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Posts posted by MasterAtin

  1. 6 hours ago, ThanderSnB said:

    What worked for me was finding someone that had completed the achievement. You then have them link it in chat. When you click on it, it will tell you a number out of 31. If you can't find anyone cooperative, you can manually inspect people's achievements until you find a player that has it. Find the completed achievement in their list and link it in chat. Then you should be able to click and see your progress.

    Your progress is stored in a 5-digit binary number, 00000. Each digit corresponds to one of the five dishes. From my testing the digits seem to be:

    • 00001 = 2^0 = 1 is Challenge Dish: Spicy Nexu Surpreme
    • 00010 = 2^1 = 2 is Challenge Dish: Ultimate Galactic Sampler
    • 00100 = 2^2 = 4 is Braised Scyk Belly
    • 01000 = 2^3 = 8 is Jellied Glowshroom Stew
    • 10000 = 2^4 = 16 is Exotic Medley Delight

    If you had all the dishes, the number would be 11111 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 31.
    If you had only Spicy Nexu Surpreme, Braised Scyk Belly, and Exotic Medley Delight, the number would be 10101 = 1 + 4 + 16 = 21 out of 31.
    If you had only Ultimate Galactic Sampler and Braised Scyk Belly, the number would be 00110 = 2 + 4 = 6 out of 31.


    So this was incredibly well thought out and researched.  It also helped me see what I needed.  Turns out, I had  1 + 2 + 4 + 8, equally 15.  15/31, therefore I was missing Exotic Medley Delight.

    On top of that, I think I was grabbing the wrong mission.  I thought I needed the Spicy Nexu Supreme, but your data showed my I was wrong.

    Thanks again for your help, I greatly appreciate it.  I am curious, however, how were you able to learn this technique to extrapolate what was missing?

  2. So there is a hidden achievement in the Feast of Prosperity Events tab called "I don't have to put up with this."  Evidently, all that is required of the player is to enter the kitchen then leave, one time per challenge dish, like Vegetable Medley, Spice Nexu Supreme, Jellied Glowshroom, and iirc two other missions.

    I'm absolutely certain the only one I had remaining was Spicy Nexu Surpreme.  I picked up the mission, went in, cooked a little, then left.  No progress.  I asked another player to tag their completed achievement so I could track my progress, but that wasn't working either which was strange because that's how I tracked progress on it before.

    Does anyone have any insight on what's up with this achievement?  Or is bugged, still bugged, or 'actually' working as intended and I just have a few screws loose?


  3. You have my full support in this and my 'upvote.' I understand your confusion and frustration to a T. This change was clearly intentional. As for the reason why? I have no idea. It confuses the hell out of me why you can queue for both roles but after you hit ready, you're screwed unless someone times out or declines and you aren't in the role that you got assigned when the 'ready up' window pops up. I regularly dual spec. DPS for PvE like dailies and weeklies and class missions, Heals or Tank for Flashpoints and Operations.


    IMHO, this was an utterly braindead and foolish change to even bring to the table of their brainstorming. No disrespect intended, but the people in charge of these changes and the implementation of said changes are the same people that have spent tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours going to school, getting an education, earning certifications, being trained, etc etc etc and yet this is what they give us? But I digress from the original point.


    If I had my way, I'd immediately terminate the employment of the individual(s) who decided this massive restriction was something to be implemented.


    7.0 is a complete and utter mess of absolutely terrible ideas, poor leadership/management, and the continued inability of folks at BW/EA to think practically, logically, constructively, and progressively. Which is nothing new. This 'F you' to players that dual spec is honestly the only big issue I care to comment on with 7.0.


    Absolutely shameful and sad.

  4. One thing you'll learn is that the folks that bother to run the ion/rail gs are typically better at it than the ones that run rail/protorp or some similar config.


    A sat offers you some protection - but ion hits with a radius so you can't just cover and assume you're safe.


    In your situation I would think one of two things:


    Either someone else hit you from an angle you weren't noticing (ie above/below)


    Or ion splash was high enough to finish a damaged ship.


    There's no way an Ion AOE crit is enough to kill a scout at full health/shields. And that was the only ship in the vicinity, and I distinctly remember the player's name popping up in chat when they blew me up at that moment. I was looking at them and they were greyed out with the hash marks indicating broken LOS.


    But it is what it is. I know GSF is highly unoptimized compared to other parts of the game so maybe something really really weird happened. Just curious if it happened to anyone else at this point.

  5. Experience: GSF 98% completion


    Ship - Novadive

    Armor Components - Lightweight Armor


    -Shields 1040

    -Shield Bleed 0.00%

    -Max Health 1050

    -Damage Reduction 0.00%


    Match: Domination.


    I was burrowed up against the Satellite alignment component (either green or red) at the zenith of the Satellite, farming for 4 minute defensive medals and a gunship shot me through the Satellite Alignment Component. I was shot through the satellite. The alignment component is not a clippable object or something you can shoot through or fly through. I would know because while I sat there, I was shooting it and my blasters were hitting it because I was bored. I had no reason to move to engage the gunship, I had the advantage if they came to me given my loadout.


