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Everything posted by BanGyaMan

  1. Yeah but about the others classes ? Do you mean for the jedi it should be a kind of "jedi squad" instead of jedi + pet + superdroid ?
  2. Yeah not so bad actually, I think it's a really cool idea
  3. "be able to use a second companion in Flashpoints instead of the GSI droid" Is that all your ambition ?
  4. Good question, strange answer: I don't know. All I am sure it's that I don't like most my companions. I also think it's absurd to reroll a jedi with...one another T7, a second Kira and Doc, that inexpressive Sergeant Rusk and of course Lord Scourge that I would like to kick out of my ship. Everytime I start a new toon from a class I have already played with I think "What's up Qyzen Fess ? Listen mate...I don't care anymore about you, I have already finished your story with my other consular. Oh, and by the way, you are ugly". But wait. I'm not saying "we should get rid of our current companions". They are here, let's keep them. I'm saying it could be great to add our rerolls as totally unique companions, in a way or an other (No CC involved, come on, there are our rerolls, I will never accept to pay for something I have created myself during my subscription). By the way this topic hasn't been written to complain about our current companions. I respect Bioware's work. I think it's great they allowed us to play with them and they added some news with the actual expansion. BUT, I still have this feeling they could go much further with this legacy system they started few years ago. They could do much better and clever that a "Dark vs Light" event which is, in my humble opinion, a "carrot and stick" way to bring us back to the game. Finally, you said "too much work for Bioware". Maybe. But I think creating new expansions, with their level design, new warzone, new musics, new sound effects, new voice actors, (etc) it's a pretty huge work. Much more than my "rerolls as companions" suggestion. But I don't do video games so I'm not an expert. I just have ideas and I'm sharing this one.
  5. Yeah, it sounds weird, but I was thinking it could be great to have the opportunity to call our others rerolls as companions. I'm probably not the first one to think about this. The legacy tree is the only thing which really connect all our characters. But despite the legacy abilities that you can activate during the heroic moments and the legacy emotes, I think it's a shame the connexion between our toons doesn't allow us to go further in this "legacy experience". For example, I decided that my main toon (a jedi guardian) was the master of one another (jedi sentinel). I would enjoy to have both of them fighting together, the master and his padawan in a journey far far away. I also would like to have my own "havoc squad" with my troopers, my own vanguard healed by my own commando. Just awesome. Let see I am a 35 level trooper. The reroll I will call as a compagnon (a 65 commando, fully 216, for example) will be leveled down to my current compagnon. Not matter his level and stuff, it's just a compagnon like the others. Sounds logical and fair. I'm not saying they should be voiced in the conversations, I don't really care about this, I just want to have them with the character I play. I don't know. I think it could transform our game experience to an unique one, instead to have 10 Elara Dorn and 20 Kira Carsen on the fleet. And it give us some new good reasons to create more toons (or reroll the old ones). What do you think ? (sorry for the english)
  6. Yes, I understand. I have also a big issue about the Tactical Flashpoints, which are a good idea to find groups quickly, but...they are destroying the basic concept of "heal" and "tank" classes. When I play as a healer I have to negociate with others players to give up kolto tanks (alright, it's tricky on Manaan or Czerka, I admit). Actually, I have to wait for 50 levels to play my class properly. How can you expect to be a good healer when you can't play it entirely before HM ? Absurd. And now, the worst thing is that you don't have any adaptative orange sets to get as rewards. This is disappointing. It could be much better (and logical) to have a classic NM flashpoints list to fill, then you can start to play them in Tactical or HM mode for each character. Simple suggestion.
