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Posts posted by Zandog

  1. Right now? It depends on what type of player you are. The story line, cut scenes and how it all ties in make it worth the fee. If your going to skip all of the content just to race through and lvl up your character, no its not. The problem becomes patience, which most high lvl player atm don't have it seems.
  2. I expected it to play out like this because honestly its like any other multiplayer game, including WoW. We actively recruit. 40+ members atm but on only 7-10 or so online at any given time. Peak times we hit 12-15 members. For every 4 players we take in, 1 is daily active in the guild at this time. That number is surprisingly growing though.


    To be honest, I prefer it that way. I've gotten to know some of these daily members a bit and it makes coordinating and leveling easier when I know what toons they have and how they choose to play. It's all about filtering actively low players out and retaining the regulars at this point. As anyone, we expect to not have every member on, all the time.


    The server I play on is never low or full. About 150 in everyone major area. Not worried abit.

  3. +1 for Mastromus. Good way of putting it.


    Agreed that endgame will materialize and give 50's more to do and lets not forget. There is more to the Old Republic story and it's locations than whats currently available for players to max level at. New content, more systems, planets and scenarios at the end of January? 50-60? As long as they keep the content coming and create something we can work with, I'm staying. I don't think it's going to be an issue.

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