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Posts posted by qwestknyte

  1. My problem with stealth or whatever CDs stealth classes have that drops DOTs/damage whatever, is that the cooldowns are too short.


    A friend and I were speedering through Ilum doing PVE dailies. We see a red name so we jump on him. He gets down to 25%, stealth! He's gone.


    30 seconds later he pops out of stealth and attacks. We get him down to 25%, stealth! He's gone.


    30 seconds later he pops out of stealth and attacks. We get him down to 25%, stealth! He's gone.


    The stealth/cleanse/immunity skill needs about a 4-5 mins CD. It's a good skill to have when it's needed in a pinch, but it won't allow stealthers to be immune to world PVP.


    really dude? your mad you couldn't get a kill trying to double team someone?

  2. there's a lot of targeting going on in a WZ. figure anyone a arsenal merc or gunnery trooper target they want to try and get 3 grav/tracer rounds on them (talent adds additional stack each time).


    figure they





    rail shot


    target dead-new target







    the short time i did play arsenal i would just go for 2 tracer which gave me 4 stacks and that was all i needed. however i haven't looked back since switching to heals.

  3. Any class played by a bad player can be beaten easily.

    If you take only good players with each class you see the problem.


    I'll take a simple exemple here...


    Combat medic Commando Trooper = No movement ability, worst CC for any advanced class in the game (1 knockback, 1 stun, 1 castable mez), high resistance, ****** heals.

    Making him basically a meat shield that can heal thru a moderate amount of damage.


    Sawbone Scoundrel Smuggler = Lot of movement abilities, good instant CC (1 stun, 1 slow, 1 AoE mez), moderate resistance, awesome heals, lot of on the move heals.

    Making him basically a running healer that can heal thru a high amount of damage.


    A bad Combat medic will die when focused because he's bad but can take more then a Sawbone.

    A bad Sawbone will simply die because he's bad.


    A good Combat medic will stand like a wall and survive heavy fire on him for the duration of his cooldown BUT won't be able to save other people because of his lack of healing. Basically making hammer shot super green focus me beam the best ability the combat medic have... to agro the ennemy on him.

    A good Scoundrel... will run around without ever dying or letting anyone die because he can heal thru heavy fire on his allies as well as receiving a minimal amount of damage from using LoS, cover and defensive abilities.


    This is the problem I can see.


    Bad Combat medic > Bad Sawbone

    Good Sawbone > Good Combat medic


    That is exactly why my Combat medic stay on the character screen while I play my Sawbone.


    + go check the talent that improve the healers cleansing ability for the 3 healers. You'll see combat medic is missing something on his talent compared to the 2 other healers.


    Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying everything is perfect and there arn't tweaks that need to be made. Though what i am addressing is the massive amounts of posts calling for nerfs that are obviously not being made by skilled & well informed players.


    The only way you will really be able to know class imbalances is by pitting skilled players against skilled players in a arena type setting and honestly i don't see anything like that coming for quite some time.


    i have a merc bodyguard and i absolutely steam roll with him. I'm not the best on my server by any means but i would consider myself in the top 10%. There is a trooper combat medic on my server that is absolutely insane but i don't feel in anyway the class is overpowered, i just know this guy knows his stuff and knows how to set his gear up properly.


    i use hammer shot offensively, still builds charges and vents heat at 30. not to mention you maintain a low profile without the green stuff streaming out of your gun.

  4. a wargroup and cross server pvp was needed. so many times there are lopsided wz matches with outnumbered teams having no chance because their isn't enough people from a particular faction to que.


    WoW made battle groups and it never killed any communities, it created a thriving pvp base. When i want to pvp i shouldn't have to wait 4 hours to get enough people to be able to pvp with, it should be a several minute wait if that.


    open world pvp zones will still be server based, it's only the warzones that will be effected by cross server.


    this is a step in the right direction, if someone can't see that then they are completely blind to the fact of why pvp is struggling right now. there are other reasons but this is a big one.

  5. There are countless threads on the topic of particular classes being OP, calls for nerfs ect. I have yet to come across a class in pvp that i've not been able to beat consistantly in pvp 1v1. I have however come across PLAYERS that are tougher to beat than others.


    Sure there are some things that could be addressed with classes but going as far as to say they are overpowered is a bit over the top. There are counters for most anything a class can do, never in an MMO have i seen so many classes with so much utility. Every class has some type of interupt whether it be an actual interupt or knockback or some other type of mechanic that can prevent what the opponent is doing. Everyone has some type of CC in one form or another.


    I think there is a big divide between the skilled players out there and the not so skilled players. People really need to learn to play their class and learn it's strengths/weaknesses before crying nerf to a particular class.


