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Posts posted by yooohoo

  1. People that are like, "The server population is fine and Q pops are rolling." I cant help but notice that these people who said that arn't apart of any ranked team. Yea you can get Q pops with the new free to play people. Im sure they would love to have you. But you guys arn't realizing that ranked warzones havn't changed. Credit Shot, Dark Legion Empire, Immortal, Coordinated Confusion (sometimes) are the only guilds that really Q. Yes there is occasionally an imp team but rarely. Other guilds will say, "hey man you left us out we Q!!" But quing up for ranked 1 a month isn't putting you in that group.
  2. You bring up an interesting point and now that people are disagreeing in mature way we can create dialogue but calling people names and provoking them and then anxiously waiting for them to hit back is for little kids. I do believe the game came with an age limit?


    Anyways some really good stuff has been said above, some things that I had not considered so thank you for those that are old enough to realize they are talking to adults and not children

  3. Quit coming on here to cause problems.. if people cant contribute to the conversation then don't post. And I'm glad for Dark Empire they are part of the 1% of numb nuts that spent 4 weeks re-rolling. If your so happy there then why bother with this thread it obviously doesn't concern you. And I'm training to become a fighter pilot so dont tell me to man up on swtor.
  4. I however will respond to the one thing you did offer and that was paid transfers. I agree with you 100 percent on that. 5 dollars or a 30 dollar bundle would be VERY nice. I think that you should have to pay for character transfers this prevents all people from server hoping, and there should be legitimate concerns on free transfers. A 5 dollar per character or even 10 dollars per character would be a very nice touch. However i could easily see it turning into a ludicrous amount of money which would probably destroy the jung ma server.
  5. Oh my gosh.. your the general sarcastic ***** that cant even follow an argument. Everything you just said makes no sense if you really think about it. Theres no way anyone could predict that this server was going to die. And I will give you the general re-roll argument because you seem to be the only person missing that point. NO ONE wants to re-roll. Disagree? Ok look at the forums for the public test server. Over half of them are complaining about not being able to copy lvl 50's over. Disagree? Well ask around. I cant find anyone who is like, "HELL yea man that would be awesome, I would love to spend three weeks getting to lvl 50 and grinding War Hero!!" And thank you for correcting my spelling its clear that you are one of those guys but confirming it to the community was a nice touch. If you have something to offer in terms of an intelligent conversation then do it but don't come on here and like the alpha male because no one wants that. Keep that stuff in the game or better yet dont do it at all because you just ruin the game for everyone when someone starts a conversation and you come along and instead of responding to it you correct their spelling and you try to be funny.
  6. On the forums there is a place for customer support. I have been relentlessly posting about server transfers and its been ignored. Literally everything around it has been answered. So if this matters to you at all please help me out and create your own forum on it.. The pvpers of Jung Ma i believe want this to happen so lets all get together and actually do something about it. Unless you would like to wait 6 months for a 20 dollar character transfer per toone.
  7. I know alot of people that were wanting to change servers. I simply want ranked pops. Not to mention that on other servers you actually play a variety of guilds in ranked wzs and not the same 4 guilds.
  8. Lolz I see no problem with alpha company. There pretty much the only Solid thing in this server that sticks to a regular schedule. If they are promoting open world pvp then I give them creds for that. I know that sometimes things are twisted a little for RP purposes but why does everyone get so Butt Hurt over it. (Not singling anyone out im saying in general people react this way). Lets not lose sight that this is a video game. I in the past became worried over things such as this; where does it get you though? 100's of miles away and humanity still finds a way to start conflicts.
  9. Whats the latest in news on this??? Does anyone know?



    Ive heard rumors of it expected to launch as far out as six months (half a year for those not putting the pieces together). Ive heard this from several people and I want to know the source of this info.

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