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10 Good
  1. This a a great guide! Thank you very much for sharing this with us. As with many others I never been interested MMO's until now. It's Star Wars after all! I'm playing as a DPS and have done a few heroics (no Flashpoints yet), which I thought went well (haven't died too many times or been flamed as a newbie) but never really understood my role in the group. Didn't understand how to use AoE, or that I needed to wait 5 sec before start shooting like crazy. As someone else posted, it feels a bit strange waiting passively for the tank to build aggro This guide helped to explain a lot of things! Quick question if I may regarding level range on Flashpoints. As I said, never really bothered with them but now I would like to give it a try. As a lvl 24 I now would like to do The Esseles and Hammer Station. As I understand it they have a lower lvl range (marked grey in the mission log). Do I need to do them with others on my lvl, or can I do them with lower lvl players as well?
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