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Everything posted by Celebrond

  1. Not sure, if it was already mentioned but i had this conversation with my Sith Inquisitor on Alderaan NPC: They train you Imperials well, yes? SI: On Korriban, every time an acolyte died, we throw a party. Just like the Sith Warrior said: No one parties like a Sith!
  2. A funny line from my Sith Inquisitor on Tatooine when accepting the quest Prison Labor SI: do yo want the Jedit squirm or dead? NPC: Dead, my lord. I am a simple man.
  3. Conversation between Corso and my female Smuggler (i think it was not mentioned here): Corso: You need someone who really takes care of you. Smuggler: If i need someone to take care of me i sell my starship and start knitting. Sith Warrior on Balmorra after the class quest with the son of the spy: Baras: Can you see me smiling my apprentice? (with that mask?)
  4. Kaliyo on Dromund Kaas near the Lightning Spire: Slow down. Let's..spread out, have a picnic, enjoy the lightning.
  5. Bounty Hunter Story quest on Hutta: when confronting the Trandoshan Bounty Hunter: BH: I never killed a...what is he again, Mako? Mako: A Trandoshan. Rhymes with dead meat.
  6. Had a funny line with my BH yesterday. At the start of the Nar Shadaar Bonus series you talk to a Sith. It goes like his: BH: If i have to open a closed door, I tear down a wall. (or something like that) Sith: Your house must be well vented then.
  7. Der weiblichen Trooper hat die englische Stimme von Commander Shepard (hab mir ein paar Tage Deutsch angetan, dann zurück auf Englisch )
  8. Vielleicht müßte man nen Hard-Mode für MMORPG einführen. Wo es dann wirklich entscheidend ist, was man macht. Kommt natürlich die Frage, wer dann diese Herausforderung annehmen würde
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