    So is this a cheat? Did this other player crit with their ion railgun so significantly that their Ion AOE one-shot me when they hit the turret near me?


    My mind was utterly blown, literally and metaphorically.

  6. I may have come across what I can only think of as an optimization issue within GSF (surprise surprise) that I believe can be exploited.


    So on certain maps, you have these scaffolds connecting different asteroids. Some are broken on their ends and you can fly into some of them, and the "walls" are very thin, relative to other spatial objects like the asteroids or satellites. I encountered an embedded bomber. I approached, and somehow this player was shooting at me and hitting me. However, even though I was directly lined up with them, and could see them through the "grate-like" design of the scaffold, my reticle was hashed out. Indicating to me that LOS was broken and I could not hit the other player. I repositioned to several different angles, shooting at the bomber every time with zero hits, all the while the bomber was having no issue shooting and hitting me.


    Eventually he killed me, but I found my way in and destroyed him. While I was navigating the inside, I noticed the structure's "walls" (if you will) were thin, and the bomber (before I blew him up)practically had his nose up against the inside wall of the scaffold and was shooting. I saw the laser bolts moving outward away from the ship unobstructed.



    A second instance of this I was jousting with another ship and they were behind a thin beam, underneath the B Satellite on the Makeb Atmosphere Map. Same issue, they were up against the beam, hashed out on my reticle (Broken LOS) but still able to hit me.


    So it had me thinking, maybe blaster shots from our crafts actually originate a short ways away from the actual barrel ends of our blasters? Therefore, if you can get close enough to a thin enough barrier, your craft will be protected, but your shots will originate past the barrier that breaks your LOS.



    In the 1000+ matches I've been in, these are the only two instances I can recall regarding this issue. Probably not much of a big deal at all given the rarity, but I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered anything like this and if they have a better explanation. Also, idk if clipping is the appropriate term.

  7. I keep getting scenarios where me and an enemy player are face to face, 100-300 meters away from each other and I cannot hit them regardless of how many shots I fire. My reticle is dead center on them, no obstruction, and neither of us have any buffs or debuffs that would otherwise alter our evasion or accuracy. I've come across this on all manner of different ships. I know there are optimization and synchronization issues, but I'm wondering if this is to be expected.


    Latency in the normal "ground" environment is anywhere between 85-105ms.


    Any help in understand this issue is greatly appreciated.


    Thanks everyone!

  8. When you open the Group Finder window and select the Solo tab, you have two available grants for the Pirate Incursion. Make sure you select the correct one (the correct one grants rewards) otherwise you will progress through your dailies and Heroics but you won't have the weekly.


    Just one of those features I came across and thought I'd share it so other players won't waste their time.

  9. I've been getting an unusual message on the display of my security key.


    It reads as "baff off 03" (Or as I read it, ball off 03) Except the Fs are upside down, lower case, and mirrored. Almost appearing as Ls or lower case Ks.


    There is no apparent damage to the key, and I don't recall stepping, sitting, or falling on it at all either. It always sits on my desk out of the sun.


    Maybe it has become sentient and it's telling me to "bakk off" and 03 is how many warnings I have left before it transforms into a moving machine?


    I am wondering if it may have something to do with the battery. Thought not entirely sure.


    Anyone else have any info on this issue?

  10. Reduce rewards for the absurdly easy MMFPs, boost rewards for the Significantly more difficult, complex MMFPs.


    Otherwise, there is less motivation. Why risk getting a group for Umbara, Chiss, Vengeance and the group dissolving moments after forming, when you can guarantee a successful run by queueing specifically for the easier fps?


    Just my thoughts. I have a feeling this may irk some people. Maybe the ones that queue specifically for the easier MMFPs.

  11. Granted certain classes like Gunslinger, Merc, Sent, and Mara will always have their offhands showing.


    I think it'd be cool for the scoundrel's shotgun to be visible. Maybe bring back the flourish for it from when you had to manually load fletchett round and your toon swung the shotgun like the T-800 in Terminator 2.


    Same for the Operative. Maybe the vibroknife is strapped to their back?


    For classes with generators and shields, maybe a small, compact technological device that appears/disappears as you equip/unequip the item.

  12. An outfit designer option that gradually causes your armor to look more worn, scarred, scraped, or otherwise damaged over time as you wear it.


    Or just a toggle that swaps between your armor looking worn (out) or shiny and new.


    Maybe an individual option for each piece of gear, much like the dye stamps.

  13. I found a spectacular place to farm trash, Republic Aligned NPCs on Belsavis for the 750 kill count.


    Map X/Y coordinates are:

    -807, 2421 on the World Map.


    It is south of Domination Outpost, at a bunker. The entrance has 18 NPCs total. Several NPCs will spawn when you attack the ones already spawned.

    Inside the Bunker, you'll have another 16 NPCs if you stick to the more conservative route of avoiding the Elites.


