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Everything posted by Argurioo

  1. I don't know mate, i play infiltration shadow since the game launch and i never have trouble with any class in any 1vs1 except shadow kinetic. I'd never use anyway the low slash after the first clairvoyant strike, id keep it for interrupt when mind snap is on cooldown or use it to land a backstab proc if the nemy player is smart or even to run away. The only class that could make us die is balance sage but it takes way too long to kill someone that you can still vanish if you see you really losing. Referring to the damage output we might not doing the same damage as a sniper or a commando, but we still have the best single target burst when we want, and a healer disappears when we are on it. Honestly i don't feel underpowered even if i would love some more dps considering how squishy we are.
  2. How the force regen rate? I mean is ok or its terrible? ps. I just got to ilum as infiltration and mobs are twoshotting me lol
  3. Thanks guys i just got to 50 today ;D I'm gonna try both these specs and then i wil ldecide, i just love the sirvivability of Kinetic though I Assume balance is bad?
  4. Hi guys, i wanted to ask you an advice about the pvp spec at 50. I love pvp and i tried both infiltration and kinetic combat playstyle, but i ignore how the pvp looks like at 50 and if now im able to sustain a good 1vs1 combat and group utility as kinetic, i wonder if this is going to be any good at 50? What i mean is that i presume that dps classes at 50 are going to have a lot more accuracy so probably my defense rating will be totally useless against them so is it even worth to think about tank spec at 50? Is the burst of the dps classes too powerful to resist? Is Kinetic combat useful at 50 or is just gonn adie against overwhelming damage? Will my damage be at least accettable or i will be just unkillable style-but no use? In short will kinetic suck at 50 xD?
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