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Posts posted by Muesliac

  1. Frohlocket ihr Massen der Community!


    Dieses neue Jahr wurde dank der großartigen Zusammenarbeit der Community damit eröffnet, dass Soa der Gräßliche in der Ewigen Kammer auf dem höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad vernichtet wurde!


    Die Community dankt Irae AoD!



    Und ich dachte, es geht hier um den Fall von Sopa, und du hättest nur das P vergessen. Hab' voller Vorfreude den Thread aufegmacht, und...

    Erste Enttäuschung des Jahres. Fängt ja gut an :-(.



    edit: Und ohne jemandem böses wünschen zu wollen: Ich kenn Soa nicht, ich kenn Irare nicht, und möchte bitte aus der Community exkludiert werden, die da dankt. Ich weiß ja nicht einmal, wofür. Oh, Erklärung braucht es ned, es interessiert mich auch nicht ;-).

  2. Ich war beim Leveln auf 50 eigentlich immer auf "gelb", sprich: Immer etwa auf dem selben Level wie die Quests. Ab und an mal etwas niedriger.


    Und ich finde den Anspruch genau richtig, zumindest in Klassenquests. Dass generische Quests meist etwas einfacher sind, liegt auf der Hand. Müssen ja von allen Klassen zu schaffen sein.

    Aber die Klassenquests waren jetzt echt so, dass ich mich mit meinem Char auseinandersetzen musste. Auf 50 kenne ich jede meiner Fähigkeiten genau, habe alle wichtigen (also: Fast alle) davon auf Hotkeys liegen. Meine Gefährten haben allesamt gepflegte Ausrüstung. Weil für mich die Klassenquests anders nicht schaffbar waren.

    Von daher: Ned zu schwer, ned zu leicht. Ich mag den Schwierigkeitsgrad.


    Vor allem, wenn man ihn mal mit anderen Produkten vergleicht, die nicht gerade 10 Jahre und älter sind. In den mir bekannten kann man locker von Anfang bis ende leveln, ohne irgendwie gefordert zu werden (bitte nicht schlagen, aber gerade WoW ist ja wohl der Gipfel der Anspruchslosigkeit geworden. Es reicht während des Levelns eigentlich immer, ein, zwei Primärskills zu nutzen, und man hat bis 85 keine Probleme).

  3. I really don't get why people want a lff/lfd tool in any MMO.


    I've had the best groups in MMOs when they had manual grouping. Be that WAR, LotRO, WoW or Lineage.

    Heck, I had restarted my WoW days in 2010 on a new server, and "thanks" to the LFD tool I didn't manage to get to know one single soul on my own freaking server. Sure, I got into dungeons just fine. But once in them, it was mostly a disappointing experience (read: The greater F'wad Theory, as coined by Gabe of PA). And thusly, I reached 85, not knowing a single soul let alone guild. I'm one of those people who join guilds for the people in them, not for the perks. So I was left at 85 alone in an MMO. I quit shortly thereafter.


    And now I'm playing TOR. If i want to group up, I ask in General chat. Two minutes later, I'm grouped.

    If I want to visit a FP, I travel to the Fleet, monitor the chat for a bit if someone is looking for someone who fits my profile. If nobody does, I ask around ("A sleep-deprived healer is looking for a group to travel to Athiss. I'll bring my own lightsaber and heal any bruise you might suffer while I swing it wildly. Any takers?"

    ... And one minute later, I'll be off, healing my comrades while we free Athiss from any lootable mobs. And we will be laughing and chatting, we'll develop strategies for bosses if we can't beat them, we'll be adding each other to friend lists, and having a blast.

    Perhaps it's just me. But this is a experience I have never had when using a LFD tool.

  4. Not True. I just bought one and it still dismounts if I take any damage.


    It is true. Try it more than once. Tbh, the resistance is more noticeable on a Level III mount.


    But you actually have to get a level II/level III mount to get both the speed increase and the shoot-off-resistance. If you're using "Speeder piloting III" with your CE mount, there is really no helping you.



    That said: I didn't have enough credits to safely buy Level II piloting until level 47 (there simply were many more and better things I wanted to buy and have a money buffer ready for), so I bought both skills at 50.

    The third skill, by the way, is 330,000 credits, iirc.

    And I managed to get both and still have money left over by then (otherwise I wouldn't have bought them). And that by only questing, not using the GTK, and even shelling out money for trade skill recipes (which do get rather expensive at later skill levels).


    And after reading that the OP did have the money, just cba, I honestly ask: What the hell, dude? Do you really have nothing betteer to do than waste time and server space with this sort of "not even a problem"? Any issues with not being satisfied with anything?