    Altogether, I have gotten 70 kills in about 8 minutes running with Shae Vizla as DPS and myself as Merc Arsenal (including killing the Pat.)


    My route is:

    1. Start on one side of the bunker entrance and kill the flanking NPC group, the ones in front of entrance, then the other flanking group. (Honestly that doesn't really matter, its just how I did it when I was timing the kill rate/respawn rate. It was more controlled.)


    2. Go inside bunker and aggro/lightly damage the first NPC you see (should be all alone. Don't one shot it or the other four adds won't spawn) Keep going down, skip the first elite you see.


    3. At the bottom of the ramp in the bunker, attack the two standards you see, three more NPCs will spawn. (If you want, avoid killing the Elite NPC that is patrolling the area, they count towards the achievement, but no extra enemies will spawn. IMO it is not worth it.)


    4. Kill the two elites flanking the area at the bottom where Step 3 was completed. Each elite will spawn two weak NPCs.


    5. Run back to the top and rinse and repeat.


    Before you head back up top however, there are more NPCs a little farther in the bunker at the bottom, but four of them are elites, and only one of them spawns two extra weak enemies. Again, IMO they aren't worth killing for achievement, because by the time you get back up top, the outside NPCs have already respawned.


    You could likely reduce the overall time necessary to farm by utilizing a class with high burst AOE like Sorc Lightning or Sniper Suppressing Fire.

  14. Hi ArthurDDL,


    Thanks for reporting this bug with the Explorer of Onderon Achievement.


    Our team is aware of this bug and tracking it. For now, there is no additional information to provide you. But we'll update you when we know more.


    I should add many players have stopped playing altogether due to these bugs not being fixed. Many of them were subbed.

  15. I can sympathize. I played with a pilot that was intentionally self destructing as soon as they spawned so they could respawn as a different class of ship so one match would tick 1/5 per class by the end. It doesn't help during a domination match, but it can really hurt in a team death match as kills/deaths are 1/50th of the score, and if you have several players doing it, you're up/down pretty significantly.


    I spit on those players. Just play that ship until you're dead or if things are going really good, self destruct then swap.

  16. What's your network latency? Once you get past about 750 ms weird things can happen, as the game isn't really set up to handle it. Sure, Pacific region players have, and do play with up to several seconds of latency, but it is a challenge when your client and the server have different ideas about what's going on in the game.


    Mines and drones glitched into objects is a thing, though the devs do try to prevent it. If there's a specific glitchable object make a bug report and it's likely that someone will have a look at the collision box to inspect it for holes.


    As a general rule with reasonable latency though, line of sight rules are very reliable in GSF.


    Well, assuming my latency remains the same in GSF as it does with other gameplay like open world and whatnot, its usually between 95-110. I honestly don't ever recall and degraded connections while in GSF, but then again, different circumstances. I do occasionally encounter an enemy craft sporadically teleporting extremely short distances (no more than 200-300 meter increments), not any sort of cheat or exploit, likely a degraded connection, but that makes hitting/locking onto them near impossible.

  17. Here's the rundown. I know for a split second you can maintain the missile lock-on sequence even after the target leaves the arc or breaks LOS with you. Its not any cheat or exploit, its just poor optimization of gameplay or you/other player not being exactly synced. And I am not the perfect player, I have good matches and bad matches. And some matches I slam into a rock like Ratts Tyerell.


    Anyways, I am curious if anyone else has been pinged for the required time necessary for a missile to finally lock and fire while the only ship nearby, within 11,000 meters, is behind an object that should prevent any lock-on. Or if anyone is consistently shot and hit by another player through an object that should shield you.


    I should mention another player claimed to have been shot at and hit through a satellite during the same match. But these are obviously claims.

  18. Since I started playing again, anytime I've had the opportunity to "stealth out" and try and perform a quick out of combat revive or "rez," its been impossible. Before, countless times, I've been able to easily revive group mates. Multiple at a time. I recall an instance in a 16m SM EV, had half the group down from poor platforming, and I must have gotten five or six players up before finally being forced back into combat.


    Now, on a 16m SM op, I stealth out, start the reviving process, and within a 1, 2 seconds, I'm back in combat. I will also mention I didn't have any buffs/debuffs on any other players/NPCs such as HoTs or DoTs, and I also predicted the mechanics to time my attempts to long before any new enemy NPCs spawned.


    And I know it doesn't really matter much anymore because of the Story Mode nerf or buff, depending on how you look at it, allowing combat revives to be used insanely more frequently, but it was unique and cool for stealth classes to be able to get someone up even after the battle rez was used.


    So, was there a change in mechanics in Operations and Flashpoints that reduces the capacity to stealth out and revive downed players?

  19. Hey thanks for all the help guys.


    The retro thrusters maneuver completely makes sense now. For some reason I confused that ability with interdiction drive, which propels you straight forward.


    I appreciate the clarification. And for informing me that "playing chicken" in GSF is commonly referred to as "jousting" which makes a lot more sense.

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