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Everything posted by dewayne

  1. how do i earn my ship for my stronghold, and how do i get my achievement my stronghold?
  2. so the decor. bundles they got for sale are useless because all of it the game somehow either craftable or packs vendors? second, kinda disappointed no class story trophies
  3. are they legacy unlocks or unlockable?
  4. you know this will drive up prices in games these items
  5. dumb question which is for what class?
  6. aftter what i heard bout bans in eso such things as puttiong gold in the bank and withdrawing on alt or giving gold to your wife. i think we'll slight decrease but not much for abit cause eso and wildstar. i think another mmo due out later summer but cannt remember
  7. i hate gold sellers as much as the next man. but becareful what wish.for. ESO is banning people just lending friends or wiife gold....
  8. i talked to a buddy of mine. he said eso might be quickest f2p or dead mmo. i hear story is ok. but everything else that sucks. so i say no
  9. neing i just marriied mako yesterday. i left tarro with him yelling you cann't do that i'm tarro blood. my only regret on this mission by letting concern young girl...but i fixxed that mistake
  10. i just made it off hoth with torian back. Was Torian kidnapping was only one? Do i meet the overseers? mentioned in torian reusce?
  11. it's the only downside to the armor. i haave admit it's the first cm armor in pack that i use and dashing hero but are cool
  12. am i only one that finds it odd that there no gloves for ancient infernal armor.
  13. was fixing to say the same thing saw it on facebook.
  14. thank you usually i dont bout arrmor from the cm packs. i have mira's armor but i think that it i might have bastila if i do it in one of my of cargo holds gathering.dust
  15. thank you i thought vendor something else lol
  16. i just usually sell all the armor i get out packs. but space jockey i found couple i like. My question does the belt for like dash hero come in a su[pplimental box?
  17. i ment GSF not GAf lol teach to do two thins at once
  18. is there rep. vendor? if so where i just made legend and was curious
  19. i bounce game to game alot there two games i'm sticking wiith tor and sto. STO i'm a lifer. I use too run to every new one mmo. but i gotten where im choosy bout which games i'll try. I'll try windstar but no garantee i'll stay
  20. i'm overlooking the wow like graphics and going to try wildstar although i wont unsub from swtor the only mmo i'll lose is eq2 i'm more of sci fi person
  21. I hear i try to as honest as i can. but i have bad experiences in the past. (not in tor) but other mmos i have played.
  22. Thank you, Thought of something else can i get hk on my not all the parts but just him?
  23. i know this awhile back but i cannt find my post. Im abit of aloner. Im handicapped. So i sometimes have a hardtime finding fp or operations. So i was i'm a level 52 trooper. how many fp can i do on my own? and can i do any operations on my own?
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