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Posts posted by Cordelia

  1. It was very bad when 3.0 came out, but now it's down to the "thankfully" rare "lag spike" once in a while. Getting better all the time and I'm sure soon it will be back to "pre 3.0" standards.


    It isn't getting better at all. There is still huge ability delay for many people and worse is that no one seems to care at BW. I understand it's the holidays, which is why many are cutting them some slack, but they better put everything they've got into solving this in the New Year. I've subbed since launch and I've never known the game play this badly. The fact it started with patch 3.0 is no coincidence.

  2. Please at least fix Belsavis and I'd be happy. I don't know what it is but that one planet has given me the most ability lag problems since 3.0.


    I was playing on an alt and Nar Shadaa was just horrendous for ability delay. On other planets I'm getting like 2 or so second delays which is bad enough to affect gameplay but here I counted up to 10 seconds for one of my abilities to go off which is crazy. At first I thought I must have missed the ability but then I tried waiting and sure enough it does work but after that huge delay. I'm also noticing companions being left behind.


    This is definitely a galaxy wide phenomenon it just seems worse on some planets than others but every planet is affected. And for me it has ONLY started since patch 3.0.

  3. Same here the ability lag is beyond a joke as i have between 2-5 secs delay so until it gets sorted i'll be unsubbing too


    I agree. It's got ridiculous. I thought I'd try play some of my alts as people said certain classes weren't as affected by the ability delay. Well, I seem to get it on whatever I choose. In literally every fight it starts OK, then an ability just doesn't seem to do anything for like 3 seconds, then the next will work OK and it flits between these 2 states for the rest of the fight. It makes it impossible to play as it throws your rotation totally, also I've given up trying to heal whilst the game is in this state. Missed or delayed abilities aren't good for people's health :)


    Just to add this has only started to happen for me since patch 3.0, SoR. All was fine before.

  4. To be fair, every MMO I have ever played has had the expansions come at a price. I fail to see why SWTOR should be any different. Actually, £11.99 is rather a lot less then say, WoW's new expansion.


    To be fair, that's because WoW always has true expansions. BIoware use the term rather 'loosely' where SWTOR is concerned.

  5. I canceled my subscription a few days ago and am currently waiting for it to run out, the news today isn't really making me want to renew nor spend $20 for 5 more levels and two planets.


    anyone else not really finding this expansion worth it??


    It's more the fact that subs pay the same price. At this point it seems there's no good reason not to just become a 'preferred' player.

  6. It wasn't rude; it was a valid point. I've had a sub since Day 1 and I have around 3,600 cc in the bank. I've never paid a dime for any of them, so I fail to see why you couldn't have done the same?


    You are paying for them, they aren't free. OK, yes, you pay a sub so you don't suffer the draconian restrictions of F2P, but you could remove those restrictions by buying CC unlocks. The sub offers you nothing other than not being beaten with the stick of restrictions. That's why F2P is done all wrong in this game. It's all based around negatives rather than positive reasons to sub. The CC are given as a sweetener to make a sub seem worth the money.

  7. Just for the record qq originated from warcraft 1-2. alt + q + q was how to quickly quit the game, so if you were losing and had no way to win someone would probably type to you qq, as in **** you are wasting my time. In SC1 it took a different connotation, where it became the crying eyes people refer to because of the chat font used in Starcraft 1. So say you were scouting someone and lost your scout and you put a :( face, someone might use qq to show that they know the feels bro.


    Using QQ is what is deemed as being bad manner in those games very often. Bad manner was shortened to BM. When you had good manner, you GGed and didn't talk ****. So while people use QQ to portray what you are doing, they are simply just being bad mannered, rude ******es. So it's good to just ignore them and keep on with the good manner game yeah?


    Thanks Levity :) That's actually really interesting, I love finding out the obscure origins of things which are now commonplace.

  8. Yep. I even bought the Cathar Unlock off the GTN yesterday morning. Did not cost me one single cartel coin.


    Personally, I'm spending my CCs on collections unlocks.


    Well, I'm actually going to ask you a serious question Andryah. I haven't spent any of my CC yet due to having a break from the game for a few months, what would you recommend I buy ? I think Cathar is a given.

  9. I don't exactly have a lot of posts on these forums, and even I know you have a reputation for showing up in every thread and going all Brienne of Tarth on anyone who criticizes Bioware in any way ... so much so that people often speculate you are actually a Bioware employee posting from a non-employee account.




    I wonder if I go read through the death by a thousand papercuts thread how often Andryah shows up in there trying to defend all the quality of life issues that add up and frustrate people. Is the over/under on that like 50 ... 100?


    Ain't that the truth !

    The word 'Biodrone' was specifically invented for her :) I'm taking a break from the game but check on the forums every so often and there she is in every thread. Still, I would do it too if I was being paid to.

    It went quiet for a few weeks earlier in the year. I guess she was on vacation. I think I'd miss it now if she didn't do it, it's one of those things you can rely on in life to be constant ;)

  10. Wish I had played it honestly. I was to into runscape back then and by the time I noticed SWG it had already been nge'd and my cousin said I might as well play wow if I was going to a AAA MMO, so I totally missed SWG.


    A lot of us look back with rose tinted glasses, but even having said that it still ranks as my best MMO experience in 14 years of playing them. The community interaction before the NGE was fantastic and I have never managed to recapture that since.

  11. If you dont get any replies its because this has been done to death. No offence.


    It's been done to death and this thread is an attempt to stir things up again. Many people have strong feelings about SWG :)

  12. If it was a clone, then people wouldn't need to ask for similar features. If it was a clone, it would already have similar features.



    It pretty much is a clone of WoW's, gameplay, UI, talent trees. But then that could be said of most MMO's thesdays, no one wants to innovate they all want to follow the dream of WoW's level of subs, despite that being unachievable. Sadly, it looks like The Elder Scrolls Online will be the next one to fall into that trap.

  13. Also, im sure this matters probably much much less, but if you're a player who hasn't reached endgame, the ONLY thing a sub does is allow you not to suffer (ie, remove restrictions).


    While some people who think highly of entitlements value this, that's just a rotten way to run a business. Its much better to offer stuff for money rather than restore stuff that was taken away. That's just terrible. This might have seemed acceptable in the 70's or 80's maybe, but not in the last 2 decades id suggest.


    That's the whole problem with F2P here, being a subscriber isn't about perks or benefits, it's just not having the draconian restrictions imposed on the F2P people. There is no carrot it's all stick.

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