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Posts posted by Garrum

  1. what fiasco are you talking about there.... can you explain to me?


    The ME3 ending(s) and the intense rage it has caused among the playerbase. I never played any of the ME games, but some of the guys I know do, and they described it to me, and linked me the video showing all the endings played at the same time beside each other, and even I got annoyed at BW for it.


    The 1.2 issue is the bait and switch/false advertising feeling about some of the features a lot of player have, and the continued lack of response to the population issues. People are not happy with BW/EA right now.

  2. The reality now is that if you make an MMO and you hope to attempt compete with WoW, even as it slides down the backside of it's peak, you launch with full features, period. Content doesn't have to be wall to wall at launch, people will overlook at least some instability at launch, and minor balance issues can wait for a short time, but if you launch missing key features and then drag your feet putting them in, you are just wasting both your and my time.


    The state of many of TOR's servers should have sirens and flashing lights 24 hours a day at BW/EA headquarters until they get free transfers/xserver pve and pvp queing up and running. They didn't bother to have features in place to help correct population issues, and now everyone that isn't on the 6-8 high pop servers is suffering for it, and BW/EA are doing their best to ignore it as much as they can.


    While I think that the game engine and it's inability to deal with more than 20 or so people at once without flaking out is the nail in the coffin, the population/barren server problem is what insured the game would be in the grave.

  3. This thread is a monument to peoples inability to wait for anything, its a sad thing really.


    If you want things like your legacy, gear, quests completed, companion gear, affection, crew skills, and the hundreds of other thing attached to your character intact when you get off your "dead" server... your going to have to wait for it.


    Sitting around on a dead server doing the same dailies over and over by yourself isn't an option either. BW/EA painted themselves into a corner, and a lot of people like me aren't going to stick around for XX months doing nothing till they can get it right, if they ever do.

  4. That's an argument only children use...



    What's wrong with DDO? I still think it has some of the best quests I have ever seen in an MMO, sure it is all instanced, but most quests are so much more than just kill mobs. All my money I put into that game was well invested (only 50 Euro, but I got entertaining for quite some time).


    Reasonable f2p is the future, sure some f2p games have done horrible mistakes in the past, but that doesn't mean that the basic idea has to be bad.


    DDO was fine, other than the very bland combat. My issue with it was that the quests, a lot of them anyway, were from the store. Having non-consequential things come from the store, like cosmetic junk, is fine, but having to deal with the store for content is tipping it too far for me and most other people.

  5. Looking over the last little addition to the patch notes, and it hit me all of a sudden: These changes don't matter, I still wont have anyone to play with.


    What does it matter if you will be able to get war hero gear if you can't get a real team together for rated WZs? What does it matter if there will be new OPs with new gear if the groups that run OPs are already full, and it's quite impossible to make a pug OPs for most people on most servers. None of these changes make a single iota of difference if there aren't enough other friendly, mostly competent people playing the right classes (that aren't already in a set group) to play with you.


    Without free transfers/server merges, the entirety, or almost the entirety, of the 1.2 patch is meaningless. When I came to that realization, I cancelled my account.

  6. Precisely. So let's see some high end stuff done. Asking for different set bonuses, gear worth getting, nightmarde modes having a point etc..


    You're too hardcore for this game. This is not the game for you. You should leave now, and save both you and us a lot of trouble.


    I couldn't be bothered to start characters on a new server anyway.


    That's one of the biggest problems. I had to restart once already, getting our group off a barren server to one where, supposedly, some guys that some of our group knew were playing. Now, a month and change later, those other guys have logged on a grand total of 3 times, and the group I came here with isn't logging in anymore for various reasons, leaving me alone on a server where the pop is yet again visibly dwindling.


    Why bother changing servers yet again, losing all my legecy levels, credits, datacrons, etc., just to start over and then, in all likelyhood, at the end be stranded alone on ANOTHER crippled server?

  8. So you want to be the most overpowered class in the history of MMOs? K.


    If it got a 2000% boost over what the main hand gets, then you might have a leg to stand on, but I highly doubt even full (matching the main hand) contribution from str and power would put sents in the realm of the true OP classes in history. Kill-you-while-I'm-naked-and-using-a-white-dagger rogues spring to mind as a shining example of an OP class. Blood DK doesn't want you to forget him either. Pre nerf operative/scoundrel 100-0 in 3 attacks from stealth also pokes his head in.


    The damage would be OP, but not like some of the nonsense we have seen in this and other games.

  9. Lol at people vastly overstating the power of riposte. In certain, very specific, situations it's ok, but for the vast majority of the time it's a dead button. And given that it's just damage, not an effect, you can safely take it off your bar and never miss a beat. We have pretty tolerable damage without it. Anyone trying to pretend otherwise is trying way too hard.
  10. That half and hour was often spent socializing which was a big part of the game. It was a MMO after all and people were often in groups or guilds with people to talk to. If you were soloing, then you were doing something wrong.


