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Posts posted by Tavend

  1. I am a healer and when I do a tactical, such as last night with Maanan we did not use the kolto tanks and guess what we didn't die. Why would we use the Kolto tanks when I am a healer and I spent the time gearing and learning how to play my healer. Just because it is a tactical does not mean we need to use the Kolto tanks. I rather do my job which is healing than use the tanks.


    So maybe instead of being a jerk you might want to consider that the next time you make a comment about kolto tanks because not every person uses them in a tactical. Some people actually still want to do their job no matter whether it is Operation, Hard Mode Flashpoint or tactical.


    ...and if you aren't wiping then so what? Thanks for reading what I wrote and then replying to it without knowing what the hell I was even talking about. Go back and reread what it was in response to.

  2. There are a LOT of impatient people in this game. Third day that Maanan was released, a buddy of mine and I get the chance to try it for the FIRST time. We do a group finder and inform everyone in the group that we are NOT doing a speed run, it is our first time and we want to experience the whole thing. One guy says "sure!" but by the time he answers, the fourth guy has run ahead, alone, and aggroed groups.


    We kicked him.


    We then informed the new joiner that we were not speed running. He immediately cursed at us, told us WE could leave if we didn't want to keep up with HIM.


    We kicked him too.


    We ended up having to kick the other original guy and about two others before we got a really solid team that was fun to play with, that were happy to let us actually ENJOY the Flashpoint and were more than helpful explaining the mechanics of everything in advance. While there may have been a hiccup or two, we never wiped and by the end they had enjoyed it too. Added two friends.


    On the THIRD day.


    Once upon a time people actually had patience and PLAYED the game instead of treating it like a chore they have to finish as soon as possible. I can understand wanting to race through things like Esseles but a NEW Tactical only THREE days after release? Unbelievable.



    More than likely they were racing to get the research notes for the new mount and weapons.

  3. This genius is going to understand he can't win every week, it is doubtful any guild can, and use that same lumpy gray stuff to figure out what to do during the down weeks. Hint: It might look something like replenishing stocks.


    By the way, when I put up my numbers, they were on Makeb. Invasion Forces were not bonused, though they did earn credit.


    Gray matter > blood, sweat, and tears. Though tears do taste good. :D


    Antithesis, Veritas, few others win every week.

  4. Have you ever considered that maybe some people don't use the Kolto barrels. I know two healers that will not use the kolto barrels. They heal the people like they do in a hard mode flashpoint. so maybe you might want to consider that before you go sprouting off about the Kolto barrels.


    The Kolto barrels are there according to them for people who may not have a healer or their healer isn't geared high enough. One is geared in mostly 180/168 and the other is 168 and so they feel like using the Kolto barrels is cheating when they can heal that much better and faster and don't have to run across the room to hit a barrel.


    So you, or they would rather die/wipe than use free heals because they feel like a game mechanic is cheating? That's just plain dumb. Sorry, but it is.

  5. BS. I'm on the Ebon Hawk and in the 1st week my guild squeaked out a win by getting over 10 mil total. While we scored 3 mil the LAST day of that competition, it opened a lot slower. Ironically the ONLY guild to get 3 mil in the "1st 24 hrs" like you claim was the guild we beat trying to take that same planet again and getting some fairly stiff competition from another guild. Guess they don't want to take any chances this time around so they burned a load of crafting materials early.


    Reading comprehension to you as well. Who the **** said anything about week 1? Veritas had 3 mil on day 1 of THIS weeks invasion.

  6. I tend to agree as well.


    For the record the two guilds on Ebon Hawk that racked up huge points at the beginning were Veritas and AOL for a Voss conquest. It was more like 1 million the first hour not 3.


    The rumor being passed around is that they queued up all of their crafting the night before and then logged in after their guild leader started the conquest to get the reward. This 'head start' didn't require them to be a huge guild, it just required that they were aware that they could take advantage of the system like this. Many of us were not aware of that 'loop hole' in the rules but I can guarantee you every guild will be doing that with their crafting efforts from this point on.


    Reading comprehension. I said 24 hours, not 1 hour.

  7. This is a load of garbage.


    I'm in a guild that's fairly large, or at least I consider it large, because we can field 2 full 16-man raid teams on Friday nights. Others may not consider that large. I mean, it's really probably only 40-50 players.


    Anyway, looking over the conquest points my guild (currently in first place) has amassed, the vast majority - over half - have come from exactly two players.


    That means that a "guild" of FIVE PLAYERS as interested in taking a planet as the two main point-getters in my "big" guild are would beat us handily - win the conquest running away.


    Perhaps on your server, but the big guilds on Ebon Hawk usually have over 3 mil points before the first 24 hours has elapsed.

  8. There's nothing wrong with it, really. People in the sage forums are just insanely irrational, thinking everything that has the words "melee" in it are insanely overpowered and a blight on the entire universe.


    Yes, I understand that sages are a "ranged class", however, the unending hatred and malice some people here have for anyone who DARES mention the words sage and melee in the same post completely baffles me. Did all the WoW forum trolls come to inhabit this forum alone?


    There's no need for Sages to melee. Use the Shadow if you want melee...unless what you are really saying is you want the ability to do everything the Shadow already can, plus heal? C'mon now, last thing we need is a god class to emerge and turn into a FoTM. We all know what eventually happens to FoTM specs.....

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