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Posts posted by Eltohan

  1. I HOPE you dont imply that losing HALF your hp is a drawback base on the fact that you only use that when you are almost about to die so the health lost is very small and uimportant to the INSANE DEFENSE YOU GET

    Oh, come on, you just have to look out for their buff, root/snare them and after 5 sec, profit :rolleyes:


    It's not a godmode button, just delaying the unavoidable :)


    And FYI, before the several latency/ability delay "fix", this skill more often than not fired off at like 1% hp if not at all, you had to be dead before having any system message about it lol.


    And any bad mara/mousclicker will be dead anyway as they struggle to click this skill.


    Or they'll just get stun before being able to use it :)

  2. Ummm.......Marauders are the most intricate and hardest class in the game making people of "average to less" skill level think they suck...........the 10% that are good can beat every class other then a tank assassin/shadow...........so somewhat you guys are right because 90% of them are noobs but a skilled geared annhi Mara will easily blow you up

    True. And that is in 1vs1. Otherwise, when defensive cooldowns aren't available, you're as good as dead in 5 sec. Except if you have a pocket healer.


    I'd say Operative/Scoundrels. Their opening burst is laughable now, all you have to do is dot them and prevent them to los you (or they'll will try to heal) and voilà.

  3. Whats wrong with knockbacks? those can be easily countered by positioning your charter right

    Wrong, the game client (or the server) more often than not, fails to register your position in the one second time frame during which the knockback is executed.


    What happens is you move client side, but ultimately when the knockbacks happens you're pushed back like you didn't move at all (or halfway through).


    Bad latency/animation delay at its finest


    PS: in the case you avoid one knockback from Sorc/Sage N°1, be sure to eat the next one (like in huttball when you're about to get trainwrecked trying to stop the ball carrier)

  4. you guys do understand just how much of a joke you all are right? You roll a guild with the only point is to roll pvp yet for some reason you do it on a server ment for pve. I wonder why in the world would you every do that? Oh wait i know. You want easy face rolling pvp were you can go around waving your e peen and thinking you have done something.



    Whats best is the fact is you suck at pvp were scared to roll out this pvp guild on a pvp server were you might run against teams that have skill. But because you suc your getting facerolled on a pve server your butt hurts you cry and quit games.



    Sad truely sad. You look for an unfair advantage and when you dont get it you rage quit.






    Grow a pair and roll on a pvp server lames.

    1 /10

  5. Agree. When playing HuttBall for exemple, dunno what the sorc sees, but even if I run through him to get behind him, near a crate (before the fire traps) for eg., NOOO the knockback pushes me to where I would have been if not moving during that second.


    It's worse when you move in a diagonal. Next to a fire trap or just to avoid getting bumped into the pit.


    You have like 75% chance to get bumped to the floor even if you're in position perfectly opposed to the sorc :rolleyes:


    Bad latency/animation is bad

  6. ~


    Except what OP really means is the grave key [`]

    And in this second case, the only way to get rid of the stupid bugreport popping everytime is to bind it to "map transparency" or something, this did it for me.


    Now, to get rid of the freaking companions coming back from their missions that obstructate the screen , wheter you be in combat or in the GTN ...

  7. There's a simple way to use it once per match with little effort if you still want your 2 medals... queue for warzones from Hoth and don't right click the buff after you use it.

    When you respawn in Hoth after your warzone, freeze the water and it's ready for the next game ;)

    Well you lose the buff if you die though (IIRC)

  8. Agree with all posts OP.


    This item still does what it did:


    1) "heal" for 50% HP, out of combat, instantly (fu dots preventing to chanel your class heal for non healers classes)

    2) Grants 2K5 and 5K healing medals, at valor rank 60 those are absolutely useless, this just shows the whole medal/win 3 WZ to get a ghost of a chance to "gear" (+5 to stats) as a BM and so on NEEDS A MAJOR REVAMPING

    3) Shadows/Assassins & Scoundrels/Operatives can still Vanish and use this wonderfull item.


    What a wonderfull fix, BioNerf, GG !


    That sure was on a top priority list to fix, /sarcasm


    Will check in 6 months the state of the game. Byebye

  9. So i guess in patch 1.2 the resurrection bug that kicks you out of warzone, because you are bugged at starting point, and you get tagged for afk, without being able to resurrect is also fixed then?

    I havent noticed anywhere in the patch info that the bug is fixed, so we will get penalty for the game bugs now also?

    I also guess that when you Force Leap someone and you get D/C is fixed, if not this patch will be terribad

  10. No, the class that was designed to kill healers is commonly regarded as weak in the first place and was buffed, despite being strong enough already- but nobody plays it because the style that is particularly efficient against healers is a) hard to play and b) doesn't generate OMG OVER 9000 crits.