    Yeah, you'd type in chat, but it wasn't because you actually wanted to talk to the people in your group/in the zone, you did it because this was the 5th round of spawns and you'd been sitting there for over 2 hours with a combined total of 17 minutes of actual combat. You typed because you were BORED. That's not socializing, that's staving off sleep.

  11. Seems as though looking backwards automatically equips rose colored glasses for some people. I never played SWG, or Planetside, so I can't comment directly about them, (though from some of the stories some of my gaming friends tell about when they played SWG, it sounded like a game completely devoid of balance when a jedi was involved) but I did play EQ.


    If, during your travels through the internet, you meet anyone and begin to 'conversate' with them about games, and EQ comes up, if the next words they send towards you are not "yeah, it was a pretty terrible game", they are liars, and probably child molesters as well. EQ had truly abysmal gameplay.


    The crafting was...writing out a 35 page essay on the pros and cons of peanut butter on a cellphone would be less tedious than EQ crafting. Dragging individual crafting mats, one by one, into the crafting machine just so you could hit the button and NOT get a skill point for the 15th time...oh yeah, that's a sure fire way to increase my enjoyment of the game. Combat was very bland, soloing was basically impossible for all but a few classes, among other, more minor issues, but the biggest problem...no, the biggest sin committed against the players of EQ, was...




    Or more specifically, criminally excessive 'dead' time. Almost nothing in that game took less than ~half an hour. Go to an area to grind out some XP, or to go for a certain rare spawn, kill the 4-5 spawns in that area, and then wait half an hour for the first one you killed to respawn, and you can't pull from further out, because other people are killing those spawns. So you fight for 3 minutes, and wait for 27 minutes, which is handy, because that's about how long it took for your mana to regen (if you used it all, which is pretty unlikely). Say you want to change continents, you now have to, assuming you aren't a caster, manually run out of the dungeon, manually run through the 3-6 zones, and manually make your way to the dock, which depending on just how many and which zones you had to go through, could take 40+ minutes assuming no trouble on the way. Now you are at the dock, where you have the opportunity to wait half an hour on the boat, if you happened to just miss it. Now you are on the boat, and you get to savor a roughly half an hour boat ride (assuming the boat doesn't drop you into the ocean when you zone into the intermediate zone between continents, forcing you to swim to the intermediate dock and wait another half an hour for the boat to come back to there) to the other continent. Now, you get to manually run to whichever zone/dungeon you decided to switch to, which depending on how many zones over it is, could take anywhere from 20 to over 40 minutes, or to put it another way, about half an hour, where you will again be allowed to wait on mobs that take half an hour to respawn, that you kill with mana that takes half an hour to regenerate.


    And although that's enough on it's own to make EQ a bad game, it's a smaller potato than the bigger part of the sin, which is: Quest mobs! For a large number of mobs involved with various quests, there was a double fisted uterus crush waiting on you. First, most of them were random spawns, with possible placeholder spawns. And second, more damningly, many of them had spawn timers measured not in minutes, not in hours, but in days. As in, a 4 day respawn with a chance of a placeholder spawning, making it an 8 day respawn. For a quest mob.


    There is no excuse for that. There is no apology that will suffice. That's a straight up terrible design philosophy, and anyone that supports it by saying that EQ was a good game should be flogged.


    For half an hour.

  12. Blade Storm's problem is that it doesn't do anything particularly well. It just wanders around in the middle of the effectiveness landscape, doomed to a life of poor effeciency versus slash and having it's damage overshadowed by merc slash. I think that instead of merc slash at the end of watchman, it should have been a huge buff to bladestorm, with a shorter cooldown and a damage buff.
  13. The paladin bubble made you literally immune to everything, wiped all debuffs, and lasted 12 seconds (originally), and for all of vanilla had literally no counter.


    Guarded by the Force is nothing like that. It's a 5 second damage reducer with a built in penalty, and is countered by any stun, knockback, or mez. It's a strong ability, but to complain it's a paladin bubble is just not legit.

  14. can't wait till wzs are rated.


    Brodude, you have got to realize that transcendence is simply not needed as much as you want to use it. Between a trans spammer like you and a normal specced mara/sent that uses trans at specific moments, the normal mara/sent is a much bigger asset, because they will be butchering people before and after using trans, and your spec just spends all it's time walking fast.

  15. To garrum: beacause the topic of the discussion is steathing while in mid combat. Do I still need to explain further?


    It lasts 4 seconds. You don't even have to do anything to bring them out of it. It doesn't drop combat. It doesn't wipe dots. This is not the kind of stealth you should be complaining about.

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