    /rant over

  5. Hallo, also weiß nicht. Eigentlich eine gute Idee, aber wenn ich ehrlich bin hatte ich bis jetzt nie wirklich Stress damit. Habe eine Gruppe gefunden und dann bin ich mit meinen Flottennotfallpass zur Flotte, und wenn dieser nicht verfügbar war dann bin ich halt zu meinen Schiff und mir ihn halt zur Flotte.

    Also ein wenig "Arbeit" finde ich nicht schlecht :)


    Geht mir ähnlich.

    Ansonsten töffel ich einfach zur Flotte, wenn ich in eine Instanz will. Dort angekommen preise ich meinen Wunsch an, und im Schnitt bin ich eine Minute später in der Instanz.


    Was, fragt ihr, keine "stundenlange Warterei"? Nö, irgendwie gar nicht. Es gehen bei uns sogar um vier Uhr Nachts noch viele Leute zum Beispiel nach Athiss. Gut, vielleicht hat es auch damit zu tun, dass ich gerade einen Heiler spiele, und auch immer schön nett anfrage/-preise.



    *schulterzuck* Ich mag das System, mir geht auch nichts ab. Nachdem es quasi in der Flotte Ports zu jeder Instanz gibt (soviel zum Thema "dem Obermotz sollte es das Shuttle schon wert sein..."), bin ich im Moment da rundum zufrieden.

  6. Can't tell if troll, or just....


    But seriously, you'll leave your starting planet with 1 companion. If you've actually done your class quest, you'll get another when you finish Coruscant.



    Depends on which class he plays. As said, if he's an IA, it is entirely possible that he's 36 and only has one companion. Oh, I'm not counting the droid *cough*.


    IAs geht their second companion at the end of Alderaan.


  7. For me, it's the fact that most of StarWars I know is centred around some Republic hero.

    The Empire is only there to provide a bad guy, and it's rarely elaborated what the "inner workings" of the Empire are. How does it function? What is life under the Emperor like?


    And now I can experience that part. That's why my first 50 is Empire-sides.

  8. Obwohl ich hauptsächlich als Imperialer Agent (Sniper) spiele, finde ich "Tod von Oben" (Death from Above) beim Kopfgeldjäger einfach klasse.



    Einfach weil es bei vielen Bosskämpfen so abläuft: Erst einmal mitten reinlatschen, dann wird obligatorisch ein bisschen geredet, und dann -total erwartungsgemäß- kommt es zum Kampf.


    Als IA ist das mitunter recht nervig, weil es erstens nicht wirklich zur Klasse passt, und man zweitens dann direkt bei Beginn des Kampfes mitten zwischen Gegnern steht, und die nächste Deckung meistens zehn Meter weit weg ist. Klar, Blendgranate hilft da leidlich...

    Aber es ist einfach extrem klasse, wenn man mit seinem Kopfgeldjäger dann zur Abwechslung einfach mal DfA zünden kann. Es fühlt sich einfach so an, als wäre das das *** im Ärmel, weswegen man so "naiv" mitten unter die Gegner gelatscht wäre, und passt einfach zur "Make me"-Einstellung der Kopfgeldjäger.

    Als IA dagegen finde ich meinen Char da zu oft einfach dämlich, weil er eben nicht so "vorgesorgt" hat wie der BH.

  9. No doubt! I've been logging in and playing every evening I can, and having a blast. Every time I look on the forums, I see all these posts trying to convince me that I'm not having fun and that the game is so broken and horrible that no one could possibly enjoy it.


    In other words, same experience I've had with every other MMO I've played. Every game I've ever played, I find that I'm having fun, but to read the game's forums you'd think people were seeing rl hit squads come to their homes and torture them with red-hot irons every time they log in.


    Your solution is the correct one -- go back to playing and having fun, and let the complainers have their fun on the forums. :D


    That about sums it up. I'm still here mostly because the forums were pretty decent (as gaming forums go) until the re-launch. I'm holding onto my hope that the genre-typical whining and crying will subside, and the forums will once again become a place where Man can go and actually have a civilized chat about the game.


    And now I will go back to playing and having the most fun I've had in a game since a very long time.

  10. Seriously, this isn't even funny anymore. For two hours on Tatooine I haven't seen a SINGLE non-inquisitor, everyone are sorcerers or assassins. I'm a sith assassin myself and I'm getting closer and closer to rerolling. Seeing the same class over and over kills the fun of this game.


    And now imagine you are one of those other Inquisitors. What do they think when they see you? ;-)



    Anyhow: I've rolled a Sniper myself. But having [Force Lightning] as conversation option is pretty awesome.

  11. Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


    - Storylines that matter.

    - Character Development.

    - A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

    - Balanced PvP.

    - Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

    - Companions that actually do something.


    From an old-time gamer I salute you.


    Apart from the PvP part (I don't play PvP, can't comment on it), I absolutely concur.


