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Everything posted by slashsnake

  1. Ok, so go with Anakin as a kid in that naboo fighter vs. Yoda where neither can see what the heck is going on then. lol
  2. You are right that he didn't want to kill Luke, but he did want to show his power to Luke. And letting Luke score hits, and not being able to take down a geriatric Obi Wan in 2 seconds definitely didn't do that. He could have killed him, but he showed nothing that he could have done it with ease, which when you see Luke's fighting skill at the time, would he have lasted 2 seconds before being disarmed by Yoda? Making those battles so one sided Luke would have to know he was doomed would have done so much more for his cause. Vader wasn't in his prime, actually his prime ended with his defeat to Obi Wan. But when was Yoda in his prime? At the time of Anakin's birth, Yoda was in the twilight of his life. The movies only show the last 3% of his life, and he was able to use the force and fight with a sword better than nearly any other person in the galaxy. I wouldn't be too impressed with someone seeing a person who lived to 85 only after their 82nd birthday, but if they were the #2 ranked lb for lb boxer, well that is insane. Remember he had been a Jedi Master for over 800 years. Even barely able to move he was able to train a Jedi that took down Vader and Sidious.
  3. I don't think the choices in this game reflect any kind of morality in real life. It is a game, when you are done leveling you have probably killed HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people (in the game) through your force powers as a Sith. Zapping someone for info or backstabbing someone in a cut scene for DS points is nothing in comparison. Most Sith probably do choose DS solutions and most Jedi probably choose LS solutions. When most people think of the Sith, they think of the dark side, and vice versa for Jedi. I think that for most people is their original DS or LS decision here. Yes, you can be a LS Sith or DS Jedi, and there are some who do, but likewise, of the hundreds of Sith in SW lore, how many were truly good light side people? And of the hundreds of Jedi (not turned into Sith, but actual Jedi) how many were dark sided? As for balanced. Maybe there are later in the game, but I have yet to see any special benefits in game (weapons, armor), for being balanced (between light 1 and dark 1). It's like most games, be a saint or the devil, but anything in between limits your options from what I have seen, and that is fine with me. I chose a Sith because I find it fun to be the bad guy in this fantasy game. I play DS because that is what I want that character to be. Nothing more. I am not sit here and say that someone playing DS and making those choices says anything about their morality as a person, just like I won't say Hayden Christiansen is a bad person because of the things he did in a movie portraying a Sith. Anthony Hopkins may have done some very disgusting and awful things in his portrayal of Hannibal Lecter. That doesn't mean he himself is a disgusting or awful person. Same situation here. Your character doesn't have to reflect you.
  4. Well the prequel movies of course were going to be HUGELY difficult. They had piles of what seemed to be nearly impossible things to overcome. The fighting scenes were old in the old movies, how to modernize them in today's over the top action, without breaking the story line. Of course the lack of training for Luke, and Vaders injuries made the perfect cover there. The technology would be another, why are they wearing and using equipment that we already have improved upon in those originals, and how do you take that backwards? Well the beaten down worlds showing technology mostly at a stand still (Millenium Falcon is old but still can compete with modern tech for example), the "far far away" where equipment can be futuristic in some area's but behind in others, and the retro look (ships esp), helped out here. So many things were put in because they look great on film but don't make sense from a realistic point of view (death Star for example). Beyond that, I was ok with the first chapter, but it wasn't great, nor did it meet my expectations. Worth watching, sure, worth re-watching again and again, not really. Seemed to be the most kid friendly movie of them all, even over ep 5's ewoks (which I think I remember hearing were only used because casting a wookie planet was too hard). There's always been humor (espec with the two droids), and I think the Gungans just seemed a bit too forced to make it more kid friendly and commercially successful. I understand the need to show the backstory, but maybe they could have done the first 1/4 of the story of young Anakin and bumped it up 10 years for the rest of that one. 2nd was better, had to push the love story, and maybe went a bit more into that than needed. 3rd I think finally went back to the action never ends feeling of the first few and is one of my favorites of the entire series. I'm not a stickler for who said what when, who shot first, what slight hue change happened with who's lightsaber, or distance vs. time in parsecs (though the han solo books worked to correct that). No sci fi movie has a perfect story line without any plot impossibilities or questions, but for one as wide spanning as Star Wars, they do a great job overall (outside of the Christmas special lol).
  5. Yoda, Vader was a shell of himself physically after his fight with Obi Wan, and those injuries really reduced his force powers as well. He wasn't the "golden child" anymore. He didn't have the knowledge of the force that Yoda gained in his 900+ years as well. As a cyborg, he was barely able to maintain a fight with Luke, who's training was quite short-lived to be honest. Even a Vader with the physical abilities and force power of Anakin with his full knowledge he gained of the dark side I think would not come out well. Remember when it came to the lightsaber Obi Wan vs. Vader clearly ended in favor of Obi, and that was Vader at his best with one. So if Yoda > Obi Wan and Obi Wan > Vader then Yoda > Vader in my opinion and I doubt it would be even close. Yoda vs. Young Vader before his injuries or vs. older weakened Vader post-injury. Unless we put them both in starfighters and sent them after each other that is.
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