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Everything posted by AchieveSerenity

  1. While I think there are a lot of technical issues with the sniper, which become most apparent in PvP play and stem mostly from the drastically different play style of snipers, I don't think it's time to write them off just yet. Frankly the reason so many people swear by Lethality is because it makes less use of the currently, and I stress currently, less than perfect mechanics of the sniper class, primarily the cover system. However, when Bioware decides to fix cover, and I am confident they will, I think snipers will be able to realize their full potential. However, all that being said, I think many of the problems people have with the sniper class also stem from how they attempt to play their build; be it MM or Eng. Frankly, most people go into the sniper with the lone wolf mentality i.e. "I can go in, pump out insane DPS, and not need too much backup from my team". So far only Lethality snipers can have consistent success with this play style. What if, instead MM and Eng snipers oriented their play style in a more team based mentality? First, the MM sniper: high single target damage, but low maneuverability while delivering damage, and at a significant disadvantage when facing multiple targets and/or targets in melee. One approach to these weaknesses, which will all but inevitably present themselves to an MM sniper in a given match, would be a) to prioritize targets, much like a real sniper, and focus less on doing lots of damage and more on doing "more valuable" damage. Take up a strategic position, preferably hard to reach, and focus on weakening the other team's ability to win the main fight by drawing resources away or targeting their MVPs. Consider employing a "spotter" to help defend you at close range and if you're doing a good job pestering the enemy you team won't begrudge you the support. Second, the Eng sniper: slow downs and AoEs with additional defensive abilities, but long damage realization times and localized damage. Meaning, enemies rudely move out of the blast zone before you're done dealing damage. I would suggest trying a more logistical support role as an Eng sniper. Stay with a healer and when enemies come at you you can use your defensive skills (our "limited" and varied CC abilities come in hand in these situations) to keep them at bay, as well as AoEs target on or around your self-made "bunker". True these play styles are a little more self sacrificial than some might care for and, in the case of the MM, less visible in the over all battle, but, realistically, isn't that what a real sniper does anyway? Rather than getting the most kills or the most damage you get the best kills or prevent the most damage to your own team and it's better if people aren't super aware that you're there at all. I cannot count the number of snipers whose major complaint is that, for a DPS class, they don't rank much higher in overall damage than other players, and I can't help but think that is because they're approaching the class wrong. I'm Eng spec right now and I've been using my own logistical support approach and let me tell you that healers are very grateful when your orbital strikes and plasma probes send aggressors running for cover.
  2. All I have to say is thank you for not dividing by zero, but its lim (x->0) 1600/x (to be quite precise )
  3. I was looking at what you said about the instant cast snipes and cooldown reduction skills, and I have you agree with your energy conservation analysis for the most part. The exception I think is with Stroke of Genius. Because Stroke is tied to the use of Cover Pulse, I think the instant activation Snipe is an "oh ****" fallback you want when some melee NPC is in your face forcing you to activate Cover Pulse. Theoretically you'd be taking melee damage and probably would want to activate Adrenaline Probe anyway. So, if you've been managing your energy well, then you have around 40-60+ energy anyway with another 50-100 on its way from Adrenaline Probe (x2 uses if you're really in trouble) and you won't exactly miss that 20 energy insta-Snipe. I just switched it out with Inventive Interrogation Techniques since that's basically a PvP ability anyway. Otherwise, great guide with lots of helpful stuff. I hope they don't nerf Biochem too soon
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