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Posts posted by LadyKohastFel

  1. I saw the 600,000 lost and tuned out myself


    Clearly OP talking about WOW and anyone thats played more MMORPGs then that game knows WOW is a exception to the MMORPG rule, NOT THE ACTUAL RULE.


    Games have copied WOW formula and died out in weeks after release (ok not weeks but not long after), so this claim that because after 7 years WOW is losing its player base because of grinding is .... well I cant actually say what it is because of forum rules.


    The smartest thing ANY Developer making a MMORPG is only look at WOW as WHAT NOT TO DO, Exact same thing you do with SWG and what it did, and move forward from there.


    Really the formula (again for anyone with more then just WOW or later experience) isnt that hard and Bioware almost nailed it.


    CONTENT, thats the key, make sure there is content available to the average player (not the "again cant call them for what they are" who skip most of the content and then complain they ran outta content at the end) and you can make levels 100 hours long each. THATS NOT GRINDING. Slow progression extends a MMORPGs life. You just need to make sure there is content during the slow progression (and again, not saying anything earth shattering for those that had previous to WOW experience in MMORPGs.)


    But seems to me the WOW and later players are intent on calling anything that stops them from maxing out in a week "GRINDING"


    Probably one of my biggest pet peeves now, hearing WOW and later players use terms they have no clue what they mean.


    SW:TOR has NO GRIND. Bioware could cut xp in half across the board (and should) and SW:TOR still would have NO GRIND.


    And as for WOW, WHO CARES??? Beyond its amazingly well done marketting, its not a real standard on how to do anything AT ALL! But again, people who been around before the WOW POP Culture hit understand these things and can think beyond 1 poorly designed game that added a bunch of bright colors and drew 20 million "again forum rules" in on flash and smoke and nothing else of any substance or quality. You all got sold a bill of goods! You bought the Bridge, you bought the swampland farm. Accept it and move on. 600,000 cancelling just means 600,000 finally woke up and moved to more fertile land. Has NOTHING AT ALL to do with Grinding (or the miss used version of grinding the OP tries to protray).


    I really wish people would let WOW go already, it had a 7 year run while doing nothing new, innovative creative at all. Let it go!


    If 2 billion people suddenly stopped eating at McDonalds tommorrow, would that mean the latest special a failure? No, more then likely that would mean 2 billion finally figured out McDonalds is garbage and moved on.


    Same principle applies to WOW.


    How to tell a game is really dieing: People stop complaining about the game on its native forum and start telling people why they quit on other forums.

  2. You have never found yourself a few hundred credits short and went out to kill a few things for THE SOLE PURPOSE of farming those few hundred credits?

    There is a difference between running off on Taris to kill a few superfluous rakghouls for the couple of extra credits you need for whatever the heck you want and looting the same loot box on high level planet where every mob can one shot you all day.

  3. I support this, it would negate the need to merge/reorganize servers to ensure some degree of faction balance. PvP is more fun when it is two teams of approximately the same size and level. when it is a one sided massacre it quickly becomes not fun for the ones being massacred and they stop playing and the larger side then has no fun because there is no PvP to be had.
  4. The sheer amount of leveling content in this game staggers me. It is not like other games I do not care mention by name that have all the goodies and cool toys in the end game and raid content were only the top 1% of 1% players will ever get to see them let alone possess them. The goodies in this game seem pretty evenly spread out, there is still some really cool stuff for the no-lifer hardcore live in the game players , but there is heaps of cool stuff for everyone else as well including the casuals who may only log in for an hour or two on weekends.


    And I expect that the legacy system will be no different if it follows what the design direction of the game, there will be stuff in there for everyone (or at least I hope there will be).

  5. I agree that Sith are not raging , homicidal maniacs bent on destroying all in their path (at least not the ones who win an empire), that kind of behavior is counterproductive to running a stable empire, a certain measured amount of fear might be used to gain the desired cooperation of the population, but it is equally important to praise and reward desirable behavior in subordinates.


    The bloodthirsty killer who slaughters for no reason seldom achieves any significant amount of power beyond having people run in fear at his approach. Power is the goal of a Sith, not slaughter for the sake of slaughter. Although razing one town that refuses to surrender to the ground will make it easier for you to convince the next town to surrender, but if you raze every town to the ground you will not be obtaining as much power as you could.


    I look at the example of Genghis Khan when I imagine how a Sith might manage the conquest of an empire.

  6. Darth Traya was my favorite sith lady , she was a subtly evil and manipulative rather than the stereotypical evil overlord that most sith lords are. Rather than directly do something evil she would get someone else to do it and make them think it was their idea and it was a good thing.


    Palpatine (AKA: Darth Sidious) was similar, and he comes a close second. (he loses points for looking like a human prune).

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