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Posts posted by SentinelDranoel

  1. I am not interested in grinding for points to begin with. I can't see what I am grinding for and relying on random chance is not enough reason to play. There is nothing to do but what has always been available to do in the game so I am out to play Elder Scrolls. I'll subscribe again when the next story expansion is released again.
  2. "Lockouts in ops are ridiculous. I realize it's there to prevent people from farming but instead of preventing them from doing content, why not just make it so they don't get experience/loot if they run content that is "locked out"? The game can obviously tell when a group has made it past a lock out point so this should be super simple to implement rather than the current draconian "the group is not at your current point lol sucks to be you" message you get. A good example of this is with SnV when the group I was with made it past the first boss and fell apart at the second. I attempted to get another group (after disbanding and going outside of the instance) and then was unable to join my new group for the content until they beat the first boss. This is a weird way of penalizing a player for attempting to play group content."


    This is the main reason why I do not do ops. This affects everyone as people can only do a particular run once and a week. Many people understandably save it for a guild run or a run with people they know. This also has an affect on replay value of operations and PUGS through group finder.

  3. It is mostly a collection of hero shots without any of the character and story elements in the cinematics. Whereas the first minute of the Force Awakens trailer is about three of the new main characters.


    It looks cool though but you showed all of the cool elements of those trailers. I don't know if it can be called a trailer without describing what is about though. I thought a trailer is supposed to advertise what something is about..

  4. Second companion or go home for me. Nothing else would convince me to stay subscribed if they were to add sub rewards. Knowing bioware, if such a thing were to be added to the game, sub rewards would just be reskins of older outfits.
  5. Oh gosh no. In fact, I don't think any one update is SWTOR at it's best. I have been playing since launch and I have to go back years into the past to find an update I liked more than 4.0. Heck, 2.0 was the last time they got me to steadily subscribe to this game for months.


    Galactic Starfighter? Nope.

    Strongholds? Nope.

    Conquest crap? Nope.

  6. I don't mind my companions being op as I took the time to collect the presence datacrons and maxout the influence. One of the things i hated about the nerf was the effort of all the presence I had collected years ago did not feel as rewarding as it did with 4.0.


    I specifically used to gear certain companions and collect the presence buffs because I did use my companions in heroics 2s and 4s as well as flashpoints. I constantly ask for a third one too. If I want a group I will look for one or use group finder but at the times when i want to play at my pace, I want my presence and influence to help make the speed of gameplay above what it is now.


    They do not have to announce that it is going back to 4.0 today but I would like something definitely above what it is now and a process for pushing further than that.


    P.S. I know people complained about people being kicked for companions. That sucks but honestly, a well geared companion with the presence buffs in the hands of someone who knows how to micromanage has always been better than an inexperienced player. I used to summon my companions to replace people who quit years ago.


    Someone of us who are past the point of having to label ourselves "elite" or "hardcore" with our gaming experience have learned years ago how to control more than one character in an rpg. Just saying.

  7. Hey folks,


    Following the Companion changes we made Tuesday in 4.0.2, we want to gather your feedback on your gameplay experiences. We hope by this point you have had some time to jump in and get your hands on the changes yourselves. First, before we get into the feedback we are looking for, let’s talk a bit about our specific design goals related to Companions:



    Based on these statements above, do you think that these are true after Tuesday’s changes? What content is more or less difficult than you expected? Is there something that is just flat out impossible?


    Please give us your feedback, and we simply ask you to be as constructive as possible. Include information such as:

    • Your level
    • Roughly Average Item Rating
    • Discipline
    • Companion
    • Companion role
    • Companion Influence level
    • Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?)
    • Your personal experience while playing this content

    If you have a video or other related content to go with your feedback, feel free to link that as well as it will allow us the best insight into your experiences.


    The team will be reviewing all feedback, along with supporting data, to see what / if any future adjustments need to be made. Thank you all in advance for your feedback!




    KOTFE being low is too true. I can run through it pretty easily.

    Star Fortress solo was fine.

    Heroic Star Fortress is still high like it was before, but my companions are just weaker.


    Here is my feedback with KOTFE in general, too many times the mobs lock onto targets. This can be seen sometimes while in stealth where the enemy locks on to me without me doing anything. A lot of time in the heroic, mobs will directly target my healer and ignore me as soon as they spawn. They guns are literally oriented pass me.

