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Everything posted by Takuwind

  1. Yes, everyone is able to do that.
  2. Well I guess the answer is nobody has tracked the info enough to be able to answer this. Oh well.
  3. FYI: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2456452 lol still a bunch of guessing going on...
  4. To understand my question, you need to understand the standard Gift chart, like this one: https://skydrive.live.com/view.aspx/.Public/Swtor%20companion%20gift%20guide%20vol%202.xlsx?cid=e77018d864cdb5c7&app=Excel Most gifts always give the same affection gain (if given at the appropriate Rank). Some, however, have multiple categories of affection gain. In the chart they are marked like this: +/+++. Before the switch, your companion will react as if it is a gift they LIKE. After the switch, they will react as if it is a gift they LOVE. Now that you understand that, please comment on my original post... Thanks
  5. Yes of that much I am sure. Of all the posts I have read, the ONLY promising lead is the possibility that you have to finish Act I. But I still think there is more to it than that. There is a LOT of guessing and vague answers on this one. Hoping someone knows. In the end, it just might be too early for this to be answered.
  6. I have been searching high and low for information on Exactly when affection gain switches from Low to High for the gift categories like Courting that allow a switch for some companions. I want to see this info (as a made-up example): Companion: Vette Gift type: Courting Affection must be over 6,000 and Act I must be complete Companion: Risha Gift type: Luxury Affection must be over 4,000 and you must have flirted with her 10 times Does ANYONE know the answer to this puzzler? I have seen endless posts where someone says that it changes at (some vague point) or under (certain unspecified condition). I was hoping that someone was working on this! ** EDIT ** Since most people still didn't understand the question, I added the following: To understand my question, you need to understand the standard Gift chart, like this one: https://skydrive.live.com/view.aspx/.Public/Swtor%20companion%20gift%20guide%20vol%202.xlsx?cid=e77018d864cdb5c7&app=Excel Most gifts always give the same affection gain (if given at the appropriate Rank). Some, however, have multiple categories of affection gain. In the chart they are marked like this: +/+++. Before the switch, your companion will react as if it is a gift they LIKE. After the switch, they will react as if it is a gift the LOVE. Now that you understand that, please comment on my original post... Thanks
  7. Probably the case. I think I will try this on the main forum, as this forum doesn't really seem like the right one for this question. Thanks.
  8. Thanks for the response, but this still doesn't answer my question. I have seen many sites with the info in your spreadsheet, but nobody can answer the question of WHEN the affection gain will toggle. I want to see a clear answer like so: Vette: Affection must be over 6,000 and Act I must be complete Mako: Affection must be over 4,000 and you must have flirted with her 10 times THAT is what I am looking for. Hopefully you all are not telling me that NOBODY knows the answer to this question.
  9. So I have been scouring the web trying to get the Final Answer on where the toggle is for changing Courting from the Lower affection gain to the Higher affection gain, for those Companion that allow the change. Is this the final answer? It doesn't toggle until the end of Act I?
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