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Posts posted by Xenthum

  1. The difference is that in the entire history of WoW, rogues have only been completely outclassed in every instance of the game by every other class maybe twice, ever. They always dominate something, with one of their specs.


    Operative, on the other hand, can make no such claim. They weren't even the best burst when buff stacking was around, Rage warriors were. Operative is the worst at everything they do (haven't tested healing post 1.2) and still get nerfed in every single balance patch.


    Just doesn't make sense.

  2. I've done Arenas and I've done Rated BGs, both at pretty good levels, and I gotta say I prefer Rated BGs. 3 people just trying to kill each other really isn't all that difficult and requires little coordination outside of "fear bombing now" or "smoke bomb now". I think that coordinating larger groups, as well as strategy and tactics and such, takes much more skill as well as a lot more thinking. Also take into account that it's much harder to win based on your comp. Plus, you DO still need to get kills.


    8v8 trying to kill each other, with respawns, highest kill count (at end of timer, or adding to a total) wins is what we're talking about. Not 3v3 Arena.

  3. Death Match and Team Death Match would be great warzones to include once the games queues game-wide, which is specifically suppose to give players the option of warzone they participate in.


    This. I've never seen a true deathmatch in a major MMO (didn't play them all but...) and I would welcome it whole heartedly. Enough capture the flag, enough bomb defusing, enough hold the point.

    I just want a team deathmatch in an MMO. 1 room, 4 pillars, 2 teams. No Z axis. Go.

  4. Just cancel your sub and pre order D3. BioWare cant even be bothered to fix bugs that have been around since beta; they are too busy thinking up ways to further nerf OPs/Scounds.


    I'm going to be playing D3 like a fanatic but there's no PvP at all at launch and no ETA for it and the classes aren't even going to be close to balanced and never will be. Blizzard doesn't like MLG and have stated such.

  5. Dear people:


    Stop saying "Skill>Class" in a thread talking about class balance. Any player who is amazing with an Operative would STILL BE AMAZING with a Sorc. Skill is skill. Class balance is class balance. They're different.


    Looking at Class v. Class, player skill has no part in the discussion.

  6. The point is that its a further nerf in that we now have to drop points somewhere, either in Inclement Conditioning, the Lethality Tree, or the Medicine Tree.


    The typical concealment build is 3/31/7. After 1.2 patch we are going to have a tough decision to make in order to take talents that are less effective then they are currently.


    Personally I'm considering dropping my 1 pt in inclement conditioning. Not sure where my other 2 points will come from. Possibly i'll drop Energy screen for 1 more pt. I'll still be 3/31/7 somehow.


    Old spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#4010cZGhModkrffzZhr.1

    New spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#4010cZGhModkrffzZhr.1


    The 3% crit nerf and the Backstab changes are much more significant than this talent change.

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