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Posts posted by Strange_Clouds

  1. REALLY so I can't get a ranked match as it is a now you want to take away the only incentive for doing the rank matches I do get when I have manage to actually find peeps who are actually doing it! How about Bioware balances the effin classes so there's no reason to choose one class over others!


    Um, don't know when u r trying to Q Kazz. On Star Forge (the server u r on) Solos pops steadily from like 7 pm to 12 am.

  2. And it'll never pop again


    It pops fine for people that want to actually try to be competitive. Group Ranked is supposed to be the hardest content in the game so of course it's not popping as much as regs and shouldn't.


    Mat farmers just give the mediocre kids high rating for no reason, then everyone stops Queueing when they get against a real team.

  3. The length of time it takes for seasons to end directly encourages and works in favor of those who win trade. Shorter seasons will not end this, but will hurt the business for sure. Please end season 9 today. :)


    I agree. End it today :cool:

  4. Since reward announcements, win-traders and whatnot have come out of the woodwork.


    Please, just end the dang season already!


    Has been going almost a year anyhow. Enough is enough ya'll...

  5. Tank bots? Are we really go down the rabbit hole with players who shouldn’t be in ranked cuz they are are bad?


    I think they are more referring to when a certain player on SF was using an actual Bot to get to top shadow a few weeks ago...

  6. As some others in the thread have highlighted, we tried to outline our schedule in the Summer Roadmap Keith put out, here. There aren't any updates planned for June. In the roadmap Keith highlighted the changes that are coming July through September, I have also made quite a few forum posts in the PvP forum highlighting specifics of what changes are coming in 5.9.2. We are making a lot of Warzone and matchmaking changes.


    Soon™ we will start talking about PTS for 5.9.2. Hope that answers your question!




    Yeah, you said Season 9 Reward details in "late June". You are running out of June folks...

  7. I wonder when they will announce rating brackets and rewards. It's already way too long. *cough* *cough* Anthem *cough*


    They said "Late June". So anytime within the 2 weeks would fit into that timetable. So, we'll see if it ever actually ends.

  8. Funny thing is that they actually mentioned the same things in this thread in a community blog back in 2014. http://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20140415


    Shorter Season Length: Brutal Action and Quicker Rewards!


    Season 1 started on November 13th 2013 (Game Update 2.4.3) and ended on April 8, 2014, (Game Update 2.7) a span of 21 weeks! This was too long of a length to get the best experience out of the Ranked Seasons, mainly queue population. With a roughly five month long season there were valleys/weeks where the queue population stagnated and thus dipped in participation. We feel that shortening the season length will keep the queue fresher and more active than in Season 1 and should be an overall benefit to the system. How short are we going? Roughly a three month long season, ending on major Game Updates like Season 1 did with 2.7.


    Too bad they simply don't care enough anymore to take there own advice.

  9. You seriously can't complain about a dead faction on a populated server. That's what new characters are for. All the reps do it on SS, all the imps do it on SF.


    As for the requirements for each bracket, a couple factors can not be denied: 1) all the inflated elo in solos due to backfilling 2) all the inflated elo in group ranked due to matt farmers. This is the first season that both appeared in their respective ranked que in great numbers.


    We can QQ about backfilling all we want but what happened, happened and the ELO pool has been severely inflated because of that. Even if you did not backfill yourself, you have profited the ELO gain from backfills in some way or another (beating a backfilled player and gaining more elo yourself, receiving an inadvertent backfill). *This is the first season with more than 3 pages of 2k+ rated players.* And as much as anyone calls them illegitimate players, like I said, it is still an inflated ELO pool.


    The same is true for matt farming in 4s. *First season with more than 2 pages of 2k+ rated players.*


    Therefore imo:

    Gold: 1800+

    Silver: 1500

    Bronze: 1200


    The larger range to include the bigger deviation of players in group ranked.


    100% correct.


    Gold will easily be 1800. Although I'd guess 1550 on Silver.

  10. They did fix the bug with the relics but when they released the new augments (240s), I was told the bug came back. They are broken again.


