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Everything posted by DuckfisH

  1. Day 1 back after 2 years and this is the state of things? Cmon bioware, the least you could do is allow free transfers off a faulty server. Having trouble solving the frequent crashes of Harbinger? Fine then let people get off it for god's sake. Jeez. Regret regret regret resubbing at this stage.
  2. So I just resubbed after 2 years. And this happens day 1. GG.
  3. If you are not happy, play something that makes you happy, simple. This is game time, it's supposed to be a break from the stresses of RL. Why keep paying to be unhappy, there is no logic. Go play Elder Scrolls Online/Wow/Guild Wars/Hello Kitty Island Adventure they have awesomely fast apac servers....oh wait...
  4. Well I certainly have had a good time pvping with you guys, whether you agree with me or not, I guess most ppl in the community will be unsubbing since the game is gonna be unplayable on NA.......oh wait
  5. Look, maybe it's just conflicting reports, but many ppl have said the pop time on harby is miles quicker at ALL times, and that the harby off peak population is higher than Dalborra's peak. Seems like ppl are having different experiences? Kript, pls don't make it out like I'm making stuff up, I have been pvping on Dalborra as long as the next guy, and yes I'm talking about off-peak, some people would like to play in the morn coz they work at night, some can play only when the kids are asleep, some can make it for the peak hours and I'm sure some night owls would like to play at 3am if they could. But the situation now is exactly as you describe, miss peak, then too bad, q for 45mins - indefinitely. This happens a LOT. How is this a good situation? And this kind of attitude helps the community grow how exactly?
  6. Just ask yourself, is a good ping worth it when we have to q 45mins for a wz?
  7. Are you telling me faster wz pops, faster group finder pops and having much more people to interract with and play with is not good for the community? Now I don't follow you.
  8. Ok ok, sorry about that, let me put it in terms you might understand then: You have a right to be unhappy about it. I have a right to be happy about it. Also, many ppl in SPC (which i am in too btw) are quite excited about this and say so.
  9. Fair question. I was on Drooga's Pleasure Barge at launch, which was an abject failure, peak time fleet population of 10-15 people, ghost town. When APAC was launched, I and many others like meaghs moved over for the promise of a more active communtity in the TZ that we play in at the expense of worse ping, yes. It was our choice, and that's why WE HAVE NOT COMPLAINED ABOUT THE PING for the last year and a half, we just got on with the pvp/pve that we love with the great people that we've had the opportunity to play with on APAC. Now after all that time, Bioware makes a decision that will see the rest of the Asia Pacific benefit from better pings and an even larger community, and all we say is "wow! great!" and we get jumped on/trolled/*****ed out/told to shut up? *** guys, stop behaving like a bunch of ignorant bullies and learn to live in a society, or you're just making yourself look bad.
  10. Punchy, thank you for being fair and mature in this discussion even though you are anti-merge, respect bro.
  11. Let's get this straight, I'm not killing the server you play on, I'm not expecting you to LOWER YOURSELF down to what you think is good enough for everyone not in your country, I'm not the one that qq'ed endlessly to BW to do something about the state of the Apac servers. Bioware made the decision, and just as many of you regard it as your right to endlessly clog up general chat and the forums with constant complaining, it is my right your share the same space and say "Yay! Great Job Bioware!". If you just can't bear to lower yourself, then unsub, simple. If YOU choose to keep playing a game that no longer meets your stringent standards, then it's YOUR CHOICE. Enjoy the 200ms, I know I will :)
  12. Yes, all of us outside of australia have had the option off either putting up with the 400ping on apac coz we've invested a lot of time into our characters, or rerolling, starting from scratch, losing all our social/valor/legacy/gear to get.....200ms, which is what you'll be getting on harby. For us 200ms is sounding great, for you 200ms is unplayable?
  13. Hang in there mate, I know puberty can be rough but it'll be over before you know it.
  14. APAC stands for ASIA PACIFIC, not AUSTRALIA. Seeing as how most if not all ASIA PACIFIC countries (excepting australia) will get significantly better ping AND a better multiplayer experience as a result of this move, can you blame us for being behind this decision? There's more than australia in the asia pacific guys.
  15. At least more people are pvping I guess >.>
  16. Ancient Hypergate 1 pylon held each Me: Guys why are all of you at our pylon (6 of em) Pug: Coz we're guarding it, we need to stay together, come help us guard! Me:...... 10mins later Pug: Hey we both had pylons all game, but we still lost! Weird Me:.......
  17. Sprint/Extricate/Stuns/Dots are great fun in pvp and all, but it's really coz of the best sounding ability/class names imo lol Pure Madness Sorcerer casting Crushing Darkness, Affliction, Creeping Terror and Death Field? C'mon, sounds pretty boss, no ?
  18. Couple of list submissions from me Most bonks on the head per min - 37 Most time spent without pants - 336 days Most dance move styles at a node - 6
  19. Yea stop sitting on me coz I don't have pants
  20. My entire SWTOR pvp experience has been 400-500ms
  21. How long before we get some new f2p 50s in pvp I wonder. It needs a shot in the arm, love playing with you guys but it's always the same faces, no?
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