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Everything posted by Aykos

  1. Aykos

    make pvp great again

    get rid of 5+ ops premade Q's. i rem when ppl used to complain about 4 man premades. this is ridiculous. honestly if u cant dominate pugs w a 4 premade ur not as good as u think u r
  2. Self heal yea def come in I mean ppl just dot u and los ><
  3. Easy fix… lump vs & hg into one category and for the love of God un-nerf OPG pop!
  4. Aykos

    Is Voidstar bugged?

    So last night I had a Voidstar and we were defending first. Enemy team got the first door and the bridge, we held them at second door. On our attacking turn we got first door faster than they did. Then when someone capped bridge moments later it ended and we lost. There was still like 5 minutes on the clock for us to go further. Working as intended?
  5. Op needs hit out of the park with the nerf bat. May as well take The Pit out of the rotation with the other Huttballs cause watching operatives score in the first 15 seconds is getting old. But NO don’t nerf opers or skank tanks we gotta address dps off-guarding cause THAT’S game breaking
  6. It’s definitely “deadweight” when he types in ops chat in all caps that the team sucks and he’s going afk rest of match
  7. Aykos

    Save OGP!

    PvP'ers that like Odessen Proving Ground, now is the time to speak up! This is my favorite map and I'd be really sad to see it go or changed. I love it cause it's one of the most objective based warzones. Your team can be completely outclassed in fighting yet still win easily with battle awareness and objective play. I really enjoy the small pockets of fighting around the map, getting in a 1v1, 2v2, and so on. And if the enemy wants to zerg in a pack, chasing kills, ignoring objectives Odessen is punishing. Honestly, I haven't searched posts for what people's gripe is with Odessen but I rarely see it pop as it is. I hope the devs find a way to keep it in the rotation and still keep players happy... Maybe add a new Random Activation warzone to lump it in with for the match variety system. I'd like to see a map with even more nodes lol
  8. Aykos


    Please don’t bring back expertise. It’s why I quit the game the game the first time and I will probably do so again if it comes back. All of you clamoring for expertise are just bads that want an auto-win stat against less geared players.
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