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Everything posted by hamward

  1. wait, but you actually wear the hood? can you post a screen shot please?
  2. so is there an answer then? has anyone worn a hood as a twi'lek on the test server?
  3. i assume he made a twi'lek and checked it out on the test server?
  4. finally! thats great news. hated robed hoods just having no hood at all. thanks for the info
  5. can twi'leks wear hoods in 1.2?
  6. i wish they would fix this and the hoods. the game has been out long enough now for this to have been fixed.
  7. seriously? man, twi'leks are the worst =/
  8. can twi'leks wear the cool smuggler cowboy hats? or are they banned from them like they are hoods?
  9. I just want my twi'lek sith to be able to wear a hood
  10. Any update on this issue from the dev team? Or even testers in 1.2 with a hood toggle feature?
  11. it would just be nice to hear an official reply about what's being done, if anything, about it.
  12. do you know if they're fixed on the test server?
  13. has their been any dev response regarding the twi'leks and hoods? maybe lekku down the front of the robe or something? I know this has been brought up before, but i was just curious if the issue has been addressed by a dev.
  14. thanks, good to know that they at least acknowledge it
  15. id settle for some sort of information about whether this is even being looked at. i haven't heard a thing and it's been here from the start
  16. Please fix this. It's getting stupid now that this isn't talked about our mentioned. http://i.imgur.com/AsHtz.jpg
  17. so there hasn't been any sort of update on this about how to fix it? the weird thing is, if you preview the robe it looks fine. it's only when you wear it that it looks stupid
  18. So it's been awhile and I'm just wondering if they're ever going to fix the way robes fall over the backside. It looks so dumb and makes me want to stay away from some of the cooler looking gear. I know it's a small thing to most, but it's the most annoying thing to me.
  19. can't play at the moment but i was just wondering if this patched addressed the graphics on robes making my butt look about 5x its normal size. EDIT: nope, i still look like an idiot. it bothers me because on the preview window for the armor, it looks normal. you'd think this would be a minor issue to resolve
  20. so im starting to feel kind of bored with the game. i have a 34 jug and i basically just skip all the quests and focus on the main story, but even that is getting kind of tiring. is it the game, or are jugs just boring to level by yourself? ive heard a lot of negative feedback on jugs and thats why i was wondering. are there more 'exciting' classes out there? i keep getting bogged down with all these abilties and just watching the slot bar for them to finish.
  21. i realize this is a small issue in the grand scheme of things, but it just bothers the heck out of me. when i preview the robe i wear it looks normal but when i put it on, my butt is huge. it looks completely disproportiant. has there been any indications that this will be taken care of sometime in the future? part of the fun for me in an mmo is to get the coolest looking gear and thats somewhat hard when my butt sticks out a mile.
  22. so im punished for not coming to the website and reading everything? that seems unfair to me.
  23. my main complaint is the lack of information giving whn the window came up. itd be one thing if i had to look for the lgeacy window or if they gave you an explanation of what it would mean.
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