    Any class in the right hands can be deadly, and yes i am even included gunslingers/snipers. i've seen skilled players play these classes very well and top charts with ease.


    You may be a fresh 50, going into pvp and struggling against classes but that doesn't mean those classes are OP that means your under geared. The perk of end game pvp is superior gear and we all have to start from the beginning. But with time and effort eventually you get the gear, that's the payoff and so you should be rewarded for your efforts.


    Take the fresh 50 deaths with stride, put in the work and earn yours. All in all i think balance is pretty good right now. The best advice i could give to someone is to learn about the classes and what they do. Every fight against every class is different, you need to know how to combat each one when you come up against them.


    Class knowledge is step number one towards becoming a skill player, well that and a pair of ********s!

  6. Really OP? you have no clue man, all it takes is a DOT effect to pull someone from stealth. Stealth classes are the weakest defensively in the game, stealth is their defense! if someone so much as looks at you their is a good chance your going to die.


    take away in combat stealth, then give us armor, a shield or some type of damage mitigation. i challenge you to go ahead and roll a stealth class and then see how much it's needed before you pass judgement.

  7. Just expect to die more often when you are in a WZ at a lower level. Especially under lvl 14. You can still do decently however, just try to pick your fights if possible and stay with the group....don't charge out in front, hang in the back and "support" taking out key targets.


    Ideally you should be aiming for players within 10 lvls of you, going up against someone in their 30's+ is going to leave you with a huge handicap. A lot of classes will be able to heal off whatever you do, and without all of your tools or talent points you won't be able to do much to prevent it.


    At low lvls your at a disadvantage, your focus should not be on trying to kill but trying to help with the warzone objective. Just be smart, be aware of the environment. Know your "role" and what the warzone object is. Don't just funnel into the fray like everyone else mindlessly over and over, if your trying to take a turret rushing mid that is well defended isn't going to help you. Scan the area comming in off your speeder and look for a point that's weak with a better chance of being able to be taken. Pressure other locations to force the opposing team to spread their defense out.


    also, the middle turret is the strong point of the match, you want to try and control that more than the others but ideally you take what your given. there is no point sending 4 people to a low priority turret right at the start of the match, hit middle hard and take it, then setup defense on the 2nd turret. Most of the time the team that controls the middle turret is gonna win, it allows for the best view of the field as well as ease of movement.

  8. as a healer your always going to be a priority target no matter what. if someone sees a healer in a crowd they will literally stop what they are doing to try and target you, atleast if they are any good they will.


    i tend to get focused a lot but merely because the opposing teams players have played against me and know that if i am left unchecked they can find themselves in a rough spot.


    i don't think our kolto missle is as noticable as the troopers green beam do to the fact that the beam is much easier to see where it's comming from which leads to locating the republic healer much easier.


    you also shouldn't just be sitting there healing all day, granted healing is our job but our dps is pretty good considering. Generally my idea is to keep my team alive, not necessarily topped off, if i can keep them up long enough to get through the fight while i assist in burning down opponents that is the best method.


    It doesn't take long for others to arrive so the quicker you can get through someone the better, which means the more dps burn on someone the better.


    Help out your buddy with some heals, cc and dps and you'll be looking ok. Nothing people appreciate more than a healer who is worth their salt offensively as well as defensively.

  9. Have a gunnery trooper on republic side, i liked the trooper mechanics but i didn't want to sit around with a dumb looking cannon. Originally rolled a gunslinger because i wanted to use pistols but the cover mechanics are so crappy and buggy couped with ability delays i deleted him.


    Then i found the bounty hunter, pistol user who has all the same abilities as my trooper :) Naturally i went with the MERC spec.


    From a Gunnery/arsenal point of view i can honestly say Grav/Tracer needs to be toned down. It's meant to be an ability to build charges, not a heavy hitting bread and butter ability. Talented you can have 5 stacks on someone in 3 shots. thats less than 5 seconds.


    Sure it can be interupted, but then when i'm sitting up top picking people off who have no clue i'm even on them they don't stand a chance. No time to interupt, no time to LOS, just dead.


    I was topping damage charts and finishing within the top 3 of WZ consistantly as a mid 20's gunner/arsenal. It got to the point that i felt it was too cheesy and didn't require any skill, not to mention i hated the idea that one button spam to build charges was my most effective attack v.s ammo/heat consumption.


    Grav/Tracer should be an ability used in between other attacks, it's main focus is to build charges not to do damage so the way it is used should be accordingly. Ammo/heat cost should be low, damage should be minimal but should effectively build charges.


    I've since respec'd to bodyguard and am now heals. Granted the kills don't come as easy but the game play is so much more versatile and fun it's worth it. I'm still at the top of the charts but just takes working a bit harder for. Now that i've had the taste of the bounty hunter heals spec i won't be looking back to arsenal again.


