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Posts posted by TwistedKitten

  1. This thead has been a raging success story! It has reached the ears of a tank- and made a better tank! There is now HOPE!


    (really though- that is seriously cool if by reading this thread- you've become a better tank)


    It's given me a different perspective, truly. I've yet to play a healer to 50 in this game (my scoundrel is 23) but it's nice to see what everyone else is thinking of their tanks... Now if I could get my healers to post on here... *giggle*

  2. playing a tank helps one become a better healer..

    playing a healer helps one become a better tank..

    playing a dps leads to loss of brain power.. :p


    everyone should play a healer and a tank.. :D


    I've played a variety of tanks and healers since I've started gaming. :> I like to think I'm a good tank, but I do have a tendency to pull like I'm trying to finish the FP as fast as possible so the burning building I'm playing in doesn't collapse around me. XD

  3. I'm going to start with your defensive tree by offering you the defensive spec I used. I found this effective in PvE until I switched to this vigilance build.


    Truly, it depends on what you're doing more: PvE or PvP.


    I'll start with my opinions on your defensive build in comparison to mine.

    • I opted out of Dust Storm in favour of other talents further in the tree, I didn't think that the 2 points were worth the 5% accuracy reduction. Also, I felt the only time I ever noticed any particular effectiveness of the accuracy reduction was when I was soloing.

    • With Solidified Force, I only felt was something necessary for a PvP spec due to the high effectiveness of Freezing Force in PvP. Hilt Strike has a long enough cool down that, in my opinion, reducing the cost of it was unnecessary.

    • I opted for Courage over Command because I felt that having the reduction and Force Sweep was beneficial. Considering that it was rare I noticed if I had three stacks of it to make it fully effective, I can only tell you that I felt that, for me, it was a better choice.

    • Force Clap, I feel, is a PvP Skill. Many Elites/Champions I've face in my PvE adventures are immune to stunning effects. So I put that point in to Stasis Mastery, which really helps when you're tanking more than 3 mobs. You cast it on one and you have a continuous threat builder for 3 seconds.

    • I think that the 2% elemental and internal damage reduction from Inner Peace was beneficial at the time I was Defence Spec, but because it's been a while I cannot guide you further.


    In regards to your Vigilance spec, I feel you're missing out on one of the best skills Vigilance has to offer: Commanding Awe. It reduces all Damage by 2/4%. I chose Burning Blade and Burning Purpose for the additional threat that DoTs have been theory crafted to produce. Other than that, same comments to Dust Storm as above. Command may be useful for what you're doing, but over all I felt that it wasn't as effective as I had liked it to be.



    Just my two credits :)

  4. I like to use Force Push as an emergency interrupt, to create groupings for easy AoE/threat management, to just to troll my sages ("So, Sage, I heard you like droids /push":p). When I was leveling and running flash points, I'd use Push/Leap combo to generate emergency Focus but now I Guardian Leap to the healer then Force Leap back to the mob I'm tanking if I'm hurting for Focus and my instant generator is on CD.


    Despite the massive amount of complaining and dogging on Guardian class as a whole, I found that the Guardian forums have a fair amount of decent to great information on the class and how it works. Maybe if your friend doesn't listen, direct him there?

  5. I had a hard time finding an in guild (read: I'm an elitist and only trust my guild members to not have their head so far up their arse they're inverted) DPS for Taral V HM the other day, so I was forced to PUG someone. Worst. Idea. Ever.


    First boss - DPS was freaking out about the cats attacking him ("Dude, they randomly target and they don't do much damage. Just burn the boss." - Doesn't matter, boss enraged.)


    Second boss - DPS kills the pet and enrages the main boss, near wipe due to the soft-enrage.


    Bonus Boss - DPS stands in the AoE then begins to ***** at me how the strategy is terribad (Helps if you run out of the AoE, like we said).


    Third Boss - DPS fails to interrupt the various abilities, near wipe.


    /drink /drink /drink /finishes tequila bottle

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