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Everything posted by Pattotwo

  1. I agree with some of your post I don't think nerfing ranged dps is a good idea at all, but they can increase the cool downs on cc, blinds, stun since you seem to be stunned, cced half the game every game. The devs went a bit crazy with stuns. Sorcs are the worst, but maybe coz every wz a third of the team is sorcs but you get blinded after there bubble runs out, then they will knock you back then they have that short shock and then the min cool down one and if some how your not dead they will sprint away and heal, without running out of there resource. Couldn't help myself I had to lvl one, he is only 39 but it is nice being that strong in WZs haha I do agree with you about Mara/ sent there easy targets. I keep seeing post from elitist who say they faceroll everything, but I'm yet to see it. There to squishy, you can kite them easy there dps isn't huge and you know they can't cc you. So I always target them to get a free medal. So they really need some sort of buff but not so much it will make them op
  2. All I have to say is if you think Juggs are bad Sentinels are so much worse **** damage and die all the time
  3. Never played a mmo that was this Unbalanced. Take you never Played wow. Remember when warriors got bladestorm. So much fun on my warrior run in flag room and kill 6 people or when mages got pom pyro, you be doing your own thing then boom your just been 1 shotted. All games have unbalances
  4. Can someone get this guy some toilet paper to wipe S*** coming out of his mouth
  5. Hope not. It was okay in wow for a while but let's leave all the elitist there
  6. Seriously go lvl a alt. I have a sorc and now lvling trooper and a sent, I love my sorc but after playing my other toons I can't sit back and honestly say the class is not OP so many stuns/ blinds sprint heals. It has everything. I think I've died once while lvling but my other toons I die like once a lvl. I don't want to seem them nerfed maybe buff the others but if they do maybe a slight nerf on there blinds/ stun
  7. I have a 45 vanguard and a 42 commando. What can I say I like troopers. Both have there good points and bad. Depends what play style you like. I lvled vanguard first, but just seemed that things were taking ages to kill, so I lvled a commando. Damage seems alot better but intill they bring out a combat log so we can get a recount type add on running it will be hard to tell by how much. Both have good survivability in pvp the commando seems to be alot better atm they can heal and kite well, but since everything is force elemental damage tanks can't face tank in pvp like blood dks do in wow of they will get face rolled. So intill they fix mitigation issues. Overall I prefer the commando both pve and pvp plus it's going to easy to find a grp as a healer then a tank. It's up to you what spec you pic a range dps/ healer or a tank with a little less dps that you do most your damage around the 10m range.
  8. As the Title Says If you had to reroll what class would you be, knowing what you know now? And what class do you feel sorry for in pvp? I play a vanguard but I'd reroll a Sorc And I feel for sentinels/Mara. They just get targeted in WZs haha they have a flag on them saying kite me and they got no knock back. That's one class that needs some love
  9. The most over powered ATM for pvp is a OP by a long shot, even without stim stacking. The most under powered which I don't play but see them get smashed in WZs are marauders and sentinels. They get targeted so bad and you just kite them and they got no knock back or anything
  10. Top 4 overpowered 1) op great player 2) op average player 3) op bad player 4) sorc
  11. Haha this troll post is funny Sentinels are easly the most under powered class at pvp. Pve there okay pvp they just get kited, if anything they need a buff
  12. Since there has already been like a hundred threads about this, you think it would be time it was looked into. No I'm not talking nerfed into the ground but a slight reduction and I do mean slight. No one likes getting owned in 5 seconds and as I've notice how many people have and are rerolling ops in Warzones. Spose if you can't beat them join them, but I don't want to see WZs full of a couple heals and everyone else a op.
  13. Enjoying pvp alot, but there are way to many cc's, blinds stuns. You spend half the game stuffed. Yeah I agree with some but not as many and not every class needs them. Its bit over the top ATM
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