    Yeah, they just don't seem as broken as before. They used to be pretty much better than Gemini with raw stats making up for loss in proc. Don't seem to be the same anymore was wondering if I was missing something, or they were.

  11. I stopped looking at other player's character sheets when I realized it was showing erroneous numbers, especially when those numbers are changed by bolster, or level-sync.


    Okay? Well there is no reason to look at peoples gear that are not level 70, nor is there a reason for it to matter on a sync'd planet (i.e. Taris).


    These numbers are in relation to Bolstered max level. Only place gear bugs have ever applied.

  12. Hey all!


    I'm seeing a lot of WInd Crystal relics again. While still giving a boost in HP (roughly 3k) they don't make up for the loss in other stats like they once did. Unless I'm missing something.


    On the character, I tested swapping them on (using same augments) with Wind Crystal force bonus damage and primary melee damage did go up roughly 50 over Gemini. They used to add almost 1000 making them better than Gemini in a consistent damage sense while boosting HP. Making up for the loss of 1221 power/mastery on each proc.


    So the question is why are people wearing them again? Just for the HP? That kind of makes sense for a tank but seeing DPS in them again too...


    If it's to close the gap. The old 208 PvP relics give same raw stat boost. Less HP though while still offering 882 point procs.


    I mean.... there were 2 questions of importance for me. 1 was dsync and the other was backfilling. Since you guys were asking the dsync question, I wanted to make sure the other one was also heard.


    Not to say you aren't right. But, in chat Keith on the @SWTOR account did say something along the lines of, We fixed Backfilling, we will not tell you what action is being taken (As per there policy).


    Once again Vague but he did respond to your spam, it was just so full of your continued spam you may not have seen... hahaha.


    I do agree by the way. At least the ones that were doing it clearly 100% on purpose need to be reset, others seem kinda iffy with a rabbit hole of maybe they were just in the queue at the same time, etc...


    Dear Eric and Co:


    Just a couple of minutes ago you visited SWTORCentral in a Twitch Livestream to talk about upcoming changes. Although it was spammed multiple times, you never answered questions about Dsync.


    For those of you who don't know, Dsync is a glitch with the game that makes another player spaz out and be invisible for 1-4 seconds. Dsync orriginated in pvp as a high movement glitch. It was first assumed that Dsync was the game's response to elevation changes such as climbing stairs or falling off a ledge while using high movement abilities such as operative roll, sorc/assassin force speed, marauder maddash, ect. For example if an operative rolls up the top ramp in Quesh huttball towards the endzone, they generally dsync for 4ish seconds and before you know it they have scored.


    However with the latest patch changes Dsync is becoming more and more an issue. It is no longer only when a player changes elevation using a high movement ability. I have seen dsync on strongholds, Illum and other open worlds, arenas, and all pvp maps. Yavin Ruins, the newest warzone, is plagued by dsync where you go. It doesn't matter if you are using a high movement ability or changing elevation most players in Yavin Ruins are teleporting around at all times, invisible at one point, and visible at the next.


    This problem no longer effects just PVP, its also creeping to open world and regular flashpoints. It's not just limited to enemies. Sometimes when I try to heal an ally I can't because he/she is dsyncing. Granted my graphics are on low most of the time, but all of my friends who also have the highest graphics possible complain about dsync as well.


    1) What is Dsync exactly?

    2) Why is it occurring more and more in more aspects of the game?

    3) Are there any plans to fix it?


    Eric did address it, although vaguely.


    He said they are aware, it is caused when you do an action somewhere and you / target are in the different place when the game registers it. Example: Jugg leaps to target but when he gets there target is somewhere else.


    Also mentioned the engineers are "looking into it."


    If you stopped spamming remove backfiller ELO for 2 seconds you may have heard it :p

  13. Dear Eric and Co:


    Just a couple of minutes ago you visited SWTORCentral in a Twitch Livestream to talk about upcoming changes. Although it was spammed multiple times, you never answered questions about Dsync.


    For those of you who don't know, Dsync is a glitch with the game that makes another player spaz out and be invisible for 1-4 seconds. Dsync orriginated in pvp as a high movement glitch. It was first assumed that Dsync was the game's response to elevation changes such as climbing stairs or falling off a ledge while using high movement abilities such as operative roll, sorc/assassin force speed, marauder maddash, ect. For example if an operative rolls up the top ramp in Quesh huttball towards the endzone, they generally dsync for 4ish seconds and before you know it they have scored.


