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Everything posted by TRENTakaBCAT

  1. Just letting you know a commando is the hardest class to get into a rated group in. Ive done rated on 3 servers now and i have only seen a good team with a commando a few times. Not saying they are not good, im just letting you know 99% of guilds would prefer a scoundrel or a sage healer as of right now. Also 1mil heals isnt that impressive either seeing someone posted that. Most healers that do rated are breaking 1mil weekly if not daily. Same thing goes with damage. I thought i was good when i started breaking 1million damage quite frequently. Then i went to the forum and saw people doing 1.6mil and realized that my numbers were not as impressive as i thought Goodluck though! Ill be sure to say hi if i see you in a warzone
  2. i havent seen any sort of open world pvp this good since 1.1 lol Although day one of server merges to the bastion, i was doing ilum dailies and we ended up organizing a huge battle of like 60 people. It was really sick and fun. Hopefully in the future there are events like this on the bastion! cool video tho
  3. Looking forward to playing you guys! Should be a fun match but if you knock me out of stealth with stealth scan im gunna cry :/
  4. Oh and if Ryre wins this tournament with just his companion i will cry/
  5. Imo if you have a healer your dps class should not be able to be in tank stance. Im entering as a shadow and i know all about how there are so many hybrid specs that you could consider as a dps even though they are in tank stance. But if they are in tank stance they will still have more survivbility then lets say 2 powertechs. And with a healer that would be unfair imo. Ill probaly be going infiltration . I dont mind who ever we go up against we just entered to have some fun. Goodluck to all ! Oh and the name 2 dudes 1 railshot made me LOL!!
  6. Nice! I just started playing my shadow again actually. I havent played it since 1.2 but now since war hero gear is so easy to get i made it my main again. Im loving all these new hybrid specs now. There are so many fun specs to run with this class now its great! I also love the free respecs. I can respec tank for hutball and stuff like that and that is epic!
  7. alot of it has to do with practice and of course proper gear. For example i also have a sentinel that ive been playing smash spec on since beta. I never played watchmen and when i try to play it i dont do very good. On my shadow, as of lately ive only been playing balance and im starting to get alot better. As far as gear goes ill post a screenshot later if you would like, but i have 1114 expertise, 150 crit, 1050 power, and 1900 willpower. I use alot of pve armorings because i find myself haveing better results with around the 1100 mark. EDIT: Heres a screenshot of my current gear. I dont have any elite war hero gear, and the only datacron i have is the plus 10 on the fleet. This was an alt up until recently so his gear isnt amazing. But this is what it looks like ^^ http://i.imgur.com/Pun3R.jpg
  8. This is what i do as well. I normally dont tab dot because then nothing ever dies. Yes you see alot of numbers going all over your screen, but its not fun when your not killing stuff. In this game , and voidstar in general im not trying to just kill things, im spending alot of game in stealth either defending a side or trying to stealth cap another. The reason why i did so much damage in this game was because there were so many healers that nothing died. 1mil is actually not impressive at all imo. I just wanted people to have a screenshot because i personally have never seen another shadow/assasin break 1mil . Ive only see screenshots of sages or vangauds or gauridans. All of the people on my server run tank on there shadow/assasins. To be honest i dont think ive ever seen another balance shadow on the bastion ^^ ps sorry in advance for my spelling lol
  9. http://i.imgur.com/sKzBY.jpg So ive been playing a jedi shadow for awile now. Myself like many others played a tank hybrid built that has proven to be viable. I have been reading many guides on specs and builds. Seems like a new spec that seems to be really viable is infiltration but hybrid 0-27-14. Myself personally i go full balance. Below is a screenshot that shows that a shadow can do just as much dmg as any other class ! This is not my best game either, this is my 9th game in a regular warzone where ive broke 1mil. If you have any good shadow builds please let me know or link a build. Im always looking to better my gameplay. Yank ( The bastion Server) http://i.imgur.com/sKzBY.jpg
  10. http://i.imgur.com/sKzBY.jpg So ive been playing a jedi shadow for awile now. Myself like many others played a tank hybrid built that has proven to be viable. I have been reading many guides on specs and builds. Seems like a new spec that seems to be really viable is infiltration but hybrid 0-27-14. Myself personally i go full balance. Below is a screenshot that shows that a shadow can do just as much dmg as any other class ! This is not my best game either, this is my 9th game in a regular warzone where ive broke 1mil. If you have any good shadow builds please let me know or link a build. Im always looking to better my gameplay. Yank ( The bastion Server) http://i.imgur.com/sKzBY.jpg
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