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  1. Thanks everyone for the advice. And don't get me wrong, I'm loving this game, but I always want to make sure I'm as good as I can be at something like this. It bugs the crap out of me when I see a same level Jugg with 200 more HP than me. The advice that really stuck out though, was that I don't need to keep everything on me, but only the big guys. That's the sort of tidbits I was digging for. Just sort of what I need to be doing as a tank other than taking loads of damage. My main social gaming experience has been playing CoC on Xbox Live. This community has been almost too nice. I still have yet to be told by a 12 year old he was with my mom the night before. Everyone has been ridiculously helpful.
  2. First, let me put it out there that this is my first MMO. Not going to lie, there are some aspects of this game that are a bit overwhelming, though I think I'm starting to get the hang of things. I have a lvl 16 Jugg currently. I've read up on the different roles (Tank, DPS, and Healing). I was drawn immediately to the tanking side of things. I like the idea of taking the brunt of the attack while my teammates can do their thing. The problem I've found is that I don't think I'm very good at it. I can't seem to keep enemies on me. So I'm reaching out to the community to either give me tips or point me to a comprehensive guide (preferably video series) on what I need to be focusing on as a tank, how to play it, and what I need to work towards as I level up. Things like rotations and what I should be looking for when it comes to equipment upgrades, talent tree, ect. Pretty much anything you can think of. I'm not worried about PVP as I'm really enjoying the storyline so far. My focus is on PVE and being a valuable member when I group up. I play on Shadowlands. Toon name is Ratis. Any help would be most welcome. Thanks all.
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