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Posts posted by Cerrabus

  1. Lets not count Denon TDM- obviously that "should be" our next map, but I sort of mean the next fresh one they are designing.



    What about game modes?



    For game modes, try to avoid something that would be SUPER hard to program, or something that eliminates ship types ("in this map, railguns don't work").





    How about open space. Free form flight. Joystick support. PVE mission that can be played with friends.

  2. Thats fine if that's how you want to look at it, but implementing "new" additions to the game that aren't very innovative and were introduced to the industry years ago isn't going to help keep this game floating. Sure it might hang on to the 12 year olds who want their instant gratification or what not, but anyone with any inklings towards a legitimately crafted sci fi game that presents a wide array of game options that aren't confined to poorly constructed instance metrics will find themselves leaving and probably very soon.


    the space game landscape is going to change within the next few years and thus far Bioware hasn't been making any serious moves at putting the "star" back in star wars.


    But by all means, go ahead and tell me more about how a game should stagnate and be uninventive.

  3. With games like Star Citizen and Elite on the Sci Fi gaming genre's horizon I was wondering what are some of the things Bioware is doing to try and keep pace. The instanced off "stronghold" housing was a bit of a let down so I was wondering if there was any hope of redemption with the Guild Capital ships.


    What kinds of features and gameplay elements can we expect to see with them? Are they just guild wide strongholds? or will there be gameplay focused around them? Would it be possible to actually fly them around?


    Any possibility of seeing the space end of things expanded or opened up?

  4. Neither of you seem to really understand what I'm driving at which is probably my fault.


    Ok, for starters, were TOR to approach this, it would likely mean the design of an ingame system by which to do this. Meaning nothing would occur out of game. In the case of STO's Foundry system you log into a seperate shard similar to the test server. Once in, you enter a user interface that has several options with basic functions. These include placing a map location, objective, dialog, response, event triggers and so on.


    if you haven't yet, I'd suggest giving it a look. STO is free and I don't think the foundry requires a player subscription to use though I could be wrong. If not I think you can probably find youtube videos on it. So there's nothing "Add on" occuring. It's all still within the game and thus wouldn't threaten to break the terms of use agreements like say a hacking mod would.


    As far as the content generated? None of it has to be "vetted" by anyone. That's why it's user created content. Besides, none of it matters anyway since the official position regarding EU in star wars is "meh" anyway. None of what happens in this game is going to affect anything in the movies, and thus none of it matters. So theres no reason to assume that just because it's player created means that bioware has to have someone stamp it for approval.


    Yes there would be bad stuff created, and there would be good. One approach that STO took was by showcasing and encouraging players to play missions that were created by people who spent the time to really polish them and make them worth playing. It adds a completely new element to the game because it never gets old. People are constantly making new missions all the time, and it takes the burden of content generation off the hands of the developers. They can focus on other things because the players can make the missions they want to play.

  5. Since this game relies so heavily on Instances, I'd like to see something reminiscent of the Foundry in STO make it's way to TOR. I wouldn't care that it wouldn't be voiced as that's not a big concern to me and would go a long way towards enabling the RP'ers in the game to create their own content without having to bump into each other for commonly used public spaces.


    Galaxies also had a similar system but given that game was much more sandbox I think that type of system would be harder to implement.

  6. Losing Ilum was a big blow to my drive for pvp. And I feel like the game has always been missing something ever since the shift to full instanced/phased pvp matches.


    Will there be any potential for it come back with the new planet conquering mechanics being proposed for future updates? Would it be possible that world based pvp could have an impact on a contestable planets factional leaning?


    Just some random thoughts off the top of my head with regards to the near the future and how it could be made to provide some changes for the delivery of pvp.

  7. I and the rest of my guild Darkstance on the Progenitor would love for this to be made a reality. So few bones have been thrown to the roleplay crowd in favor of pleasing the raiding and pvp community with gear and challenges that it's left our plates rather empty and unsupported. Sure we get costumes via the cartel and there's the new dye system, but we're still who knows how long from guild ships, and the usable game environment for max level roleplayers (looking aside from the fact that other class areas are inaccessible throughout the game as it is) leaves us with very little room to work with.


    If environments won't be opened up, then perhaps an expansion on existing maps. Dromand Kaas and Korriban, Tython and Corucant could all stand to see more added to them that didn't involve running around blasting pirates and mobsters, and insane soldiers and rogue sith.

  8. I don't think I saw the Miralukan homeworld Alpherides on it. That was always a missed opportunity to me. When they brought in Visas Marr in Kotor 2 and mentioned the colony world Katar I was always hoping that Alpherides would see some time in the spot light. Cononically it's existed for quite some time but due to their reclusiveness it's never really gotten alot of attenion.


