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Everything posted by Vanadio

  1. Hi all please, explain me how classic and new work: I thought that the classic came on the market only from players who found the original versions replaced by new one and BioWare gave them an other old look copy. So basically you can't find classics in ANY pack, just from GTN if someone is selling his BioWare emailed classic version. Is it correct? Or can you find classic version in nowadays packs as well? Which ones? Thank you for your help.
  2. I actually would not put the thing on a casual/not casual argument. People keep saying that these WOW things are causal but they are not. They are second works, cause you have to grind. You do not BUILD social interaction with people to get gear. You just clock hrs. Maybe some of you missed what an old time MMORPG was, but really it was not a second work. It was interesting and stimulating testing builds, attributes setup, whatever. In these game instead you just need to gather the best equippable gear. It's autoplay game, yes, but not casual, cause you need work. Work means do the same repetitive thing everyday. Get your commendations, get gear, rinse and repeat. If I would have to give you the 3 most basic requisites they would be: Open world Massive People and social interaction count Apparently these games call theirself MMORPG but the 3 points above are what they lack mostly. Thx for the Mortal Online suggestion I'm having a look.
  3. Hi all, straight to the point: I tried SWTOR and I didn't liked it. I understood that this is a clone of a certain WOW game that basically put in existence instanced PVP, cooperative fights against scripted bosses, gear grinding, no real skill/attribute customization (just a clik per level and forget), no value to crafters (the best is coming from loot), no large scale economics and basically no massive experience (being divided into dozens of servers and due to the instanced nature of most things as stated above). Is there around something less carebear/pay the bill, resembling what was ie UO and Neocron? I mean real massive, real openworld everything, you die, you lose something, I kill I earn something, crafting valuable, social interaction needed to play and enjoy (not solo game with cooperative to grind gear to be able to grind gear to be able to grind better gear). Thank you all and enjoy!
  4. I didn't know WOW. I left MMO gaming years ago, I just came back for SWTOR, for the theme, and obviously the hope to get the same fun I had. After I played it and understood reading all around that this is a WOW clone I started wondering myself the questions I made above. If you like it I'm happy for you, sincerely. It's not the end of the world! I'm a surpassed old timer!
  5. Hi all, I'm here to ask if is this the trend nowadays, is this what the gamers want and the industry offer, for what you call MMORPGs, after WOW set things apparently once and for all (I never played it). I came to SWTOR because I'm a fan of Star Wars and MMORPGs, I played a LOT of Ultima and Neocron (the last game I would call MMORPG). The question is: is the gaming industry definitevely moved towards this model? 1) Fight the box game, with cooperative 2) Meet guildmembers for some hours of hypnotic scripted IA killing 3) Instanced PVP (OMG) <-- 4) Carebear in everything 5) No social interaction, cause you just need to clock hrs to get everything u need, u dont need to grow social interactions, the best comes from world, grinding and u paying your month subscription 6) the best gear comes from GRINDING 7) the best gear comes from world, not humans 8) dozens of servers (!!!) <--- u call it massive? 9) Lastly, but most important, utterly dumb way to customize your character stats, attributes and abilities. I mean one single stat per class? Hahhaha this is a tamagotchi game, you grow something that is already designed to be that certain character with that fixed gear/stats/attributes/abilities... Is there outside any real MMORPG, still, or everything is lost for ever? Best regards.
  6. Hi Roak, I'm quite disappointed by SWTOR pvp, maybe because I'm an old timer (Ultima, Neocron) and I didn't know what MMO became (I didn't play WOW but it should be the creator of all this): a carebear game where people meet to kill one boss clicking the same rotation for TEN minutes to get some gear. PVP here has no reward, no trill, no sense. You don't loose and don0t gain anything. Oh my god is this where the gaming industry and gaming audience has gone? Also I'm astonished someone call it MASSIVE when all you have is an instance, oh my god I want to gank peeps when they are levelling, when they are killing their boss. I want a real MASSIVE OPEN world. Can't u manage more than 60 players on the same planet? You call it massive? OMG dozens of servers???? Now back to the quote, do you know if the real mmorpg game we are talking about exists? Any suggestion? All the best, Mirel - The Killer Legacy
  7. So at the moment both best armor and best mods are from world? And the plan is to make best moddable armor from players, correct? What about best mods? Thank you, Vanadio.
  8. So my idea to remove armormech and put cybertech could be wise (I leave scavenging and underworld trading). You stick to one orange armor, but need plenty of mods Sorry to hear that best equip is not from people. One more thing toward the "single player game with optional cooperative"
  9. I said supremacy because I'm interested in critical, I mean more generally purple mastercrafts.
  10. Hi all, I was wondering if the best supremacy mastercraft items are better then world/quest drops in the endgame. Best regards and thx, Vanadio.
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