    Another thing that annoys me is the decision of my companions to always attack a different mob, thus drawing agro like a noob player does in flashpoints and never use any defensive capabilities. You know that Jedi Sentinel that jumps in and never uses Rebuke or any of the defensive abilities, thus forcing the Tank and Healer to adjust to keep him alive. I hate that guy.


    The dragon Age series used to have wonderful scripts that the player can adjust for certain situations but I expect that to never happen here.


    Level 65, Jedi Guardian, tank, 208 and 216 mix or whatever number it is . Fully augmented. Companion 20.


    I would haved increased the influence to higher but I have read reviews of people who said they already did and it is not making much of a difference. The players who maxed out the alliance leaders seem to have an easier time. I have a full Heroic moment with all the powers and even that is not enough damage during the last reactor fight in H2 Star Fortress.


    That is not why I unsubscribed though, the nerf slowed down Star Fortress but I am okay with that. I am not okay with how it slowed down running heroics as dailies.


    Level 63 Gunslinger, Sharpshooter. Level 60 gear and influence level 10 Akaavi. I was doing all of the Makeb dailies and heroics before the servers kicked me off and everything was fine. Once I got back into the game post patch, it was obvious different. It took longer to defeat mobs and Akaavi was losing large portions of health at a time.


    I will still play the game from time to time but operation groups are hard to get into because a large portion of the player base are not doing them. The pvp pops near peak hours, but when I play in the mornings I have not even got a pop. Flashpoints I get into a lot and I normally tank them myself so I have no problem there but i do have a problem with how gear is given out in this game to help the prepare for Hard mode flashpoints.


    I have been playing since launch and the two characters I mentioned are my first two characters created during early access during this game's launch. I am past trying to convince anyone I know how to use them. I learned that years ago. I care more about the game being fun and having a quicker pace than the normal...walk up to mob...mark target...cc....kill one group...proceed to next one... that pace is boring and I am tired of it. 4.0 changed the pace of the game with companions and made them more dynamic without spending months trying to gear them up which is something I got tired of after previous updates. when gear became obsolete.


    I will always resubscribe for story but operations, pvp and flashpoints will not keep me. My recommendations:

    1. Summon 2nd companion. Not going to happen but I will ask anywhere because I can hope.

    2. Buff companions to make their power level or whatever you call it between the last patch and 4.0.

    3. Remove the restriction on changing a companion's class in combat. Sometimes I need companion to switch between DPS and heals. Healing while i am topped off and my main hero is in no danger of dying is why I avoid playing with companions in heal spec. At the same time, I do need external healing from time to time but that is also a flaw of relying on the trinity system.

    4. Give main heroes dual spec already. Many MMOS allow a character to have a new more powerful class or let a hero borrow powers from a second job/class. Many classes are really limited in what they can do.

  8. There absolutely nothing in even the Star Wars game history that even halfway looks like anything raid-y.


    People love star wars for its lore, story, the symbolism, their own personal senses of nostalgia about everything from the typically single player games of myriad varieties and out of fandom for the now-scrapped expanded universe novels and comics.


    Taking the existing fanbase and trying to sell them raids clearly hasn't been a recipe for success here. Maybe not a complete failure, but raiding and Star wars fandom have absolutely no natural relationship... Anywhere.


    The demand just isn't there, and I'm not at all sure that Bioware's attempt at insisting that demand was even worth the attempts they've already made, let alone sufficient to justify increased focus.


    You're probably going to be very consistently disappointed if you wait around hoping that this will ever be the sort of raid game succeeding at being exactly that that wow has been.


    That sort of thing matters intensely in considerations like this. Raiding flies directly in the face by its very design of his star wars has always featured the most dramatic of its battles, point in fact.


    Luke Skywalker didn't have fifteen of his friends there to fight Darth Vader and face the Emperor. He didn't have twenty three of his friends there to help him kill Jabba's rancor.


    In the Star Wars genre, there is some feasible room for raid-like content to be s natural fit and likely be a big hit with what the general fanbase would resonate well with, but it'd probably be in the form of the epic space battles.


    Had Bioware made SWTOR's raids be mostly epic space battles featuring GSF-type space battling, it'd probably be an enormously popular thing to do here.


    Killing giant monsters had never been particularly front and center in the Star Wars allure either. Being individually irrelevant and a nameless, faceless component of a team sallying forth to kill giant robots and monsters?


    That's not very star wars-y at all. Nobody fell in love with star wars and dreamed of being just some DPS or healer or tank organizing into groups and killing giant monsters.