    Being a personal fan of them myself I would love to see this world get some attention. It could even be a neutral world where the sith and republic are competing for it's affection much like Voss.


    SWTOR doesn't even come close to SWG. It missed the mark in so many areas of the game it isn't even on the same playing field as SWG.



    That's because it was never intended to bump Galaxies style. Comparing them together is like saying they are the same only because of their brand. Which they aren't.


    Tor is a story driven fully voiced themepark. Galaxies was a directionless open ended sandbox grindfest. Until people understand this comparing them is always going to result in this skewed biased opinon that just doesn't make sense or warrant any validity.

  10. Why are the cathar being forced on the populace before an attempt at adding...well just about anything better to the species roster?


    Can you give us any information on the future of space that doesn't hide behind vague handwaving? When can we expect to see more of it? will it break from the rails minigame we have? Will it have coop and vs if not?


    Chat bubbles and rp emotes, can we have them?


    Hood and mask fix, can you do this please?


    and lastly any possibility of making a sandbox style quest crafter? similar to Galaxies Storyteller mechanic, or STO's The Foundry mission maker?

  11. Oh I get it! this is where we square off and exchange witty replies because it's the internet and this is totally where people go to sound cool. Ok, let's play!


    You know, some of you are very agitated at the idea of this for some reason. It's laughable, really.


    I guess some of you just don't understand that providing a wider range of things to do can only help this game.


    As it is now, people are jumping ship for some reason, and it IS NOT because they're enjoying the linear game, the grind endgame, or the lack of customization.


    In the end, you fanboys won't be enough to keep this game alive. It's already a disaster going from 2 million box sales to less than a million subs...and more leaving every day. The SW IP obviously isn't enough to counter the boring content.


    BW better consider adding more things to make this game feel more alive, and giving players something more to get attached to their characters than just the gear on their backs, because right now, that's all you have. There is NOTHING else.


    I've added you all to my "friends" list, and when this game goes F2P, or dies, I'll resub just to rub it in your face.


    Keyword: Idea, in reference to the idea of player housing.

    Keypoint: that the game is lacking material, and that without the previously mentioned idea, the game will remain incomplete.




    Different material like bug fixes, or new planets and quests or so on, but the direct contextual reference to player housing.


    So...yea, if you bothered to read his post that's exactly what he's saying. But, hey way to try and take a cheap shot to sound cool.


    Again, I'll restate my position, I'm against adding new content. As long as it's good content. Player housing would be redundant and a waste of time and resources. Better they make ships customizable than waste time trying to implement planet side housing for a game that wasn't designed for it.

  12. Of course it's open to the public. It's called being sociable and invite them to it. It's actually a rather ingenius design. It forces you to play instead of be logged out, clog up some poor planets countryside with ghost towns, and hope and pray someone comes by and says "hey bro, cool house" because that happens so much.


    Do you leave your front door unlocked and expect random people to just freely walk into your home? No, so why would you expect that to be a game feature? Especially in a game where the two powers are in the midst of a warming cold war?

  13. No, as a matter of fact I'm not. I've got quite a few qualms with the game. It's "lack" of player housing isn't one of them.


    Since I've got this fancy ship I can fly around that does everything a house does for me. Looks like a house, works like a house, by jove it must be a house!

  14. You know, some of you are very agitated at the idea of this for some reason. It's laughable, really.


    I guess some of you just don't understand that providing a wider range of things to do can only help this game.


    As it is now, people are jumping ship for some reason, and it IS NOT because they're enjoying the linear game, the grind endgame, or the lack of customization.


    In the end, you fanboys won't be enough to keep this game alive. It's already a disaster going from 2 million box sales to less than a million subs...and more leaving every day. The SW IP obviously isn't enough to counter the boring content.


    BW better consider adding more things to make this game feel more alive, and giving players something more to get attached to their characters than just the gear on their backs, because right now, that's all you have. There is NOTHING else.


    I've added you all to my "friends" list, and when this game goes F2P, or dies, I'll resub just to rub it in your face.


    So....lemme see if I get this right, you're insinuating that the TOR's lack of player house according to you (Note: according to you, because you do have a ship) is what is killing this game and that by adding it, TOR will be saved?

  15. I'm with everyone else that thinks people that want to play "Suzy Homemaker" should buy a copy of the Sims. It seems like a waste to spend $15/month to have a tea party online.


    The devs have said on several occasions that player housing isn't being considered. They are working on the concept that player ships are to be their houses and that at some point, they will be customizable. They are also working on guild ships that will be customizable. These ships, once customizable, will be far more of a fit that a House because players tend to be on the move, if they are playing the game properly.


    To that end, the devs have a lot on their plate to get these ships done, and their time is better spent working on that than player housing.


    Bingo :)

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