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Everything posted by keldeeny

  1. My hubby and I would like to join...How do we go about joining? We have characters on both the imp and rep sides of many classes. Thanks
  2. nothings there. all gone like they never existed. tried n key too, and ctrl UU and dying and medical center and going back to ship yadda yadda
  3. Did that too. I was so hopeful that the repair would work. Guess I'll hit the hay for now. Maybe something will turn up later on. At least there is a real companion waiting there! Lol
  4. Yep. But they have been gone going on two days and haven't heard anything. So Bummed. It is the main battle couple that I play with my hubbs
  5. No special missions. Just doing my class mission after the Great Hunt and gone! all of them. I even tried repairing the patch, and nada. I have seen many posts about this but no resolutions that have worked for me. The companion panel is completely gone.
  6. Hello all All my companions are gone! I have tried everything. Haven't heard back from support yet. I have: logged out and in, quit and back, ctrl UU, "N", died in combat to revive in medcenter, gone to ship, enabled and disabled UI...to name a few...ANYONE advise!? Sucks:rak_02:
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