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10 Good
  1. I just switched from Deception to Darkness a few days ago... and yeah, what the fck. I've had consistent 3v1's, I fear nobody 1v1, and I am overall infinitely better than I was before. This is full BM stalker gear, switched out mods, best relics/best Adrenal/Stims, all datacrons etc. Rank 72 In Deception I feel balanced, in Darkness... I feel like a killing machine. No my burst isn't THAT great... but I'm nigh unkillable 1v1, still a decent ball carrier, and EXCELLENT point defender. Small HP pool (16.2k), High AC/High self healing, very good sustained damage... it adds up to a little bit too much. Our damage is too much compared to how much we heal ourselves for. If you stack all of the healing stuff, talent wise, and pot wise... it's just too much. Now do I want a nerf? no... of course not lol.
  2. MMO pVp is half about skill, and half about preparation. The thrill of myself, and other like-minded individuals creating a symphony of death when outnumbered is the sole reason I play these games. I stack every chip in my favor and low and behold, I (and friends) can overcome situations that wouldn't be possible in almost any other game. Things like SKILL, class knowledge, class specs, team composition, good communication, ventrillo, GEAR/Armor, map and WZ/BG knowledge, having a good computer, a good connection, the time and style of life that allows me to play more than average if I feel like it, keybindings, macros... a long list. The fact that a small group of people plan the way they are going to play a game, the classes they will use... the specs they will aim for... months before it's out because it's a hobby they all enjoy together. Bring all of that stuff together and you can overcome a lot... or meeting another group of people just like you... that give you a run for your money, and have spent the effort to do so... Just as fun as 4 people beating 8 or something of that nature. Progression, teamwork... there is a lot that goes into a really good group of pvpers. That's why a lot of us play MMO's. Then again, I loved guild wars and will assuredly love GW2, so in all honesty I like this game for what it is, and plan to play it for what it is and will become. Gear isn't that big of a deal, but it is on the list of things that make an mmorpg... an mmorpg. My sword glows brighter than yours, and I like it that way.
  3. Now, just put a rating system of some kind on gear above battlemaster and we're golden. I still want to kill at least one person while 3 others try to drag me down because of my massive gear advantage... at least in normal warzones. I'll do the skill crap to earn my rating and go back to farming terribles... because well it's fun.
  4. Well... what about taking all level 50+ mods and putting them in a low level blue lightsaber with an augment slot. Would that blue lightsaber still be the same as an orange one?
  5. Crap no... how does one get a saber with an augment slot?! I must know!!! I'm biochem by the way, so I have to be able to purchase it.
  6. So, I'm full champion in every slot except my weapon. In an effort to maximize my gear I decided I would craft the very best lightsaber I could. Sick of the RNG gear bags. This journey has actually been quite fun, and now I'm not sure I ever want to part with my saber as it's actually quite good, and I've grown attached lol. So right now I have a level Ilevel 50 Crystal (magenta) Ilevel 58 enhancement, Ilevel 58 mod, and Ilevel 52/53 Hilt. WHERE and HOW do I get the I level 58 hilt, Advanced Force Wielder Hilt 25... is it crafted? Where does the schematic drop?
  7. Seriously, nobody knows the answer to this?
  8. So I am building a new computer and should have all of my stuff in by Thursday... what I wanna know is whether my keybinds on my characters are saved client side or server side. If server side - great... everything will transfer when I log into my account. If client side - how do I transfer / where is the keybind file located? Also, *** is with the fact that I can't transfer keybinds across characters... redoing the bindings each time sucks! Come on Bioware, I know a ton of people who would love this feature.
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