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Posts posted by JonJW

  1. Is any army in the LotR or Silmarillion story which could defeat SW's army?


    I think SW's army got


    Much more advanced technology




    The use of Force, especially battle mediation enhance the army even more


    Superweapons like the Death Star



    I guess unless they got some really powerful magic, otherwise they are no match for SW's army.


    Melkor, the first dark lord would triumph, seeing how he was a "god". Then you of course have your Balrogs, Ungoliant, Sauron, Nazgul. But of cours my opinion is biased because i'm much more of a Tolkien fan than SW anyway.

  2. I'm somewhat disappointed about there being only 1 possible destination as I was considering going to a pvp server (currently on pve). But no big deal really, I can do wz's on any server as long as there is a population.
  3. I gave up eight characters including a 50 on my original server, too. It was heavy population until just a couple months ago and now it's a dead server. I rerolled on The Swiftsure and it's population has been dropping like flies for the last month as well.


    I don't get it. This game is certainly better than WoW, AoC, LOTRO, etc... where the heck is everyone going? Is Rift enjoying a resurgence I don't know about or something, lol?


    Better than lotro? Personally I don't think so, that's why I unsubbed here and re-subbed with lotro. But then again opinions are like...well you know....

  4. Because there are a billion replies in this thread, I didn't read them all.


    Does anyone have any details on transferring from pvp to pve servers? I know that wasn't allowed in EQ2 because different gear for pvp servers, but as far as I can tell nothing should stop that, right?


    I have my main characters on a dead server, created a new toon on fatman, I'm hoping I can transfer all my toons to a different server to be under the same legacy. Do you guys think that will be allowed?


    Seeing that gear is the same regardless a servers pve or pvp designation i'll take a chance and guess there won't be an issue transferring from a pvp to pve server or vice versa.

  5. I think this dead quality to the environments being described is part of a larger flaw that scripted events and day/night cycles wouldn't help with. Nothing EVER changes in this game. No matter how many times you go to a certain spot on a certain planet their will always be the exact same NPC's in the exact same spot. No matter how many times you fly a space mission, the exact same enemy will appear in the exact same spot at the exact same time. There's that space mission with the asteroids? About 3:30mins into the mission, an enemy fighter appears on the right and quickly smashes into an asteroid. If you manage to shoot it before it hits the rock... you get no experience. Why? Because that ship isn't really there, it's programed to destruct, shooting it doesn't alter plan.


    I've enjoyed playing SWTOR. Got two toons to 50, couple more over 40. But... I'm bored. There's a structured repetition to the game that grows increasingly obvious over time. I'm out. I'll keep my eye on the game, and if things get better I'll try again.


    Yeah the space missions are very stale now. I've done them all so many times I have them all memorized.

  6. You gotta be kidding me. Are YOU going to tell me you'd stick your three best relics into a legendary Second-Age weapon -- relics that it took you upwards of six months to accumulate -- and then let them be destroyed or remain on a weapon you no longer use when you wanted to switch to a First Age weapon? Or heck, even when you get a higher-level weapon? Six months' worth of tier-by-tier upgrades of relics (yes, even post-nerf relics), painstakingly acquired by deconstructing countless legendary weapons and recombining them into higher-tier relics? And that preserving all that tedium is a mere "convenience"?? Sorry, but you just tossed whatever credibility you had straight into the incinerator.


    In addition i'm constantly leveling and deconstructing legendary weapon/items and building new relics. So if for some reason I end up destroying some I have back-ups.

  7. You gotta be kidding me. Are YOU going to tell me you'd stick your three best relics into a legendary Second-Age weapon -- relics that it took you upwards of six months to accumulate -- and then let them be destroyed or remain on a weapon you no longer use when you wanted to switch to a First Age weapon? Or heck, even when you get a higher-level weapon? Six months' worth of tier-by-tier upgrades of relics (yes, even post-nerf relics), painstakingly acquired by deconstructing countless legendary weapons and recombining them into higher-tier relics? And that preserving all that tedium is a mere "convenience"?? Sorry, but you just tossed whatever credibility you had straight into the incinerator.


    Like I said before F2P launched when you switched to a new legendary weapon/class item if it was max level you lost the relics on it. And again if you have a paid sub you get free points every month to spend on whatever you like.

  8. Yea that would be sweet what i would love to see is a dueling arena like they had in kotor 1 . Maybe make it a form of ranked pvp but have it with 1vs1 or 2vs 2 and let others be able to see listings and place bets on the fights.


    Yeah that could be cool. Have duels so players can settle grudges gladiator style.

  9. Its ok. It seems if anyone posts anything but flattery for the game the fanboys scream troll.


    Yeah the funny thing is he's calling us out like we hate the game. I actually really enjoy the game, just wish they would add some more little things to make it seem more alive. If I hated the game I wouldn't take the time to post anything about it good or bad.

  10. Yea i would love to see pod racing or speeder bike racing. Maybe turn the cantina on nar shada into a casino with working games. Now that would be a great place to meet and greet with friends while playing some poker. And maybe blasting a few cheats along the way lol.


    Oh yeah would love some kind of racing, and definitely mini-games in the casino would be awesome. It would be cool too if you could bet credits on huttball matches. Maybe set a big screen in the cantinas and watch current matches would be kinda cool.

  11. Thanks . Never realy thought about it lol. I just do it because i enjoy it and it helps to melt the days stress away.


    Nothing like sitting under a rock with a campfire and some friends smoking my pipe and shooting the breeze. Wethere its in real life or virtual world still one hell of a stress dump.


    I really enjoy the fishing hobby in lotro. Would definitely like to see something to do with hobbies here in the future.

  12. because if the world feels as lifeless as you claim it to be. that makes it boring which results in numerous threads being dedicated to how boring the game is.


    then that graduates into unsub threads which list reason's of why you're unsubbing and at the forefront of your list is "weather and day/night cycles"


    however i see your direction of attack. and if i add anymore to my analysis of your agenda you will pose the question of what X has to do with Y which will result in me responding to your inquiry. which means troll attempt complete. so i will leave this discussion at that. considering you have not actually added anything to my retorts other than asking more questions.


    I think you might be reading way more into our posts than what's really there. Quite a few of us make posts like this because we really do like the game, and we want to see things added to get even more enjoyment out of it.

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