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Posts posted by Stongrel

  1. Until we get 8-man premades, I'm perfectly happy with bads getting better gear. I'm so sick of getting stuck with people in recruit gear, people with only one relic slotted, people with <50 jewelery, etc.


    Also, anybody that cries about "bads" getting more reward, are primarily those desperately trying to hold on to their gear advantage/crutch. Who cares what the losing team earns if you won?

  2. What I used to like about dps Sages pre 1.2 - we had several viable PVP specs... Balance, hybrids (with many variations), and even Telekinetic used to be playable in PVP.


    Now we only have one viable PVP damage spec, and that is Balance. While Balance is pretty good, it is nowhere near the same level as some of the other OP classes running around, and it's almost completely lacking in burst.


    Burst > Damage over time.

    Pretty accurate.
  3. The inefficiencies in the system are there by design to increase grind.
    Wrong, they're there by incompetence and lack of foresight. Like warzones no longer aborting causing 4v8 matches, and BM pieces not updating properly.
  4. Essentially eliminating the rewards for the losing team (usually a pug and/or lesser geared), was one of the dumber ideas in a patch filled with dumb ideas. Those new people get discouraged, eventually quit, interest in pvp declines, ques get longer. Bioware introduces new gear for new 50's to catch up, while at the same time preventing those new 50's from taking their lumps and progressing gearwise.



  5. my arguement is sorc healer is a very weak link and two of them could not do a raid. unless maybe they could stack on each other and double aoe heal.
    You can double sorc heal the entire operation. There's nothing taxing or difficult about it from a healer's perspective. Error comes from newness of the raid, raid/tank positioning, and knowledge of boss abilities.


    Feel fortunate the content is hard for you. You still have something to work towards, room to improve.

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