, but sadly the odds of any of this happening are slim to none. Unless somebody at EAware finally starts to have some business sense.
  8. I love how more dark and pessimistic this thread's getting. What's coming out in fall? 'sides GTA5, which'll be lackluster again.
  9. Hey, i've been looking for a replacement for TOR for a while now, just to be prepared. Nothing really strikes my fancy besides Total War mods and making my own game where I can sit around and please myself.
  10. What would you have them do to the planets to make them less themeparked? Points of interest, i suppose?
  11. I'm just afraid that F2P may be sooner than we think. To me, it's still a dirty word. It's especially scary having a major company renowned for its not-so-human-friendly ways.
  12. That's because it was bull. It's like a blowout sale, what they're offering you now is super duper awesome, so you have to buy it -now- or you'll be missing out. They said that there were only so many copies and so you have to order now or you don't get to play.
  13. That's why I assumed they didn't expect this many players, if with EA's massive treasury they threw so little or mismanaged so much money for this game.
  14. Well yes, once they started to get more attention, i agree with that. How they could have handled the numbers i can think of two ways, more servers, bigger server. They did the first option.
  15. lazy. T_T What I said was moar character customization, moar pvp, listen to the community. Just trying to help, more than what some of you are doing,.
  16. Just wait. I am learning game design, so give me a few years and i'll make a game just for you.
  17. Thanks for reading the post before posting. On another note, this is my opinion, as I stated, I nowhere said that I knew more than the people behind this game, I simply stated my opinions and how it could, in my eyes, be improved. I am but one person, but I do have a voice.
  18. This is a very serious thread I am writing now. It discusses the future of TOR, what, in my opinion, the good and the bad of the business side of direction for this game that we all ( or most ) of us love so much. I'd rather not have too much fluff, so i'll dive right into it. Subscribers: I don't think that EA or Bioware anticipated this much interest or business for this game, which was one of their first major mistakes. Star Wars is a massive IP, and as such deserves much respect. Now, let's say they expected 500,000 subscribers. Even with that many, at launch, if a game is properly executed, that number can easily double, simply through word of mouth after launch. So, 1,000,000 subscribers soon after launch is a lot of people, and a lot of desires. Game Management: At launch, there is usually very little content in the way of end-game in an MMO, which is fine if, again, there is foresight. In TOR, advancement is relatively easy, people, who I admit blasted through content, were at level 50 or quite close by the end of Early Game Access, which is, to be blunt, bad. EGA hurt the game, in my opinion, because it created imbalance right away. Good things come to those that wait, EA. I understand why, from a technical point of view EGA was implemented, but from a gaming point of view, it hurt. It hurt the customers, those that really matter. However, nothing can be done about that now. Another mistake in the way of Game Management was the massive restriction on playable races and character customization. People love to create things, they love to make their imagination come to life. I, myself am an altaholic usually, because I enjoy creating characters in most games. In another Star Wars game, Star Wars Galaxies, character customization was very in-depth, and increasingly so further into the game. This is something that can still be improved upon. Give more options in our characters, alongside predetermined body structures, so as to not destroy the work that has been done, but build upon it. Also in the character creation department, the characters themselves. Before launch, there was anticipation of playing as many different species, ranging from jawas to Bith, droids, even the sarlaac warrior! ( Yea, I know, april fools. ) . Instead, we got simple human reskins and simple differences, I.E the lekku on twileks, or the horns on zabrak. I understand the massive work that must be done for such different character models,the different heights and body shapes that would need work on jawas and bith, as well as the massive amount of work for customization on droids, but hey! These are important things that will only grow in importance the older the game gets. Now, PVP. PvP has a tendency to be underrated in MMOs. PvP is the perfect substitute when PvE runs out, alongside RP. In this game, PvP is in a sort of fetus-like state. It has a good foundation, but is nowhere near the glorious villa that is possible with a Star Wars IP. An obvious blank spot in pvp is open world pvp. There is no reward in it, aside from fun. What should be done is simply give incentive. I apologize for the following, but it is a good model. SWG had a good idea for open world pvp in that there were ways to advance ones character through it. There were ranks in the faction that one chose, as a member of the rebellion, killing an imperial in pvp, be it in a battleground or in open world, gave you immediate bonuses. The same should be present in TOR. Mercenary commendations and valor points should be acquired through open world pvp kills, scaling with the level and remaining hp of your character after the battle. Warzones, albeit lacking in quantity, are at a good position with quality now. For I feel that warzones should be little more than a taste of pvp for those that chose to not play on a pvp server. I purposely left out some more aspects of the game to give you, my fellow players, room to display your own opinions on the direction of the game. Please give me feedback on my opinions, respect on another, and enjoy!
  19. Learn to tank. Tanking is not about grabbing every single mob in sight, it's about protecting the people in your group. Your job is to make the pull, which is no more than the group of mobs hanging out together, and keep them attacking you, and you only. If a mob attacks somebody else, or even takes a step away from you, you pull his *** back and break him. If they told you to not pull so much, you obey them and make conservative pulls, where your goal is to be fighting as few mobs as possible. You have to listen to your group, and work with them.
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