    I'm especially pleasantly surprised by the combat system. My hotbars are chock full of abilities, my keybinds are maxed out, and yes, I do need to know every ability, I need to use them, and know when to use them in order to succeed.

    I have been playing for 15 years now (around 10 online), and I still felt challenged by the levelling process. It's been a blast to get to 50, and I will absolutely do it again and again.



    I haven't been this enthusiastic about a game since I took my very first steps in Quake.

  12. und wofür ich da die ganze zeit punkte sammel ist und bleibt ja scheinbar jedem ein rätsel. wenns noch nicht fertig ist solln sies halt erstmal weglassen, das doch blöd so n halber kram :mad:



    Würde man die Vermächtnis-Funktion "erstmal weglassen", dann könnte man keine Punkte dafür sammeln. So kann man jetzt schonmal Level darin bekommen, und wenn dann einmal die ganze Funktionalität da ist, steigt man halt gleich mit Level X ein, statt von vorne anfangen zu müssen.



    Finde ich an sich eine gute Sache, so muss ich mich beim Twinken nicht zurückhalten.

  13. I'm thinking of trying Rift and looking for people who have played it and TOR to give some insights.


    Depends on what you're looking for.


    If you're new to MMORPGs and have never been burnt out of WoW, Rift might make you very happy.


    If you played WoW, got annoyed by its gear grind, badge grind, reputation grind, daily grind, then Rift -probably- will not be for you.


    If you like sword&magic fantasy, Rift might be for you.


    If you happen to have been burnt out of text-only quests, negligible lore and a story that could as well not exist, you're not going to like Rift.

    That, by the way, is where I tie in TOR: If you like TOR, you will likely be disappointed by Rift.



    All in all, it's not a bad game. But it's not great either. It plays it safe by simply taking a lot of things from WoW and expanding upon some of them, taking over others 100%. Nothing really innovatious, nothing really new. Solidly executed, though they seem to have issues with over-all account security. Boy, am I glad I've never given them my real details.

  14. From the AMA interview it is the thing Reid is most excited about for some mysterious reason. Not sure what they are planning for it, I reached lvl 2 last night for my legacy and nothing happened.



    That's because currently no rewards for Legacy levels are implemented. They seem to be under way, though, if that interview is any indication.

    What those Legacy levels will do, however, isn't known atm. I remember that some time before launch (2010), we forumites discussed the possibility that one possible perk could be that you can chose races for classes that are otherwise unavailable.


    Example: Normally, Chiss are reserved for IA and BH. With a certain Legacy level, they could be opened up for, say, Sith Warrior. Or Smuggler.



    I think -and hope- that Legacy levels will have mostly cosmetic impact, not balancing-wise. New hairdos anyone?

  15. That's something everyone has to decide for themselves. I personally play what suits my mood.

    Normally that means (in other MMORPGs) that I switch a lot between toons. In TOR, the Agent's story had me so engaged that I blew through it all the way to the end. It's awesome, it's brilliant, it's good.


    And now I'm levelling some other toons in my old-fashioned way. Because I find that it always pays to know what every class is capable of, which stats they use, and so on. Plus, there are seven more stories to explore :-D.



    I would, as has been mentioned already, try to unlock your legacy first so you don't "waste" playing time by levelling without one.

    edit: AFAIK legacy EXP is only accumulated once you have a legacy. EXP gained by alts before you got your legacy are not taken into account.

  16. Was benutzter der Androide eigendlich für eine Waffe?


    Du meinst außer seinem Vokabulator?



    Die übrigen Gefährten-Kommentare find' ich im übrigen sehr dufte. Nur der Blechkasperl ist irgendwie wirklich nervig. Vor allem, weil er nicht abseits in einem Kämmerlein vor sich hin staubt, sondern -zumindest beim Agenten- genau neben dem Eingang, zentral im Schiff steht. Jedes Mal also, wenn man ankommt oder abreist, oder auch nur vom Frachtraum in seine Kajüte eiert, spachtelt die Nervdose einen mit seinen treudoofen Sprüchen zu.



    Was würde ich dafür geben, ihm ein paar zünftige HK-47-Routinen einzubauen... Hey, kennt jemand vielleicht einen zuverlässigen Jawa, der gebrauchte Teile für Assassinen-Droiden verkauft?

  17. Because this game has been out for less then a month, and multiple people are demanding conflicting things be added to the game, right now!


    Because some of us are perfectly content with what the game has to offer right now, and are perfectly happy to wait for them to provide better/more content as we go.


    Also, because some of us are mature adults and arn't part of the 'everything must be given too me immediately or else!!!' generation. Yup, I like that one best.


    I second that.



    Maybe it's also because some of us have played PC games for a very long time, and we're a bit more aware of how things in this industry work than those loud-mouthed "wanna-wanna-bikkit-wanna-wannit-nao"s.

