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Everything posted by mittys

  1. This is something I don't understand about TOR. KotoR, Mass Effect, Dragon Age. All have good companion conversations with many dialog options to choose from any time you feel like talking to them. Why has BW diverged from this with TOR? The companion conversation is so bad in TOR, half the time you can't even talk with them until you complete part of your class story. Too often it means finishing mutiple worlds before you can do so. Companions feel like nothing other then pets, with little attachment, if any. I am very dissapointed with companions. This is one of BW's staples and they all but routed it out of TOR.
  2. or BF3 You gotta admit though, BW should be able to just do a restart with something that small.
  3. Why are you guys still here? The servers are up! WAIT!.... Why am I still here?
  4. And the rest of the world. Time zones are funny like that.
  5. Seriously, should not take 4 hours for 1 little fix. To be honest, I don't understand why they even need to take the servers down, throw the patch up and let us get the hell in the game.
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