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  1. This is following along with another post I saw about restarting class missions to get a fresh feel of the story before the expansion comes out. Got me thinking that resetting companion missions would be nice too. I'm sure lot of people would just use it to make snoo snoo on their romance-able companions again, but for those who completed that stuff years ago and don't level alts, the companions can get kind of stale after a while. You pick the one that best suits your needs in game play and collect dust with the rest. A reset item purchasable with Cartel Coins would be great for this. It would encourage free-to-players to subscribe for the free coins and it would give players a choice for a companion story reset instead of forcing everyone to do it.
  2. So what you're saying is people that never PvP and are happy with low populated servers should be forced to either kill everyone on the server (including the people they play with) or lose everything they have put their time into gaining, most likely since launch. I doubt you're a rocket scientist but surely you can see where this is never going to happen.
  3. I made my first force user today and I was curious if Synthweaving is worth it at level 50?
  4. People complain about how unbalanced PvP was and you're complaining about how unbalance Ops are. What do you think is going to happen? They're going to listen to popular demand and buff up Sorc heals again in a month or so. If you've ever played an MMO, you'd know that most games cant balance both aspects at the same time. One or the other is going to be better. Never equal.
  5. I've noticed most of the assassins on my server roll darkness, but what I would like to know is if deception is effective at level 50? I am at level 38 and I love deception in PvP if i have a healer.
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