    If you're talking about Watchman Sentinel/Anihilation MArauders, too bad it was in fact a small nerf on their dots despite being labelled as a buff.


    And any good healer will run away from melee range asap and cry for rescue when being pound on, wether it be by dots (which can be cleansed/dispelled) or by omg smash crits (which hardly break 5K4 damage nowadays, not talking about loljugg/gardians which get a flat +30% damage increase on it)


    Try again

  11. I play a sentinel/marauder.


    Played Sorc/Sage in beta. All the "CC" it picks up from hybrid spec requires no button. It is just stupid automatic procs.


    There is no "exciting" spec of sorc. It is just a dumbed down shadowpriest from WoW anyway you slice it. Hell the lightning/tk spec is about the only challenge you can get out of it in pvp.


    BTW if you were forced to go full balance/madness you would have another button to press...which means you are pressing the exact same amount you would if you are hybrid specced...


    BTW if you find sage/sorc in anyway "exciting" or challenging? Pretty sure you have no clue and are horrible. But whatever. I had to TRY to die on the stupid class and it was obvious the devs never intended thehybrid spec to be leaps and bounds better then the pure specs (which is what they balanced the game around) in this game.


    I mastered the exact same class in vanilla WoW....cept I had to shift in and out of shadow to heal and I had nowhere near all the instant cast CC or stuns or sprint...The class was easy back then without a gaming mouse. Now the class is simply a joke...


    When the nerf hits? I will be laughing at you. I just hope they don't nerf it "to the ground" like they did with ops/scoundrels when all you babies cried about having a hard counter.


    Can't agree more on this. I dunno what the devs are smoking, but I want some. I mean Shadow/Assassins had an hybrid tank/dps spec, woops gotta nerf it.


    Sorcs/Sages having way too much tools (where is the skill in that ?) and Juggs/Gards having +30% on Smash/Sweep which is a shared tree when Mara/Sent have no bonus on it...

    IIRC the 2/5 set bonus for them is also a +10% damage dealt for 6 sec after a Force Leap trololol


  12. Yes sir ... I assume I won't be posting once the time is up.


    "You have 1 day of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code."


    I am pretty sure I didn't say SWTOR is a failure ... matter of fact I think the PvE and story line in SWTOR is pretty dang good and is pretty satisifying.


    I brought other points of concern as many others have for BW to hopefully see. K bye I guess? lol

    I can confirm once your subscription ends, you can't write anymore on the forums.

    It takes 24h before being able to again, if you happen to resub :rolleyes:


    Anyway, I'd love to see some dev feedbacks on everything debated in this forum, but that won't happen before pigs have wings I guess.

  13. Agreed.

    At launch I listened to the QQ about not creating a char on a "full/heavy" server... Resulting in landing in a "medium" server.


    Which is light 90% of the time now. Max number people on the fleet is 130 (seen once, 95% of the time never more than 80-90 people).


    Warzone queues take 5-15min to proc between noon and midnight, before and after it's 30min+


    And when it proc it's either facing the same republic premade, or starting voidstar at 6 vs 8 and getting rushed because of the loldesign.


    When HuttBall pop, it's either faceroll noobs 6-0 (or 5-0+farm medals as sometimes at 6-0 you don't get your quest credited) or get faceroll'd by a premade with 2 healers and a tank :rolleyes:


    Server merges/transferts can't come fast enough, my server will be dead way before.

    And I CBA to re-level up a marauder (you know how it's a pita to level up compared to others classes) especially cause how cliché the storyline is and the generic side quests aren't worth it either.


    Tl :dr

    SWTOR is a good solo game till lv50

    After that it becomes dull except if you're on a full/heavy server (not sure if there are any leftover nowadays)

  14. It doesn't really measure up to any of the MMO's.


    8 person raids, single player content from 1-50 with the ability of getting the best gear (until 50) without ever having to interact with a single person. Even the forms of communication are restricted to within a planet or area. To engage in cross-zone chat, you have to join a custom channel and hope others are in it.


    In terms of PvP, obviously it comes no where close to measuring up at all. Ilum is poorly designed, there are only 3 warzones and you can't even queue for specific ones. There is an obvious imbalance in classes, and one faction continues to dominate the other.


    Bioware took the success they had from their single player RPG's (which have a great model, those games are generally well done if you ask me) and basically just made it multi-player. Banking on the Star Wars IP and this single player model was their plan since day 1, and it paid off in terms of being able to successfully market the game and get initial players, but I'm not sure how long it will sustain this success. The game is not very good, and that's why you see people quitting.

    Couldn't have said it better.

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