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    Wrath of the Emperor
  1. I think this whole argument comes down to hypocrisies. 1) granted the sith only want the strong to be trained in the force 2) the sith are upfront and honest about this however 3) the jedi constantly bang on about bringing balance to the force yet CONSTANTLY try to destroy the sith so there is only jedi. therefor there is clearly no good or evil in the galaxy because the "good" guys are just as hell bent on wiping out the "bad guys" as the "bad guys" are at wiping out the "good guys" stupid jedi.....
  2. amazing stuff dude. i have to agree with you that the JK killed a voice of the emperor rather than the actual emperor. the simplest one being, who would give the SW missions if he was dead. i had this conversation with a friend who plays and his argument was that the SW would probably become the emperor leading to the point of us having what over 1000 emperors f-ing about the universe. having read this (and made him read it) its solved an on going argument between me (SW) and him (JK). so thanks for that as well!
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