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Everything posted by kabeone

  1. @Ves I love it! @bright yay cuteness and Wynston getting punched in the face! Edit to add: I wonder if Wynston ever wondered why the Empire had not managed to build something like Coruscant, if the Empire was so perfect. (They can't they can only take it and then break it in their efforts to "perfect" it.) Double Edit because I can: I don't mean to say that Wynston thinks the Empire is perfect. I'm pretty sure he's aware that it's not. Just that he thinks that Coruscant would be better under the Empire.
  2. Agreed completely. I also love Vierce's mental ghost of Elara helping Vierce work things out. I'm glad she got a voice in this story even if it's only Vierce's image of her.
  3. @Striges Yay Ian background! Also, I love Vashutarl's Kira and her difficulty maintaining the Padawa/Master dynamic. I always wonder how old they thought the JK should be considering Kira is supposed to be 20. I think I'd be having difficulty not strangling her, but then I guess that's very un-Jedi-like. @Tatile eeeee so many hearts for that last one Swoooon. @bright_ephemera Freak trophy case accident and Tharan, I haven't gone far enough into Consular to know what I think of him. Poor guy. And stacking the deck in her own favor so that she wins no matter what? Nalenne does know how to please her man. @Ves I loved the mini-drabbles especially Hehehe @iamthehoyden "Looking for a woman with a boat... must send picture of boat." I've heard that joke so often, there must be to something and the fisherman thing. As to Crae, he seems like such a sweetie for trying even though he really doesn't get the "civilized traditions" thing. <3
  4. @bright I love that Kirsk is there to keep Vierce from going off the deep end, but at the same time he's not going to pull punches in reminding Vierce about his own responsibility in the matter. All the same *arglbarglPoorViercePoorViercearg* @Ves eee happies. @Striges Loved the look at Darmas also terrifying. Very fitting, he's one of my favorite characters. Up to date indexes, yay.
  5. For Ves, Darth Nox has everything she needs. http://25.media.tumblr.com/e85dc648dc4cf141385adbebac27de38/tumblr_mi8n31waMr1rc6qsko1_1280.png
  6. toooo laaaaaaate http://25.media.tumblr.com/52712f8f458ae9bead16601e15f74eaf/tumblr_mi6ev7tlWF1rc6qsko1_r1_1280.png Edit: Also, there will be some mockery... I can't be serious about anything for more than five minutes at which point mockery creeps in, case in point yummy-chan-tea-house-princess in the back, I couldn't resist. I did love Ian's introduction I hope to read more.
  7. I don't know what I'm doing today.
  8. I got lucky and read the cave one last it was *yay happiness* instead of a gut wound. Also @bright *still ouchie* @Ves I loved this! I'm also very scared of the idea that the child of two Sith would be born under the Republic/Jedi Council's watchful eye. But yay for updates!
  9. @Striges I love all the beautiful details that add to the atmosphere of your stories. The clash between what Coruscant is really like and the perfectly climate controlled interiors was great @bright I love Nic, she and Nosc would get along I think. They could duel and dirty kick each other's Corsos for all the times they were overbearing idiots. @Tatile you know I love Rochester, and I admit that I might be mentally adding Broan into every scene with him (that is possible) because I'm an unapologetic sap/fangirl.
  10. You may come to regret your generosity... ask bright. Also, no takesy-back-sies. I head canon everything, in case you were wondering.
  11. @Striges I love Vashutarl and Kughel. I'm shipping them already! It must be a Valentines thing, I'm going with that and not just that I'm a hopeless sap. Also, I can't stand eating something that does not taste like what I expected, especially sweets. @Morgani More Vector and Brei love. I can't get enough of them. <3
  12. Eeeeeeeee. *melty mushy meltiness* Don't mind that puddle on the floor, it's just kabe. A fine summation for the mindset of a maverick like Wynston
  13. @Ailie Thanks for the suggestion but I was unable to access the links. I normally don't read fanfic outside of these forums though because I'm kind of lazy when it comes to looking for inspiration. If I ever decide to do requests it's most likely to be on Tumblr, I am also kabeone there. @Striges Covert Pants and "Elegant" Pants for men needs to be a thing. And yes, I spent a long time on the lighting... all the anatomy studies I was forced to do... woe is me.
  14. @bright I already whined about the effect of your Legacy story on my poor poor relational database Also, Pierce Jr.'s pranking coupled with Wynston's attempt to both appease PJ's need to meddle, irritate Quinn, while not actually driving Quinn insane is always gold. @Eversteam I was also disappointed with the lack of resolution for that statement on Belsavis. Agent spoilers @Tatile Poor Rochester. I love all the pieces with Captain Gorse. I would watch a TV show with him and his crew traveling through space trying to fulfill the Empire's edicts while trying to avoid those meddlesome Sith.
  15. Your resolutions are so satisfying it is well worth the gut stabbing nail biting progression. That said, I would not say no to snuggly. @Striges Thanks! Agent Ending spoilers
  16. @bright I am stuck in a mental loop that goes "Poor Vierce, poor Vierce, poor Vierce..." then "dammit Vierce you stupid... poor Elara, poor Elara, poor Elara" then repeat. This one shot bubbled up because of all the agent talk. Prompt: What If/Loyalty and Betrayal Cipher Nine AU: Trump Card Agent Chapter 2 spoilers 500 wordsish Note:
  17. The last of the dancing series because I can't stay serious about anything for a prolonged period of time. My smuggler Nosc and her girls Akaavi and Risha. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/037/2/3/smuggler_girls_night_out_by_kabeone-d5u2yc5.png (Those are Kavin bills. You didn't really think Nosc would turn all of them over did you?)
  18. I have a different idea for Nyarlathotep but I couldn't resist. http://25.media.tumblr.com/90c615781f0283a633e4680312340a2b/tumblr_mhrdzt1yKD1rc6qsko1_1280.png (bushy nose plecostomus) seemed fitting.
  19. Varrel's moments with Vette, so far, have been very sweet and a little sad. I just love him so much. (And I love Vette, I just wish lekku weren't so darn hard to draw) I've done a swtor chibi request on tumblr a couple times but I've never exactly done open requests. My understanding of requests is that a person describes a character (possibly gives screenshots) then describes what they're doing/wearing etc and then I draw that. I am not good enough to draw that way. Mostly I just draw whatever I want and hope the owner of the character I stole/abused/drew likes it, which is why it tends to be fanart of fanfic from the Short Fic Thread over in the fanfic sub-forum. Thanks for asking Edit to add: Suggestions are always welcome, I love all sources of inspiration as long as it's OK that I don't draw the suggestion if I'm not feeling up to it.
  20. http://25.media.tumblr.com/dbca85afae7d2740b629af759de541b7/tumblr_mhpk8iCSWa1rc6qsko1_500.png The real quote from Lovecraft, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
  21. Featuring Vette (customization 1) and Striges's Sith Warrior Varrel Umrahiel. Inspired by this short fic in particular. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/034/1/7/varrel_umrahiel_and_vette_waltz_by_kabeone-d5tmbmx.png
  22. Yay! Glad you like it. Adris is handsome, I had to keep telling him to stop smoldering at me, swing is not smolder-y. :D:D Thanks!
  23. Morgani's Adris and Ensign Temple Customization 7, Fast Swing. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/032/b/0/adris_and_temple_by_kabeone-d5tglq5.png
  24. Thanks! I always wonder if what I'm trying to draw comes through at all when it comes to emotions and motivation. I'm so happy when people see it. Imagine it started out with me drawing them dancing like that naked. I accept all love thrown in my direction, especially if it comes in the form of stories, but wouldn't want to push more stories more stories *cough*
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