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Posts posted by zerosaint

  1. Yes, presuming you can live long enough to get damage off vigi has substantially more damage and far and away better killing power.


    Skanking has the advantage of sheer survival. I PvP with like 148k health and as you said guardian slash is a beast of an aoe. The people who skank and then play like it's dps are simply doing it wrong. The purpose of any tank in PvP is to mitigate damage to your team and be as big a nuisance as possible. Even with damage numbers, it's usually aoe fluff that's not really killing much.


    In short, vigi has the damage advantage (as it obviously should being a dps spec), but poor survivability; skanking has the survivability at the sacrifice of killing power.id run tank gear if it felt like it did anything for me.


    Would you be willing to give a base build for what you're talking about? I'd really be fascinated to try this out myself.

  2. I'm one of those insufferable 'been-around-since-beta" people though I come and I go. I haven't made a forum post in actual years. I'd just like to say I get it. This sort of thing happens. Thank you for working to get it fixed. But I'd like to echo that extending the XP/CXP event would be a really good way to resolve all of this. Almost all of my joy in SWTOR these days is derived from Alt-Making and Alt-Leveling. If there's a way to do that I know that I will be happy .




  3. is there's any gay romance in Swtor ? please i would like to know :p:p


    BW claimed about a week after launch (Well timed for maximum free outraged press advertisement) that Same Sex relationships were going to be put in as a priority. Then never mentioned it again.


    Take from that whatever you like.

  4. Do you have any idea how long people were asking for the Barbershop (in game character custominzation changes) in WoW before it was finally implemented?


    Take a seat for a bit, hoss, and be patient. It will get here soon enough.




    I'm going to go with "Long enough that BW should have known it's a feature people want and that there was no reasonable excuse for it to have not been in for launch.".


    That's how long.

  5. Agreed. Don't they know that TOR is the fastest growing MMO of all time. Rome wasn't built in a day, give it time it's been less than 6 months.


    First of all:


    Released 12/20/11 it's been -seven- months.


    Second of all:

    Losing 400k subscribers as of May (honestly likely more now) is not 'growing' unless I have been taught the wrong definition. Additionally being forced to condense nearly a hundred servers into 10 or so is also not a sign of growth.


    I am not trying to be a jerk, but please know your facts before you spout this sort of nonsense.

  6. EA losing 50% of it's stock value since the SWTOR launch? Ouch. What implications does this have for everybody's favorite MMO in space (besides Eve)?


    My continued schadenfreude as the fanboys continue to proclaim that anyone who has constructive criticism are 'h8ters' 'jealous' or 'losers' wind up alone on a few barren servers in the next year or two.

  7. Ignore the haters, but don't ignore the ACTUAL issues that people bring to the forums. There are plenty of good and bad, as in every other game.


    This- you're going to love your journey from 1-50. My honest advice is to TAKE YOUR TIME. Don't rush it. The fastest way to become bitter about this game is to end your journey and start your grind- and the journey is a lot of fun.

  8. Not gonna happen. Class stories are just one of the many reasons why this game was the most successful launch of ALL TIME.


    Also it's been reported everywhere to be the fastest growing MMO of ALL TIME.

    So don't worry the game is doing just fine, better than fine actually, don't listen to a few jealous naysayers what do they know.


    As of Q1 Reports (Up through May) they had lost 400k subscribers... just curious if you can give citation on the "Fastest growing" bit.


    To the topic, I imagine that we won't see any serious storyline growth until later in the year for individual classes. It's a shame, because that's the only truly unique thing this game has going for it.

  9. well we could turn that around, you dont have any proof that its gone under 1.3 mil they stated last time, you dont have any proof that of the people in your guild that they havnt just set up home on another server and been shipped to a different destination server. You dont have any proof that they stopped there subs. We could have only a few who come back but the overall number could be huge compared to numbers lost.


    Question: Were you able to get your fingers around all those straws you were grasping at?

  10. Saint -


    Sorry for the multiple responses, but cast a shadow on a non-reflective surface (like the dirt paths on Tython), and I think you will find it does a much better job.


    Additionally, I noticed something else - if they did a less-than-steller job on the artwork of something (like the banners outside the Jedi Temple on Tython), it appears like the engine is rendering the shadow of the minor jaggies present on the object itself, thus magnifying them.


    Maybe that's just on my machine, but it made me chuckle.




    I think you are correct on that - may very well be the case. Either way I appreciate the second set of eyes.

  11. Saying anything useful to you is useless because your original post invites only two possible responses (with some variants):


    1. "I agree totally, this sucks"

    2. "You're wrong."


    When one posts like this, you're not actually inviting any discussion. All you want is for someone to disagree with you so you can accuse them of being a white knight or fanboy, then rant some more.


    We're not here to cater to your infantile whims, my friend.


    My advice to you: If you do not like the product you are receiving, then cease paying for it. Good day.


    That's nonsense. I'm saying "I'm entitled to voice my opinion." not "You must agree with it." One of the very frequent syndromes on this forum (and evidenced in this thread) is saying that any criticism = hate.

  12. I'm curious, where is that screen shot taken, OP?


    My shadows don't look like that, but I want to stand where you are, and see how my machine renders that spot.






    Empire fleet at one of the elevator junctions - I notice the shadows primarily when reflected off of metal surfaces. All settings are maxed.



    Here's one on Tython. So maybe it is a Radeon thing. Who knows? I've heard a lot of talk of optimization issues.



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