    However with the latest patch changes Dsync is becoming more and more an issue. It is no longer only when a player changes elevation using a high movement ability. I have seen dsync on strongholds, Illum and other open worlds, arenas, and all pvp maps. Yavin Ruins, the newest warzone, is plagued by dsync where you go. It doesn't matter if you are using a high movement ability or changing elevation most players in Yavin Ruins are teleporting around at all times, invisible at one point, and visible at the next.


    This problem no longer effects just PVP, its also creeping to open world and regular flashpoints. It's not just limited to enemies. Sometimes when I try to heal an ally I can't because he/she is dsyncing. Granted my graphics are on low most of the time, but all of my friends who also have the highest graphics possible complain about dsync as well.


    1) What is Dsync exactly?

    2) Why is it occurring more and more in more aspects of the game?

    3) Are there any plans to fix it?


    Eric did address it, although vaguely.


    He said they are aware, it is caused when you do an action somewhere and you / target are in the different place when the game registers it. Example: Jugg leaps to target but when he gets there target is somewhere else.


    Also mentioned the engineers are "looking into it."


    If you stopped spamming remove backfiller ELO for 2 seconds you may have heard it :p

  14. "Season 1 started on November 13th 2013 (Game Update 2.4.3) and ended on April 8, 2014, (Game Update 2.7) a span of 21 weeks! This was too long of a length to get the best experience out of the Ranked Seasons, mainly queue population. With a roughly five month long season there were valleys/weeks where the queue population stagnated and thus dipped in participation. We feel that shortening the season length will keep the queue fresher and more active than in Season 1 and should be an overall benefit to the system. How short are we going? Roughly a three month long season" - What's New in Season 2, Community Blog.


    So, the developers seemed to be reasonably competent back then. What happened? I know that was a long time ago, but the shorter season made the system much more fun, not to mention people didn't just get to there ratings and stop playing / unsub for 6 months because there is no longer a point.


    Also, there used to be a promotional teaser for each season up until is stopped at Season 6. I believe this was the point where they forgot what Ranked PvP was, thus also forgetting how to make it work.


    I know there are plenty of other problems in the Ranked setting. But the length of seasons is one of the biggest ones. All within the current season, we have had 2 huge across the board class changes making it easier / harder to get ratings based on your class and when you queued.


    At the very least, when class changes are done the Season needs to change.


    None of this addresses the Exploiters, Win-Traders, and what not of course, but none of that matters if there isn't a community playing.


    Sorry for the rant.


    Just noticed this in Community Blog and thought well they knew long seasons were a bad plan yet decided F it? If coming up with the rewards is the problem, that is the easiest answer. Grab a few Gold / Platinum things that were going to be put into next CM pack, take them out (Or just reskin as usual), and give them to players as rewards...


    If the seasons were say 3 Months-long, I would assume fewer people would simply unsub once they hit their target as the next season would be coming soon. In turn, making more money for the game (although maybe marginally) but a larger subbed community has a better chance of also buying from the CM then people at aren't playing do.

  15. IIRC the Sarlacc Enforcer was the first one, and it was a good'n. Ashamed to say it took me longer than it should have to realise it was April 1st when that one came out.


    Now the only sense of fun I see from the team is goofing around on the live stream, when people are actually tuning in to ask real questions and get answers. We'll probably get some reference to Kai Zaikken or Lord Ptach, or something as equally played to death.


    Same then started to look forward to them the following years as April approached.


    Guess you know when a game is actually dead though when they can't even be bothered to troll there players anymore for risk of upsetting one because it wasn't real.

  16. To give them some credit they did have a few good ones years ago. Log mount, Comet Starfighter ship are only ones I can think of right now though.


    Now it seems they have lost too much faith in their skills to try at all. Even when it comes to just having a little fun, shame.


    At this point though if they tried, they would probably announce something the players actually wanted as a joke instead since they have no idea anymore.

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