    They dreamed of being Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Obi-wan Kenobi, even Darth Vader, in stories much more focused on individuals than on the accomplishments of faceless, nameless hordes.


    This has now been pretty well proven.


    I posted something similar when the game was first released. I applaud this entire post.

  9. 1. Companions talk to each other like in every other BW game for the most part. This is the problem with one companion being summoned, it feels less like a team or squad then it could if I can summon more than one. Too many of the stories were the companion talking directly to the main character and not to other companions.


    We need more of Mako talking to Qyzen and Doc talking to Kaliyo in the future. If my main character is not going to talk KOTOR style, then he/she should be able to listen on other characters having conversations.


    2. There is time to fix this but have Cipher Nine and the Emperor's Wrath join the Alliance. Default canon characters or being able to use my own would be awesome now that the other main characters are mentioned in the bio of each companion that followed a main character.

  10. Why do people go to new MMOS and say they want something new but proceed to request or features from games they specifically stopped playing? That is my real question when it comes to endgame content because I see this in other MMO forums. When I switch games, the last thing I want to play is game features from the games I just stopped playing.


    I also notice that developers will point out with their metrics that raiders do not make up the majority of the game too. I seen this in article about LotRO, Marvel heroes and yes, this game as well back when the subs were bleeding. I think BW one time posted that more people play PVP than do raids. Specifically because of the ease of access to actually entering PVP.

  11. No, They were never hard, just time consuming. The only way they could be hard is if people were UNDERGEARED. Four people who are over geared and know what they were doing were going to run through Heroic 4s. There a few Heroic 4s that require group mechanics but some of the other ones were capable of being solo completed as well with a stealth toon and a heroic moment. I specifically used to two man some of them with over geared characters.


    This game is not hard and never was. I don't get this challenge people speak of that was lost because it never existed. Seriously, walk into room, mark golds, CC them, kill weak mobs and healers then move to next room. Human error makes this game challenging more than the mechanics ever will.


    Fight a boss? Avoid red circles, DPS does damage, tank maintains agro and healer heals and removes dots. Once you learn the fight then it become repetitive which is why a lot of people do not mind it being easier, they stopped finding it challenging a long time ago.


    Challenge was never really lost because most of the content in the game was never that challenging. Having bad gear does not make the game difficult because there is a grind to get the gear. I am happy Bioware is removing the unnecessary time consumption of companion gearing and giving away commendations/crystals like a lonely man in a strip club.

  12. The entitled gamer? We are "entitled since we pay two or three times what one used to pay for a game.


    With less content than previous games too. DLC at first was additional content before the next sequel. I am not so sure about that anymore. There are not many games I play to unlock stuff in-game anymore, instead I wait for DLC to be released.

  13. Not going to happen to the extent some people think it is. For starters the story is not finished and the ending is going to have a canon ending for future Old Republic stories. I base that thought off of KOTOR and KOTOR 2. I can also point out that Mass Effect 4 will pick a particular story for Shepard and his crew or narrow it to a few choices. There is no way they can bring in the various choices from three previous games without narrowing the options.


    People keep overestimating the choices matter selling point. There is a video for Mass Effect 3 where a dev explains mathematically all of the choices accumulated from Mass Effect one and two and explains how they had to narrow stuff done to even get an ending.

  14. Wait, someone in this thread said Bioware/s metrics are wrong and then used the forums as a source to show that most players like OPS/Flashpoints and Raids more. A area where people argue and share information is not a list of in game player activity.


    I see this in other games as well, most people do no play raids and some people do not get it. I personally used to test this by simply logging in and seeing how many active players were in a raid, flashpoint, pvp and world planets. PVP especially, because I used to get butthurt if I could not get into a match. Using the forums is a terrible way to test this as a lot of it is tips and tricks, people complaining about overpowered characters and what they wish would happen.


    Many people who have quit probably have taken the survey and said what they really wanted in the game anyway and that survey is a much better sample size than the forums.


    The question is are subs going to stick around for the story post 4.0 because raiders will be back for the next raid anyway so theat is not much of a problem. PVPers will return for the next pvp expansion. The goal of 4.0 is try to keep story players for much longer than normal.


    The game did not bleed subs just because of story, who made up this revisionist history. A lot of people left when they got nothing to do but ops and flashpoints that did not give good gear at the time. The drop system was crappy with the small number of things to do. The game offered no replay factor telling players to restart at level one instead of having a new game plus or something of that nature. There were a lot of other factors too.

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