  7. I see, but some of you have any news about an hypotetical servers reunion ? I hope Bioware won't bet only on his upcoming extension to repopulate the game, I doubt it won't solve this issue. My opinion is that we really need are new contents not only available for the endgame. Since the begining we had only two new races, few new haircuts. Yes, we have a lot of cartels packs with new weapons skins and outfits, but some are terrible. Today I have seen a promotion on the "Eradicator's Warsuit"...but seriously...who cares ? Why recycling old stuff while many players (like me) posted topics to have propers jedi and sith ? More stuff like "Insidious Conselor" or "Exiled Master'". I will be honest. I'm not a big fan of the Eternal Empire's story arc. Not saying it's bad, Bioware work a lot to bring SWTOR solo experience to a whole new level and I respect that. Levels design are greats, etc. But I don't feel I'm playing a Star Wars game anymore. I hate zakuulian outfits (as well as Syo Bakarn or Darth Baras armors from the beginning). I would like to experience a real Star Wars game. Republic vs Empire. Jedi vs Sith. Even new Hutt stories or whatever which won't make me feel that SWTOR is only builded on ridiculous overpowerful emperors. This is why "Malgus" or "Kilran" were great, interesting and classy. Two perfect badguys I really enjoy fightning. And when you kill them, they dies, end of the story. Simple. I know, SWTOR is not "canon" anymore (maybe it never been, I don't know, teach me, I'm not a specialist, just an average fan). The movies brought me to this game, not the extented universe (oops...the "legend", sorry, it's complicated). I'm not saying SWTOR should be like the movies, this isn't the same millenium. But I would like to put more values on being a jedi or a sith, on embodying the Republic or the Empire throught the Trooper and the Imperial Agent, and course to feel free and independant with the Smuggler and the Bounty Hunter. Don't want to be clumsy in my wishes, but this is what I was really looking for when I bought this game in december 2011. Apologizes for me english.
  8. Hi everyone, I'm from the french server "Battle Meditation" and I was wondering how things are going from your side. Because in "Darth Nihilus", Mantle of the Force" and my server, it's totally empty and pretty boring. At least we have 30 players on the fleet, not more on this Friday evening. The most commun topics conversations we can see now are bots selling credits. Great. It's almost impossible to play Warzones or Galactic Starfighers. Actually, all we can do is farming (tactical ) flashpoints and our own quests, which is not so bad, but I remember that a long time ago SWTOR was a much attractive game to play. I don't want be that complaining guy, blaming Bioware for everything but...yeah...I am complaining righ now
  9. Tout est dans le titre. Je suis revenu depuis peu et je ne vois jamais plus de 30 personnes sur la flotte, c'est dû aux vacances ou alors le serveur c'est drastiquement vidé ?
  10. Yopla, Ben voilà, joueur depuis la sortie du jeu, revenant revenu plusieurs fois, je serai curieux de savoir si d'autres comme moi aimeraient retrouver les ZL NM classiques (Martel, Athiss, Taral V, Abordage, etc etc) avec les loots orange qui aillaient de paire. Personnellement ça me manque beaucoup. Je trouve dommage de ne proposer que le mode tactique durant tout le leveling. Certes, ça facilite la recherche de groupe, mais ça casse complètement l’intérêt de jouer tank et encore plus les classes de heal, à cause de ces foutues bornes de kolto qui, après bien des frustrations, sont pour moi de vraies usines à joueurs incapables d'accepter l'idée que pour être bon, il faut souffrir et parfois mourir (philosophie à la Dark Soul, quand tu nous tiens ). Je suis en train de monter une classe heal et je me prépare à l'idée qu'au début de chaque ZL, en plus du traditionnel "cliquez sur ESPACE svp" je vais devoir négocier pour inciter les joueurs de mon groupe à lâcher les bornes de kolto et me faire confiance sur le heal. Oui, c'est absurde, je dois "négocier pour pouvoir jouer pleinement ma classe de heal". Je ne vois pas d'autre moyen pour pouvoir apprendre à bien gérer mon heal en groupe... Si d'autres comme moi pensent que cette situation est totalement absurde n'hésitez pas à faire du UP de topic, à réagir, etc, peut-être que ça fera un peu bouger les choses (rêvons un peu). Merci de m'avoir lu & bon jeu à tous ps: attention, je ne propose pas d'abandonner les Tactiques, mais de proposer en plus les NM classiques, pour ceux comme moi qui veulent retrouver un peu plus de challenge avant d'être au level maximum.
  11. One year later, I have to do a mea culpa: outfit designer isn't useless at all, it's a great idea to allow us wearing all the skin we want. BUT... (yeah yeah "but" ) I'm still waiting for an option which give us the opportunity to switch from gear to gear in one click (like DPS gear to TANK, even PVE to PVP) !
  12. Thanks a lot Bioware for the Insidious Counselor set. It's totally awesome. I love it ! But now, please, one more time I beg you: give us more stuff like that !! More proper Jedi and Sith robes ! More REAL Star Wars stuff ! I came here 4 years ago to play a Star Wars game. And all I see it's a Kotor tribute. I never played Kotor and I'm totally done of all these ugly armors you still bring in this game from pack to pack. For SW sake, when will you stop your "Kotor nostalgia" ? If you wanna work on a Kotor III, so please, do it. You have million "Revan's-lovers", success guaranted. But I'm not one of them. And I believe there are many others players like me who just want to experience an authentic Star Wars univers. Please Bioware, hear us. Let us look like real Jedi and Sith... :(
  13. ps: un peu déçu quand même qu'après une centaine de vues seulement une personne ai pensé à me répondre, ok google existe, mais la communauté Swtor aussi (ou pas ?), un petit tuyau ça coûte rien, pas cool.
