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Posts posted by Katsuragisama

  1. ESO is having difficulty keeping its servers up, it's not killing this game.



    People are just waiting for new patch, people usually log in less towards the end of a patch cycle. Natural.


    Every game has this issue at launch. Don't quote me on it but I'm sure SWTOR has had it's problems down the line. So did WoW when it first launched, and so on and so on.


    Really I think if anything is going to dent this game it's going to need to be Sci-Fantasy, like that of WildStar, and Star Wars. I think everyone's burned out on killing orcs, centaurs, and everything else.

  2. Sure, I'm not saying it's not fun. I enjoyed GW2 and Neverwinter as well, because the combat was fun and active. Movement is far more important in these games, which is why your skillbar is a lot smaller.


    What I'm saying is that game mechanics and systems may change, but players will always try their best to be terrible.


    Hahaha. +1 Internets for you, sir.


    I never really understood why some people in PvP in all games never seem to care about getting better. SWTOR was the first MMORPG I PvPed in, and I was always on YouTube looking for general tips, builds, and other ways to improve. Or on a SWTOR database reading about the skills of other classes to learn what they do. Just like I made one of I think every class in GW2. Plus all the lvl 2 PvP alts with no gear to grind! Yay!

  3. What you are describing here is a skill that eludes a very significant portion of the PvP population in this game lol.


    ...QFT, I got nothing more to say. @_@


    I know. But it's probably going to end up being the same in Wildstar, even with the big flashy red lights. It might make it easier for some people, but a vast majority will still end up standing in the fire and whining about 'omg overpowered medics' later.


    See I'm someone who given the option, would prefer to actively dodge. But i dont mind both either. I just find it more engaging to dodge something than "Oh ****, let me hide behind this pillar." I liked dodging in GW2. Usually went 15 into Acrobatics on Thief so I could get half my endurance refunded when dodging so I could do 3 instead of 2, plus Death Blossom over someone if running double daggers. I like juking skill shots or flashing around it while gap closing in League. Just find it more fun to me. :)

  4. wildstar? lol. you must be a PVEer, right? you have to be if wowstar is what you are waiting for. nothing say pro PVP game play more than when top level PVP has players fighting raid bosses and other NPC mobs, lol. but hey, it will have cross-server so you can battle those raid bosses with people you don't even know.


    or is it the fighting game for dummies telegraph and dodge system that is giving you hope? I mean really, do you even have to think to play that? at least in TOR you have to be able to recognize what each ACs skill animations are and be able to predict what your opponent is going to do. same is true for MMOs that also have fighting game style combat. or is it the expert PVP devs whose first attempt at a BG was a total unfun mess. so much so, that they had to give it a major overhaul.


    im sure wowstar will be a fun game for many, but to be waiting on that of all games to be your PVP hope is just... lol.

    guild wars has better PVP than wowstar so why aren't you pro pvpers over there? or if you said you/they were waiting for US release of blade and soul or some other legit PVP game, I'd take you a bit more seriously, but wowstar? come on, how can you be a hardcore PVPer and say wowstar???


    I'm confused how someone can call telegraphing for dummies while on a tab target press button WoW clone. Atleast they added something different besides cloning WoW 100% and slapping a SW skin on it. O.o


    You've never played anything with skillshots involved have you? Any League of Legends or anything?

  5. I hear ya man. Its crazy how many negative comments there are on the forums. Unfortunately they have all the time in the world to post their comments and troll the forums. They just don't realize that the dev's couldn't care less about what they say, because they say nothing constructive in their comments.




    I think it's the other way around. The devs couldn't care less about what people say, so people become jaded. Just give it a week or two maybe. All EAWare interaction on the forums will be back to zero. It's happened so many times, it's really as if they do it just to say, "No no! Don't unsub! See! We're listening!" But when something is brought up months later, there's a bunch of no's and "technical challenges". Atleast they were honest and blunt with the PvP FAQ.


    Sadly though, it's the newest Star Wars MMO. Star Wars... People want it to be good because it's a huge IP with a lot of fans. It might very hard for some to let go.

  6. The FAQ would say: NO, forget it!


    The meetings would say: it's too technically challenging blah blah.


    The only ability remaining to BW is to accept and take subscriptions payments. For some odd reason, there's no technical challenges doing that.


    You forgot about the Cartel Market. God forbid if that were to break. They might actually have to do trouble shooting. :rolleyes:

  7. Their bug fixes have been lacking since launch though, before even the CM was released. I remember coming back after quitting for like 6 months cause some friends wanted me to. Every bugged that was there then, was there when I came back. And I dont mean just little things. Like the knockdown bug from operatives stealth opener was still in forever. I actually wouldnt be surprised if it's still in to this day since it sounds like it is by reading the forums. Unfortunately I forgot to cancel my sub after that. >.<


    I also remember when they pushed a patch through that seemingly wasnt tested. There was a flashpoint that could not be completed due to a mob not spawning or something. And it wasnt a random thing, it happened every single time.


    I would suggest just keeping tabs on the game by forums and friends. Otherwise, just find something else if you expect bug fixes.

