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Everything posted by Xyraid

  1. OKAY! So I finally got it to work. PROBLEM: Rubble rezzes, and the LOS mechanics for combat mode refuse to work in either direction across the rubble such that: Malgus cannot see past the rubble to attack the NPCs Enemies cannot be directly attacked by the player while on the side opposite the NPCs Enemies cannot initiate anything despite proximity, because LOS for them to the player doesn't register across the rubble Any attempt to cross, initiate, and then retreat in that order causes the npc's to undergo evasion mode in appx. 5 seconds and combat resets Malgus breaks all LOS <follow player> programming as a companion NPC the moment you cross the rubble, thereby the player gets ROFLStomped SOLUTION: First, you'll want to completely clear the first room of all Jedi so as to make sure you won't trigger additional combat states and be stuck. Here's the key: When you plant the explosives at the first door, stay RIGHT ON TOP of the explosives. You will not get knocked back. You will end up clipping through the rubble when it rezzes on top of you. Best part of all: Player and Malgus, while clipped inside the rubble have one-way LOS to the enemy NPCs. You will be able to initiate combat by sending Malgus to take point! At least, this is what worked for me. This has been done on my Sith Sorcerer. Happy hunting!!
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