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Posts posted by CaptainApop

  1. Not even gonna pretend this is in any way fair lol ...


    doing WZs in a full bm suit is a joke, I can not possibly die unless 3-4 marauders are on me & thats without guard, with guard there is no way to kill me ...


    I know people wont like me saying it but OP healing needs to get toned down ...


    I disagree fundamentally. A large chunk of the "throughput increases" are just our previously **** mechanics working properly together.

    Give the damage vs damage reduc gap in expertise some time to widen and people a chance to relearn their class then judge how unkillable you are.







    I also want my laugh back...

  2. They would have to change Operative and PT animations to work with blaster-rifles and pistols. My guess is they couldn't be bothered creating new animations for the abilities of said classes and just gave them one weapon.


    Operatives were probably chosen over powertechs as they wanted PTs and vanguards to be visibly distinct from each other.





    I like my rifle. You can take it from my cold dead hands.

  3. On a relevant note healing as an Op seems much like it should have all along. Like they finally got all our **** to synergize properly.


    RN and surg probe spamming will generally save someone who's in a 1v1 (or 1v2 if they're playing smart) who was losing. Procs are no longer munching. Vanish is actually functional for us and TAs don't disapear the second we're stunned.


    I still feel we're ready for more interesting mechanics as a class but at least the brickwork is functional now.

  4. 1.2 I believe removed the capability to dispel ANY of the trauma debuffs. Not to mention it wouldn't be nearly as pointless as you think. If a healer has to use a dispel every 5 seconds he still loses healing done. Thats almost one in 3 GCDs used on tox screen/fix/etc instead of any other healing ability.

    Before we even mention tox screen removes a random 2 debuffs and will not reliably remove scatter shots debuff.

  5. There is the obvious QoL changes and there is the slightly LESS obviosu one that I didn't even see in the patch notes.


    Cloaking screen and operative sap now function identically to the assasin expies.

    Namely this means when we get taken out of stealth we will lose the 100% healing debuff and sap will no longer fill a resolve bar from 0 to full.


    These are huge for pvp. I can actually disengage from combat now provided I clear dots.

  6. Combat stims build is quite functional. Ability to turn 1 TA into 10 energy on a short cooldown can be very nice in both pve and pvp since it basically allows you to happily dip to 50 energy rather than 60 before requiring DS. I also found I was munching TA procs much less as stims doesn't trigger a gcd. I ran this type of spec while leveling and as I was gearing up.

    Personally I feel since I run with both 2-set bonuses RN outshines it (certainly once 1.2 comes around) but it allows you to do some respectable damage as well LOTS of energy to work with.


    @Bloodytracer I think you may be confusing combat stims with revitalizers. Revitalizers is the tier 3 concealment hot while combat stims is in the lethality tree.




    this more or less what you're thinking of OP? Im not sure what Silv is referring to, only one point gets "wasted" on a dps talent in the whole build.

    Of course surg steadiness would be mainstay for a pvp build (never run without it so I don't know if it's effective in pve)

  7. Thematically wielding the knife openly is dumb imo. It's meant to a "brush past someone and slip a dagger between their ribs and walk away" motif. Ideal world for me would be.


    Blaster at the hip just so it's not randomly bopping into existence all the time.

    Wrist launcher displayed permanently too.

    More armor models with sheathed knifes visible.


    I want to be a walking weapon rack :p

  8. the game is geared toward sticking with one option to gain the benefits of light or dark attunement. i didnt make the game this way so dont blame me for the way it is.. but thats how it is. can someone plz give me a serious response.



    It really isn't. The only thing alignment gets you is relics for use during leveling. End-game relics are alignment'less. As I also said, there's plenty of extra means to cap out your alignment one way or the other that individual quest choices are not really a factor.


    What's the point of playing a role-playing game with dialog choices if you're going to hamstring yourself before you've even started.

  9. Why on earth people think you need to go binary light or dark I have no idea...


    There's flashpoints, repeatable quests and diplomacy to ensure you max alignment but even that barely matters in the grand scheme of things. (nothing more than a leveling relic really)


    Pick the options you prefer for your character at any particular moment.

  10. That's because nothing except Expertise has changed yet.


    Has 1.2 on the tenth been officially confirmed yet? If so then I guess nothings changing in the next 4 days, but if they don't juke them up somewhat then gearing is going to get really weird/dumb. Those DR's are less curves and more like brick-walls =/



    EDIT: Apparently that rumor's been crushed, nvm. Still time then I suppose.

  11. I have a bare-bones understanding of sorc healing honestly BUT the way secondary stats work in swtor doesn't leave alot of wiggle room barring extreme circumstances.


    Crit has a very reachable and steep cap at which point DR is horrible (29% before you factor in any crit increasing talents)

    Surge similarly hits one of these at around 75%

    These complement each other enough to make them very potent stats pre-cap and barring marauders I don't think there are any classes that ignore them ( I could be VERY very wrong here).

    All that's left is alacrity and power. The jury is currently out on the effectiveness of alacrity and I would imagine you are safe enough levelng and gearing up with one or the other before reading up on the mechanics and making your own decision. It won't cripple you either way.


    EDIT: Bear in mind I believe the DR caps are being re-evaluated for 1.2. I've not seen any data for anything other than expertise as of yet however.

  12. Methinks the team fortress-esque HEALING BEAM OF LIGHT that the commandos get was developed and cemented in before they entirely thought of what mercs would do instead :)


    Not that I don't find the concept of healing bullets to be just crazy enough to be awesome.


    Combat team members Austin Peckenpaugh and Cameron Winston to talk about some of the changes coming in Game Update 1.2.

    For anyone interested. Halfway through myself.


    EDIT: Healing is lampshaded just before the ten minute mark.


    Except in WZ where I couldn't afford to waste GCDs on noble sac while I was being focused down.


    Oh, and in HM when the AoE damage was coming down- and 3 teammates were taking damage all at the same time...


    And in pretty much any fight involving a large number of a mobs, while pugging with a group allergic to CC.



    The thing is though, and I realize you're not completely arguing against my point. This is purely an elaboration.


    What do you think happens to operatives/mercs in those self-same situations? One where there's so much damage incoming one way or another that you don't have time to push an instant cast.


    They go dry, considerably quicker than you do/did.

  15. The thing is, sorcs were, seemily (this is nothing beyond my opinion) based on the "old-school" mana school of thought. A large resource, some capability to prolong it's length but an eventual oom-state. Ops and BH'ers were meant to be a different school ie a small resource, that would quickly go oom (spiraling regen in this case) but be capable of going perpetually with constant resource management and trigger discipline.

    As of live what's currently happening is sorcs get all the bursting potential given to them by a large pool with a static regen while also having a perpetual bar. Which is, from biowares pov an imbalance.


    I'm not going to argue what was and wasn't justified but that's biowares mindset as I see it. Feel free to disagree.

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