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Everything posted by Sallae

  1. Or any other type of diminishing returns?
  2. What if after you pass a ball you have a Debuff that has a 25% chance to drop a return pass for 10-15 seconds?
  3. I have a potential solution to a problem I have seen while leveling. I have noticed that Hutt Ball favors some classes more than others. Most notably, tanks. First of all, I like how having a tank on your team in Hutt ball can be extremely beneficial. That being said, it shouldn't make it impossible to win if the other team has a good (and geared) tank and can simply run through your team on the way to the goal. On top of being almost impossible to kill, they can also use various movement tools to ignore the obstacles of the course to get to the goal. Such movement increases i am talking about are the "life grips, intervenes...etc" types. I agree that a movement penalty for the ball carrier is needed, but I believe the following change would address what I have stated above. Have the debuff act initially as a movement increase. A short sprint to reward teams who pass the ball. Something along the lines of 20% speed increase for 2 seconds. Follow that up with normal running speed for 5-10 seconds. After which you start getting a cumulative speed decrease until you are permanently rooted until you pass the ball. Rewarding people who pass the ball will ensure people actually learn how to do it and increase the amount of skilled and practiced people in the PvP queues. This will go a long way towards me and my friends not cursing when we see hutt ball on the random loading screen. Thank you.
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