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Posts posted by Zandog

  1. What a better social tech place than Google+ to post news about SWTOR as many community servers do. Juyo now has a central place to post news and events about its server.




    Up to date game and server community news without the extras. Have an event, public raid or news about Juyo? Let us know! There is also a complete list of SWTOR community server pages listed on G+. Enjoy.



  2. Anyone running DX10 or DX11 distrib's should see no effect. Anyone who is running the DX9c overwrite may be s.o.l. Sure enough the .ini was set back to DX10, more than likely by the patch config defaults. I tried to set it back to DX9c, but it will no longer write permenently. I tried overwriting the DX9c files again, no luck.


    I think they locked the DX driver set in place so people can't mess with graphics alternatives, not sure. If so, it really screws over people who found a fix for their FPS issues and now can't implement the hotfix again.

  3. The DirectX 9c 2010 redistributable for framerate and graphics optimization that was passed around really helped a lot of people with med to low systems seems to have been changed. I was getting 15-20fps (barely playable) before the idea for this work around was suggested. After installing and overwriting the current redistributable, I was getting 25-40 fps with the same graphics settings and it was a huge difference in gameplay.


    This latest patch has seemed to have effected or disable that hotfix. Now my FPS is back down to 15-20fps. Is anyone else noticing a drop in framerate?

  4. Has been suggested many many times over my friend and I whole hardheartedly agree. Not everyone needs to be down at the same time. They need to do these shut downs revolving through out the 24 period on the regions early AM hours. I try to remain optimistic.
  5. Darth Vader: Don't act so surprised, Your Highness. You weren't on any mercy mission this time. Several transmissions were beamed to this NHU IP address by 3rd party spies. I want to know what happened to the info they sent you.

    Leia: I don't know what you're talking about. I am a member of the Bioware on a diplomatic mission to E3

    Darth Vader: You are a part of the EA Alliance and a traitor! Take her away!

    Daine Jir: Holding her is dangerous. If word of this gets out, it could generate sympathy for Bioware on the EA Board of Executives.

    Darth Vader: I have traced the 3rd party spies to her. Now she is my only link to finding their secret server.

    Jir: She'll die before she'll tell you anything.

    Darth Vader: Leave that to me.

  6. I have a very simple question, actually. Apparently, by now all points of view have appeared in this thread — all, except one. What does Bioware have to say? Why, after so many posts by unhappy users, not a single company employee have posted an official reply in here?


    Because they are not that stupid. Your not going to try to answer to questions about inherently unfixable problems with your product. This is standard industry policy. Ask Codemasters what happens when you try and tell your customers, "things cannot be undone."

  7. I have a very simple question, actually. Apparently, by now all points of view have appeared in this thread — all, except one. What does Bioware have to say? Why, after so many posts by unhappy users, not a single company employee have posted an official reply in here?


    Because they are not that stupid. Your not going to try to answer to questions about inherently unfixable problems with your product. This is standard industry policy. Ask Codemasters what happens when you try and tell your customers, "things cannot be undone."

  8. I fully agree with the OP on this. Optimism is slipping from the groups I've hung out with. PVP is dead on some low pop server. A few of us have discussed and are already re-rolled on more historically populated servers just to stay actively involved. Some guilds are reporting only 4-8 members on in a 80+ member guild during peak.


    This isnt troll or doomsday material. This is the reality on some servers.

  9. Not doomed quite yet but I will say the evidence is clear. We all play and depending on what server, what time of day and what instance your on, your outlook differs. I can say that I like the game but I have my concerns. I play in Juyo, an average to high populated server and at peak, the player counts are still 40-70 per area..


    Sorry, this has been said by many, many players.


    Not going to restate whats need stated already. It just "feels" dead. I would rather wait in queue and take turns killing a mob or instance area than have it feel desolate and anti-social like it feels now.

  10. You may want to remain a bit more cautious in the future when pinning your hopes on a game. GW2 may be great, but I'll wait until I get to really sit down with it before I pin a ton of stuff on it. So far, look's like they're doin' it right.


    I hear that. This is my first MMO since the early days of WoW (2005) and I just expected to see a higher turnout. Not really pinning hopes, just thought things would have evolved abit more. Been playing BF series for too long now.

  11. I am, Zandog.


    I dunno man. I had high hopes for this game. I don't blame the games content as much as I blame its management. Servers do feel empty and its the first time I've been willing to acknowledge it. If they don't come up with something where servers and instances feel more populated, easier to get groups together, I'll be clawing at the GW2 beta.

  12. Group Loot would be governed by a system that rewards all players involved in the roll. No way you say?


    Given the current state of SWTOR roughly 60 days in, I know some players have concerns about how fast the leveling speed already is and may like the loot rolls as they are right now. That said, I hope you give this a thought. I’d love to hear constructive feedback on this.



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