  8. A lot of outrage and threads made...


    We've used this thread to start talking about other games and our plans for them...Hell, people have down right been promoting other games in this thread...


    Lots of unsubs...


    They announce plans to expand open world PvP rewards at a cantina tour but are contradicting themselves with this thread...


    Yet...Still no response from the devs in an effort to calm the situation down...Yep, they really don't seem to care at all.


    And not a single person in the force was disturbed by their lack of caring. They already knew.


    Just saw some game play of Wild Star pvp... someone likened it to GWs and I definitely got the same impression out of it; it's like a huge AoE mess lol. Care-bear graphics, infantile chars/races, tells you when people are stunned, rooted, snared (how convenient). And dat telegraph just adds depth to the game; stay away from red circles rofl. Cute game though, enjoy... : D


    Is this releasing for the N64 soon?, to compete with crash bandicootOnline?... lmao.


    ^Makes jokes since he needs targeted abilities because he can't aim those things called skillshots. :(

  9. I'm a Sentinel that doesn't use the force powers. (So far, no Rebuke). I use vibroblades. I figured melee is rough in pvp as I don't have an invis skill yet nor I do have a knock down (or stun that works....). I want to give pvp a try, but it's not exactly easy to run melee dps w/ only 1 immobilizing cure that doesn't work against repeated snaring.


    I might check it out at level 30. I did far better in SW battlefront in vehicular combat.




    SW:TOR was actually the first game I PvPed in. Came to the game like a week after launch thinking I would only PvE, tried PvP, ended up barely leaving Warzones to do my story.


    There are plenty of YouTube resources out there to learn more about your class. Builds, gearing for end game, min/maxing if you want to, etc. Try it again when you feel like, but once you master your class start learning how every other class works, certain skills, rotations, etc. Once you learn what your doing, learn to predict your opponent and you'll win. Unless its Huttball. Then you're probably gonna need a team that knows Huttball is not deathmatch in the pit. >.>

  10. Any thoughts of when Eric Musco will get the boot from his job? :p


    He's literally caused a huge riot and caused many to unsubscribe. The numbers will reflect it, let's hope it's soon!


    Why would you want the man that gave an honest FAQ fired? Would you rather get strung along until you've had enough? Or simply be told, "We're not gonna do anything relevant to PvP. Find another MMO."?

  11. There is notting to worry about. Wildstar will sink fast because its have http://wildstar-online.com/media/uploads/images/article-images/SargeBurp.jpg the equivalent of Darth Baras. In 2 months , the players will be bored and leave this game , because of him.


    BTW , is that a lightsaber :eek:http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/2013/02/inline1-610x336.jpg


    That helmet sort of reminds me of the old BattleMaster gear from this game. O.o

  12. Correlation does not equal causation. There was definitely a massive drop-off in subs soon after launch, but I don't believe that Diablo 3 had any significant part to play in that.


    That D3 happened to come out about six months after SWTOR, while the drop-off was happening... well, i could just as easily say:

    "A lot of people thought the same thing after this game launched and Max Payne 3 was released. Two completely different games, completely different styles. A lot of those people left to play Max Payne 3 and never came back. Population plummeted and BioWare finally merged servers 4 months later."


    Does it count that I remember a lot of people in my guild at the time that left for D3 and never came back?


    Granted, there are other things. After months of SWTOR being out people could have just gotten bored with it after rushing to end game. Some might have found it just not to be their cup of tea and searched else where. Maybe the shininess of the game wore off. Or a combination of all of the above. Maybe some moved to D3 and just decided to never come back for whatever reason.


    I feel this would be easier visually, but TORStatus only keeps track of up to one year. :/

  13. A lot of people thought the same thing after this game launched and Diablo 3 was released. Too completely different games, completely different styles. A lot of those people left to play Diablo 3 and never came back. Population plummeted and BioWare finally merged servers 4 months later. Canderous Ordo used to be my home server. :(
  14. IMO The only reason this game has survived past launch was because of the Star Wars IP. If it wasnt for that I doubt this game would have lasted a year without dropping below 100k subscriptions. If it wasnt for the SW skinned WoW clone that it is with light sabers and blaster pistols it would probably be below Rift. Though atleast I was able to play this to end game when it first came out due to story lines and voice overs >.<
  15. Like many I'm doing the BETA this weekend. While the game is awesome... it offers a much different experience than SWTOR. Since Carbine was started by X Blizzard Developers the game (to me at-least) seems like it's a Starcraft MMO as far the feel and aesthetics. The new combat system is interesting, very fast and hectic sometimes it's difficult to follow especially when you're being attacked by a Stalker. To be fair most MMO's are like that when you first PVP. My only criticism really is the limited action bars. I've gotten use to SWTOR and it's myriad of spells that you get at low levels. One thing I can say for sure, it's WAY better than ESO. Initially I planned on canceling my SWTOR sub, but I will keep it and play both even though I will eventually cancel one (very hard to play two MMO's). While I'm really enjoying Wildstar, while I'm playing I'm constantly reminding myself despite it's flaws how awesome SWTOR actually is, despite the DEV's not being proactive enough on the PVP front.


