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Everything posted by IKNOXI

  1. Great idea however i am on the Fat Man server. If you ever host one there let me know.
  2. Changed rotation to: Corrosive Dart(20) -> Corrosive Grenade(20) ->Shatter Shot (10)-> Weakening Blast(0) -> Cull(25) -> Target Acquired(0) -> Explosive Probe(20) ->SOS (20) ->Ambush(15) + Cull (activate cull in the last 0.5 second of Ambush) Thank you for the advice and the perfect segway into the thread i was going to start today. I was contemplating the benefits of shatter shot vs a frag grenade or something of else that supplied more DPS. So my question is does Shatter shot add more DPS then a different ability in the long run? (preface that statement with in PVP) I see two sides of the street on this one. 1 side is that 1v1 its probably a good idea to keep it in. second side and the main reason i am asking this is that in a WZ i am switching/burning down targets so fast that it makes me wonder if i would be helping more by damaging more targets.
  3. Can cull also utilize lingering toxins to activate its bonus? Also if i hit a target with two CD does that count as one or two poison effects present on the target? Just to pile it on cause Cull intrigues me, does Target Acquired speed up the time it takes cull to tick away?
  4. Cull Instant Energy: 25 Cooldown: 9s Range: 10 m Fires a volley of bolts at the target, dealing 309 - 362 weapon damage each second. For each of your poison effects present on the target, the target is culled for an additional 145 internal damage each second. so i toss a CD and a CG at the target and then hit it with cull. 2 Questions (minus the two below) is Cull our big heavy hitting ability which we should revolve around over SOS or any others? and am i utilizing it correctly? here is my rotation. feel free to tear it apart if it helps maximizing the effectiveness of cull Shatter Shot (10)-> Corrosive Dart(20) -> Corrosive Grenade(20) -> Weakening Blast(0) -> Cull(25) -> Target Acquired(0) -> Explosive Probe(20) ->SOS (20) ->Ambush(15) + Cull (activate cull in the last 0.5 second of Ambush) 3rd question - does cull tick off of any lingering toxins or does it only utilize the "fresh" toxins. 4th question cause i am on a roll is Shatter Shot stack able ?
  5. I am new to the snipe game so can someone post the 2/16/23 build that works best for PVP. Thanks
  6. Funny title made you look didn't it??!! I am thinking of always using crouch over the cover system. My question is if i simply crouch do i still get the range defense bonuses and also the immunity of being jumped to or do i actually have to use take cover for those benefits?
  7. So its sounds like the consensus is that Lethality is the tree I want to climb. My next question is what has been the best proven Lethality build for PVP? It sounds like its best to go x/x/31 over the Eng/Leth 0/16/23 (0/18/21) builds were popular and viable with the combination of Cull and Imperial Methodology to maintain good burst and good energy regeneration. Please correct me if i am wrong. How is this build for PVP? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bZbIZGbbkrrGdho.1
  8. I am looking for a run -n- gun Rambo setup. Max damage with max mobility. Any suggestions suggestions?
  9. I might of missed it but I have been unable to find a PVE tanking guide for the KC. So i was wondering if everyone would be willing to throw their best tips of the trade into the mix and we can raise the bar for the KC tank reputation. we are going with teh 31/0/10 as the standard with K-ward and shield generator. Outside of that all else is fair game!!! I will start off with a few questions/suggestions to get things rolling. Stats: Q:What stats should i got for and in what order- 1. Absorbtion 2. Sheild 3. Defense with that said is just picking all from teh suvivor seirs a good call or are there better combinations we can use? Threat generation Q: How can i keep the bad guys looking at me? We all know about mind cntorl and mass mind control. now can people elaborate on how they maximize their effectivenss. Q: what other ways are there to keep threat high? Force sweep generates high threat at low cost. How to deal with the AOE reality. Q: How to stay alive and keep up with teh rteat of AOE tanking. This is the bain of the shadows for which i have little input. Hopefully collectivly we can hide/fix this issue if we combine our tricks. Rotation: Q: Group is set and ready to attack now i need to go pick a fight so i........ Lead off with mind control. spped run up to the main boss. beat on him the best you can then hit with mass mind control after 6 sec. Repeat...... Mind control spin kick DS DS Project Force slow DS DS Mass mind control Project TK Force slow Ds DS Project Force slow Repeat...... Passing over to the next person......
  10. Thanks for the great response!! I am going to have to retrain my brain to toss will power out the door but form the sounds of it its for the best.
  11. felt the most ranged non stationary -EXACTLY what i was looking for!! Thanks for both comments!!! I will give both a run and see how they feel. I have a 50 shadow so was apprehensive of more force stuff but a walking god, i can learn to like that.
  12. what is the best champion gear for a kinetic shadow? Seems all of it we take a huge hit to will power which is rough to take.
  13. From the sounds of it the main decision is between Commando or Gunslinger but i want to ask the pros which is where you come in... Hopefully flattery equals solid feed back!!
  14. Thanks for weighing in! Why is Slow time better for PVE? is is due ot the threat generation? Seems FOB does more dmg and and gives you the heal. Im sure i am missing the obvious but could someone point it out. Even with the 30% buff from force break FIB still hits harder. Disregard.. saw the thread update and i buy into Slow time now. Thanks Kitru love reading your posts!!!!
  15. Due to the hybrid nerf i am scouring for a new build. Which is better FIB or Slow time? I am debating between these two builds. The norm 31/0/10 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rsrokrskbsZZf0cM.1 Or the fib concoction im dreaming up. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rsrokrskbZZf0cRR.1 seems overall FIB if better then slow time for dmg and FIB has the heal part. Am i missing something?
  16. Concerning stats for this build is Will power the top one? Followed by Power then Crit then Surge Willpower>Power>Crit>Surge
  17. Thanks!! I needed a little guidance on this spec. I had TK high in my rotation but i will cut it out now for DS-DS-DS-DS....... Project I tend to pop my AOE Force Slow/Force Breach/FIB every CD (mind Crush when proc). smart move? My typical battle plan is -mind maze (if needed to get to their back) -(pop ForPot, Crit/Surge Relic, adrenal blah blah) -Shadow Strike -project -aoe every CD -DS Till Project CD -Saber to recover force (run around in circles and try to sneak in a SS when available) -spin kick followed by Tumulet as a interrupt/DMG Use rest of abilities as needed to tick off opp as much as possible... Muhahahaha Does this basically sum up the life of this spec? Also if you low slash some one Tumulet would have no affect on them correct? From what i see there is no damage taken off by Tumulet in this case. New Priority list: 0. Saber Strike (Out of Force) 1. Kinetic Ward (1 charge or about to expire) 2. Force Breach (Every time it's up) 3. Force slow (5 seconds after cooldown ends) or Force in Balance (every CD) 4. Project 5. Double Strike 6. Spinning Strike (Target at 30% health or less) 7. Mind Crush (Force Strike buff)
  18. love the build advice. What would be the best rotation for this build?
  19. This build seems straight forward for the most part. The only discrepancies i am seeing are in the bottom two rows in the kenetic tree. some fill up all three lower abilities in that tree and then toss two on elusiveness/mental fortitude or rapid recovery. Some only put one on technique mastery and then fill up mental fortitude and elusiveness. My question is just looking at these two rows what are the abilities that give you the most bang for the buck. To add some controversy lets look at it from a PVP stand point. Thanks all and really enjoy reading all of your posts!!!
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