  14. I'm back on SWTOR, just started KotFE and I totally agree: new alliance conversation is baaaaaaaaad such baaaaaaaaaaaaaad ! Why my character doesn't speak anymore...seriously ? I know my post won't bring anything fresh to this debate, but I needed to write this somewhere in this forum. This is one of the worst idea ever. I hate it. I just don't know what else to say. This is really disappointing..
  15. Ouf, merci Internet, j'ai enfin trouvé la réponse a ma question. Les anciens sets d'armures sont lootables de manière aléatoire auprès de PNJ de l'alliance (il faut donc entamer la nouvelle extension KotFE) contre les tokens qu'on reçoit dans les héroïques des planètes (celles qu'on prend sur la console de la flotte). Le site Torfashion recense ces sets d'armure sur ce lien:: Ici < (onglet "Alliance Supply Crate")
  16. Ok merci pour cette réponse. Je cherche un site qui recense les skins lootable en opération 4.0 (les skins je précise, pas les index), vous en connaissez un ? Sur TORFashion c'est pas très pratique de s'y retrouver sur ce point là. Pour les armures de jedi ça fait des lustres que j'ai le set complet de Relnex. Bon skin, mais malheureusement ce n'est qu'un seul skin...j'espère toujours un choix de plusieurs bures de jedi de ce type (et de type "Armure Jedi Vaillant" du marché du Cartel). A ce jour il y a toujours trop peu de choix et côté Empire c'est pas mieux: je croise 20 Sith par semaine avec l'armure "Eradicateur" , tu parles d'une customisation... Pourquoi toujours aussi peu de choix ? On a énormément de montures très différentes, idem pour les cristaux et je ne parle des animaux de compagnie dont je me fiche (perso) totalement...mais on ne peut pas choisir parmis plein de bures/armures de jedi/sith. Du coup, je me demande si on joue vraiment à Star Wars ou a un jeu qui y ressemble quand même vachement beaucoup.
  17. Sérieusement ? Personne ne sait ? Même pas pour confirmer que ce contenu a bel et bien disparu ?
  18. Yopla, J'écris ça la sueur au front et la petite larme à l'oeil: où sont passés les skins cool du level 50 qu'on pouvait récupérer sur les vendeurs d'Illum/Trou Noir/Secteur X ? Je fais surtout référence au set "Mystique/Maitre de la Force" que j'adorais... http://tor-fashion.com/black-hole-force-lords-mk-1-pub/ il existe l'armure "Tranquil Mystic" du marché du cartel, trouvable à l'HV, mais tu as beau mettre la couleur que tu veux dessus, une partie de l'armure reste toujours bleue, ce n'était pas du tout le cas de celle dont je parle plus haut, quelle idiotie !!!! Pourquoi ces vendeurs ne proposent-ils plus que d'inutiles modifications ? Dites-moi qu'il est possible de retrouver ces skins quelque part... Non Bioware, tu n'as pas fait ça ? Tu n'as pas purement et simplement effacé ce contenu du jeu ? Sinon toujours pas de vraies robes de jedi comme dans les films ? Non parce que 4 ans après moi j'attends toujours, votre "Vaillant Jedi Armor Set" à 1200 pièces du cartel et vos éternels sets d'armure de KOTOR j'en ai un peu ma claque perso.
  19. I'm sorry you didn't understood I was saying "switching heal to dps gear" or "dps to tank gear". We both know there is no class mixing heal & tank in the same time.
  20. Yeah, "useless" is a but too strong to describe the whole outfit designer, I agree. But 16 slots just for fashion...seriously ?
  21. So, Bioware, will you reply to this thread ? Show us what do you think about all of this. Do you guys plan to give us a device to switch quickly from a gear to an another one ?
  22. Haha. I still don't have a fortress. And I'll never have one. Especially because I always hated Sims.
  23. Do you really think I believe "I'm the only one who ever had this idea" ? Of course I'm not. But whatever, it's off topic. I just hope someone from Bioware will check this thread out and maybe, MAYBE, one day, if any god allows it, we will have a really useful tool.
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