    Software of this magnitude simply cannot be delivered without issues. And as long as we're not complaining about the same bugs and issues three months down the road, I'm perfectly happy.


    Speaking of issues. I haven't been in a server queue since last week. Anyone said sorry for giving the devs a hard time for those? Or even just nod and make a mental note of "Yeah, they fixed that for many people"?

  18. I paid for the collector's edition, the art book, and the strategy guide so I feel I deserve to make 1 thread about how I feel.


    Well, you're perfectly in your rights to start a new thread regardless of which version you bought. But why dangle the CE and other gimmicks over everyone's head?


    I hit 50, took my time doing it and now I am sitting at the end game. Alot of people are not 50 yet in my guild so experiencing raiding is going to have to wait about a month.


    The dalies are okay but not enough to keep you busy.


    I am not re rolling a new character.


    I've just hit 50 with my first toon, and let me tell you: I've spent a lot of time ingame. I don't mean to sound patronizing, but I imagine not many people have this much time on their hands.

    Or maybe you spaced through all conversations, thus skipping the feature that really sets TOR apart from the crowd. In that case I pity you for obviously buying the CE of a game that doesn't suit your tastes.


    Between all the bugs I have such as not being able to see guild or party chat without exiting the game and then going back into a que line of 200 just to fix the problem is not very awesome. Insta que warzone pops send you to the character selection screen 80% of the time.


    TOR is the first MMO you experience from the start, I take it. These things are unavoidable at the beginning, and compared to other MMOs, TOR's start was handled very well. Personally, I've not encountered one single bug that was more than a typo.

    WoW compared to that, however... d'you know how long Blizzard took to implement the ships between continents? They were covered for, rather fittingly, by "Captain Placeholder" for a VERY long time. And when they were implemented they were so buggy (dropping players into an exhaustion zone, killing them) that they were again ex-plemented for a few months. Just to give you some idea about how "perfect" other games handled things up to half a year into their launch.


    Honestly the game is fun, but the end game is what I am about as I love to raid and get loot and have a 4 days a week schedule to dedicate to raiding.


    On a personal note, please go back to WoW then. I hear Blizzard is catering rather exclusively to raiders. I mean, well and good, I do enjoy a nice raid now and then. But what do you want Bioware to do? Should they force players to step up their levelling speed so they can support your raiding needs at "endgame"?

    On a side note: I really love how BW managed that the game really feels like a game from level 1 on, and not just a levelling grind.


    I canceled my sub, and explained to them why, they don't seem to really be adressing some of these issues and the last patch did not address some game breaking issues such as the bounty hunter's class quest chain breaking and not being able to progress your story or get dalies in Illum.


    Ima sit back at 50, finish the rest of my 18 days on my free sub, go back to wow and wait for some bug fixes and content updates.


    Thats all I have to say.



    Well, that honestly sucks for you, but again: Starting MMOs is a hugely complex undertaking. No, you cannot compare now-TOR to now-WoW. WoW has had 7 years to ripen and flesh out.


    I mean sure, it's your money, your free time, your call.


    But I cannot help the sentiment that your expectations are a bit on the high-to-impossible-to-live-up-to side. You've spent a lot of cash on TOR, granted. And now you're entitled to better treatment, or what?

  19. Depends on what role you're playing. As a Shield spec Vanguard, with a focus on defensive gear, my healing companion can keep me alive through single elite pulls without too much effort. I can't beat super elites like I can on my Sage with my tank companion, but healing PCs always have that survivability factor going for them.


    That is true. As Sniper, however, you have to rely on your -quite squishy, if you don't shell out for PvP armour- ranged tank for a long while. Your second companion is a melee dps with light armour, and your healer only comes along at the

    end of Taris, around level 37[/i]. As soon as you have a healer, though, everything becomes much easier. At least, it did for my Sniper.


    If you're playing a DPS character (as I assume the OP is, since he mentioned being a sniper), you're just not going to get as much mileage out of a tanking companion because you don't have any healing abilities. I haven't played as a pure DPS character yet, but I would assume the best combination for them would be a second DPS, so that you can burn through groups before they have the chance to really beat on you.


    I don't know about other dps chars, but as Sniper, you are better off sticking with your healer for most fights (situational you might want to change for a tank). Groups of normal mobs are not a problem anyhow. They're mostly dead from your dps before they can do any real harm.

    The problem is Elites or groups of Strong enemies. Dps companions don't add nearly enough damage to make up for the lack of healing in those situations. The Sniper is squishy, and it shows. Mostly it's better to stick with the healer or a tank. And our healer is quite capable, I have to say. At least, if you have the brains to let him patch you up and avoid unnecessary damage, and issue him some decent gear.

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