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Posts posted by I_like_black

  1. It is simply priced too high for one item, no matter how rare. This kind of thing creates bad blood with the players and leads to cries of money grabbing etc. I believe one item of platinum rarity should be no more than around 5k cartel coins in price, as you'd expect to recieve a rare item from that amount of cartel coins spent on crates and it seems a fair tradeoff to sacrifice all of the items you would have recieved from crates for one very rare item.
  2. I'm pro-skadge. DS Comp options on a BH are limited at best so as a DS BH I quite liked him and his unrelenting, unforgiving, dont-give-a-f*** attitude. I swear some people just cant handle a little bit of confrontation, which Skadge brings in shedloads. I also liked when my BH refered to him as my attack-dog. Thats what Skadge is, the BH's version of a German Shephard.
  3. You don't actually own the ship, it belongs to the Empire and they allow you to use it. Its like saying the captain of a US Navy aircraft carrire owns the ship.:p


    Actually it is your personal Starship, your mentor buys it for you (Sith anyway) very thoughtful really.

  4. LOLcritics.


    Really, you're suggesting what the 'critics' have to say has any value?


    Sub numbers?



    In fact, on the basis of registered acounts, Rift was more successful at launch than SWTOR.


    When the critics all agree, yes it has value, and lets be honest they wouldnt have a job as a critic if they werent at least somewhat proficient.


    And everyone knows the sub numbers are good, and growing fast, so you have no argument there.

  5. I think the trouble is people are applying the same method to TOR as they are to any other MMO- focusing on getting to endgame. Really right now the meat of the content is in all the different classes, theres like a fully-voiced game equal in content to Skyrim for each class as it is. Although some might not like it, it is an altoholics(aka me) dream. That said the endgame content will come in time, so try not to fret too much.
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