    That nerf is comming, pretty much a definate. When it does, i won't be effected :)

  10. From my perspective the actual player v.s player combat feel was done well, it reminds me a lot of the feel of SWG.


    However the structure of the pvp environment is down right horrible. It seems rushed with no thought put into it what so ever.


    10 - 49 bracket? are you kidding me? you mean to tell me someone right out of the starting zone has to compete against an opponent with a full talent tree, lvl 40+ gear and an arsenal of abilities? that's just rediculous and bad game design.


    how about the fact that depending on your server and population you can find your team outnumbered 2:1 in a lot of cases or short 1 - 3 people which turns into a overwhelming beat down leaving your team no chance at pulling off a win. A WZ shouldn't even start without full teams, that's just dumb.


    One thing WOW did right was the structure of the pvp system, i'm not saying that pvp itself was amazing but they had the structure down pretty good. There is no reason that with all these games that have been on the market and have come out prior to SWTOR that they were not able to come up with something to revolutionize the MMO PvP gaming standard. No excuse at all for that.


    Sad to see there is really only 4 classes, granted the advanced classes have some minor mechanics that make them a bit different but every class is pretty much a cookie cutter clone of another. Every class has many of the same ole abilities which just leads to senseless CC every couple of steps.


    WZ maps are way too small, outnumbered teams can pretty much get spawn camped or forced to go a certain route within 100 meters of the enemy teams drop zone.


    This system needs a complete overhaul, after waiting for the this game for over 4 years this is the best BW could come up with? I would hate to see what it would have been like if they had released it during the expected timeframe.


    Time to go back to the drawing board BW, pvp in SWTOR is the biggest joke running...

  11. I see that crap all the time, lvl 48 - 49's sitting in the minor league brackets cause they don't have any skill and just like to run around and smash up on lower levels. Then they make videos on youtube and think they are actually good.


    I await the day we see a battlegroup merge and actual level brackets, not this thrown together crap of lvl 10 - 49 we have now.

  12. It seems that there is a minimum number of players required on each side but once that minimum is met the WZ doesn't end.


    For two days on my server the imperials have been outnumbered every time and have been unable to win a match. Finally tonight for my last WZ match we had a full team for hutt ball and smacked the republic down.


    Just feels to me like they threw pvp & WZ's together without giving it much thought. They figure "hey, if we give everyone the same abilities then no class will have an advantage".


    Stuns/CC are pretty much out of control. This needs to be addressed.


    Outnumbered teams need to get a handicap buff and reduced stun/cc duration so they atleast have a fighting chance.


    Then again they could always merge servers into battlegroups and create actual brackets instead of throwing everyone in one bracket then putting 50's in there own.

  13. Warzone Buffs

    Something like this really needs to be put in place. No fun getting rolled over and over because you are outnumbered 2:1 or down 2 - 3 players vs the opposing team.


    Crowd Control


    CC's are bad enough as is seeing how every class gets some type of stun/cc. Getting jumped and locked up, unable to defend yourself is a bit lame. When the numbers are against you there is absolutely no chance trying to combat this. Only chance you have is to try and stealth grab turrets/doors in WZ's.


    Add to the fact that because the opponent is higher level than me the weak grenades and other similar abilities that will generally disorient weak mobs causing them to freak out will do the same to me is now another means of cc for higher level players.


    Want to give everyone a stun? that's fine, at least make it longer than a 1 minute cool down, force people to use it strategically instead of just spamming it. you have 16 players in a WZ, that's a stun every minute for 16 people. Lets say a WZ lasts 10 minutes. In a spam of 10 minutes you have no less than 160 stuns going around. that's an absurd number. I'm just generalizing there, there are more ways to CC other than just using the 4 second stuns everyone gets.




    Classes need more definitive rolls and class unique abilities. It all feels the same whether or not i am playing my gunslinger, commando, merc or guardian. All have a stun, all have some form of CC, they all have a push back and at least one bread and butter ability that almost forces you to spam it. Classes should bring utility to the table and groups should seek out classes for certain needs, right now were all basically the same so any class can fill any roll with the right spec.



    Merge the servers into battlegroups, do it the right way and make bracketed matches, pvp should be skill based, not level based. People can say they pump your stats if your lower level and that's fine, but fact of the matter is your at a disadvantage when it comes to skill points, gear, and abilities.


    I understand this is SWTOR, it's not other MMO's. However, there are systems in place created by other MMO's that have a proven track record and have worked really well. Most great products were made by standing on the shoulders of others, there are many parts of this game that really need solid foundation


    Bioware did some things really well, others areas have a lot of work still to be done.


    That's my rant for today!

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