    What? Why would they be proactive on the PvP front? I came back to see how the game was doing and to cancel my sub I forgot about. Even I read the PvP FAQ and it's obvious they dont care about the PvP front for this game at all.

  16. Exactly.


    And I just read this thread




    Even more reason we should have this answered. With open PvP proving too much for the engine to handle in it's current condition are there plans to improve the engine so it can handle Ilum PvP again?


    We need to know BioWare! Please :)


    Yeah, better optimization would keep people around longer, and make them more long term, but they seem to be more obsessed with the short term. But, optimizing wouldn't give them the instant gratification like milking us. Probably quicker and cheaper to recolor humans some more and sell them. :)That, and as other people said, the game was already built on a mess of an engine (or, whatever there actually was of an engine when they bought it). Hell, the people that worked on it were probably the same ones laid off about this time last year.

  17. I am wondering if BW has ever thought of adding another subscription level, that of "Super Subscriber." It can be a title as well.


    This subscriber would actually get the stuff in game that was promised for free, no cartel coins, no waiting months for CC stipend, just free for their own account.


    If I was BioWare I would actually do this. Could charge $25 for a Super Subscriber. Then, put all of the unlocks in gambling packs so they have a chance to get the unlock they want, and then they would be forced to spend even more in hopes of a chance of getting the item they want. Cut the cost of those multi packs in half for Super Sucke--, err, Subscribers, and people will happily buy them even more than they already are!


    Hire me BioWare. :rak_03:

  18. A money grabbing flop that has the potential to be one of the greatest MMO's ever to be created, but has failed horribly due to constant mismanagement.


    And the fact that I can post this means I was too late in cancelling my subscription before it auto renewed, even though I havent played in months... Damnit. >.<

  19. They didn't really, the stuns in GW2 only last 1 or 2 seconds and you have to spec into them at the cost of something possibly more useful. So it's possible in a sense to still stunlock to a certain degree.


    Except the thing with GW2 is also that:


    Yes, there are stuns/knockdowns/immobilize effects.

    The cooldown on them are usually between 30-45 seconds, though some skills might be lower.

    The cooldown on stun breaking skills is roughly the same, with some lower CD ones.


    As a Thief player, I have access to Basilisk Venom. It's a hard CC that turns them to stone for like 1-2 seconds. I have 3 skills that could break that. Shadowstep, Withdraw, and Roll for Initiative. By the wiki they are on a 50 (last I played Shadowstep was on a 30 second CD though I think), 15, and 60 second cooldown respectively.


    Those few seconds are perfect. It makes you think about whether or not you should actually break CC then, or another time when you are in desperate trouble. It also leaves time where the same person could stun you again if they catch you at the wrong time.


    Here, stuns alone are 4 seconds. Most have a cooldown of like 45 seconds. But the cooldown on your one and only CC breaker is usually double that of the CD of hard CC. It would be better if the cooldown on CC breaker was more like 60 seconds, compared to 1 1/2 minutes... Lowering it to 60 or perhaps a little less, could make a nice difference.


    Yes, you should have moments when you get stunned and you only have a few seconds left on your CD for CC break. Otherwise, it would negate the point of stuns to begin with. But the problem is the same person could (hypothetically) stun you 1-2 more times before your CC breaker is even close to coming off CD. And this problem is exacerbated when pretty much every class has some form of CC at all times.

  20. I dont know about the game, but I think I know an article that gives an idea of EA's financial state. Part of it, I'm sure is do to this game being a, "disappointment", as EA described it months ago.






    NEW YORK (AP) — Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. took a hit Monday after Sterne Agee analyst Arvind Bhatia downgraded the video-game publisher citing concerns that it won't meet Wall Street's revenue expectations for its fiscal year 2013, which ends in March.


    THE SPARK: Bhatia downgraded EA to "Neutral" from "Buy" on concerns that Wall Street's expectations for fiscal 2013 will prove "overly optimistic." Analysts polled by FactSet expect EA to post revenue of $4.08 billion for the year. Bhatia is now forecasting $3.87 billion, down from his previous expectation of $4.14 billion.

  21. They don't have to be toll free honestly. They aren't charging you. The phone company is. What you are asking for is them to eat the cost of YOUR phone call.


    I can understand most complaints on this forum even if i don't totally agree with them. But not this one.


    Think about this for a second. You have a problem. Hell, let's use a recent example. Let's say you bought some stuff off the Cartel Market. Now, a rollback happens, and you've lost some of your CC's, plus the items you bought.


    A company could foot a small monthly fee, and in exchange, customers will be more likely to fix their issues, and stick around. Now, otherwise I assume most will think, "Now I have to spend more time and money on the phone, on hold, while being charged for it... You know what, I dont even care about my items. I'll find another game."


    Honestly, I would choose the second option everytime. Bugs, crashes, rollbacks, failure to accept payments, and other things that require Customer Support are already going to frustrate your player base. There's no (good business) reason to had more proverbial straws to the camels back.

  22. I'm sure some of you dont believe this after that hilarious post we had a week or two ago. Well, see for yourselves.




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    The more EAWare continues it's shenanigans, the more I love my signature. :)

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