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Posts posted by JediTahiri

  1. I have to use defensive cooldowns now.

    I have to use more then 3 skills to kill something

    I have to learn my class and my role, and its almost like playing an mmo

    Heroic +2 actually means 2 players are recommended unless I am truly at endgame, and I am really that good that I don't need help



    THATS IT!1111




    I don't even have the words to describe how stupid you are. But anyway I have played since launch and I don't need the pointless grind that I have already done 100 times. The flashpoints and Op's are the only things that need to be hard.

  2. welp if this ******** change because of all the crybabies that like the pointless grind means i have to spend an hour finding a group for 2+ heroics i am canceling my sub. I have played since release and done the grind already. I am done with that bs. I like grouping up for the flash points and OP's. But if everything else is back to the annoying grind then **** this. Goodjob whiners way to make a the player base drop even more
  3. im not sayig i disagree with you but ive been playing MMO for a long time and my usual saturday morning have alway included no one else on. Maybe you should choose a diffrent time to complain about because dead servers on a saturday morning is common for any mmo.


    yeah because it happening to be saturday morning at this moment is the entire problem, yeah its not that all server's except 3 or 4 are dead, nope it is because it is saturday morning right now.

  4. should have saw all these problems coming with a game that has something to do with EA, they dont give a **** about there player base on any game. they may not want to merge servers because how it might look. yeah i guess just ignoring all the problems and letting the game die is such a better solution
  5. Yes. Absolutely. Like Vandaar and some of these other clowns never do a double take and say, "Good god, Player Character, what the hell happened to your face?"


    Nevermind the physical changes, if these Jedi are so wise and practiced, why can't they sense the dark side in you? Luke was barely trained, had limited experience, but could still tell when Vader was miles away.


    But apparently, the Council is clueless when you needlessly murder villagers when running about on one of their errands.


    So, yeah, it's all pretty silly.


    yeah but some people obviously think you can hide all that lol. oh and palpatine, he wasnt making obvious darkside choices. but like you said the council said a couple times they could sense the darkside oh but not from a jedi standing infront of them lol yeah right.

  6. They can hide it. No mystery. Get over it.


    you cant hide orange/red eyes pale skin lol. anyway take a chill pill it is just a convo about something in the game, so you get over it.

  7. They do in the jedi knight story in beta being dark side got you a unique title at the end. Same with the jedi consular. I think the reason why they don't do much about it is because there is a war going on and you are incredibly powerful.


    war or not, they are not going to just ignore it because you are incredibly powerful.

  8. Am i the only one that finds it funny and also really stupid. that the jedi council or the republic does not even notice that you are darkside. it is really obvious when a jedi falls to the darkside.
  9. Very unhappy on EU Niman where all my chars and legacy and crafting is. Never see it get out of "LIGHT" population.


    Log on the ONE server that always hits "Heavy" Loads of people in starting area, on starting planet, oh, so this is what population looks like?


    Kind of disgusted that we are being forced to reroll and start over if we want to continue enjoying the game until they pull their thumb out their butt and do something for those of us suffering or quitting because of light server populations.



    How can bioware see THAT many servers showing light, consistently, and not do anything.


    It is all EA, not Bioware. They would have already merged the server's or done something to address this issue if it was not for EA. what you expect from a game that has something to do with EA.

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